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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. One of the reasons things are shot in 24fps is to give films that cinematic "feel". 48fps might make it look like a home movie or something, lol. Though Jackson seems very visual, I don't think this will be the case.


    So it's the framerate that gives feature films and home videos such distinct qualities? I've always wondered!

  2. So Danny has spoken. I was going to make a vote thread, but I've decided instead to add to the key of Godwin's genius spreadsheet, please mark in lime/proper green which day is your ultimate day of choice, no double choices, we'll decide from there...maybe.





    Also Danny, I'm not that far out of london tbh, so if/when you are here, if you wish to hang out for a night I'm sure myself and Marcamillian will probs be up for popping into to town and hanging with you if you fancy it. Maybe it could be a pre-meat-mini-meet in a nice pub for any londoners.


    (personally I'm not sure if I want to go on a day when ReZ can't, but MAYBE I WILL)



    (Also no homo, I just love him in my bum)


    I'd most definitely be up for any small meetings with N-E'ers during my stay regardless of how and when the Official Meet takes place. :)


    Oh, and no offence to anyone, but I, too, would not consider an N-E Meet without ReZ a proper N-E Meet. I would be seriously gutted if I didn't meet him at least once while in London, so if ReZ can't make the Meet, I'll have to track him down and stalk him. Ya hear me, ReZ? WE NEED TO MEET UP. NO MATTER WHAT.

  3. I still need to talk to my dad about it (he'll be home soon), but as it looks right now the 23rd and 30th don't look like viable dates to me. :hmm:




    All right, we've had a little family meeting about it, and this is the conclusion we've reached:


    The 9th and 16th are unfortunately the only dates that are viable for me. The 23rd and 30th would require manoeuvres which are, quite frankly, pretty absurd for us, since it would mean downgrading our vacation to a weekend holiday (on which my dad might not even be able to come with us), travelling to London twice in a short period of time, or dropping any sort of family vacation for me to take a weekend on my own to London. I hope you agree that it would be a bit absurd for us to go to those lengths to make it fit.


    I honestly am sorry that I can't make it on the 30th when most of you can since I'd obviously love to meet at many of you as possible, but I have to be rational about it. I am only able to come on the 9th or the 16th of July. Depending on how great lengths you're willing to go for my sake (honestly, I'm flattered that you're willing to shape this around me), it'll have to be one of those dates.


    It'd be nice if people would bump this.

  4. It was Rez who thought he might struggle with the 16th because of Claires birthday weekend. and you know, having to propose and all that ; )


    Most of the people with doubts about the 16th are oranges/maybes, so I'd really love to hear how those people deem their chances of coming since it most definitely is the best day for me.

  5. As it turns out, my dad was NOT able to get his holiday moved. This means his holiday is in weeks 27-29, meaning the two dates where we can get full vacation out of it are the 9th and the 16th.


    EDIT: I see it's likely a toss-up between the 16th, the 23rd and the 30th of July. If it's going to be the 23rd or 30th, I need to talk to my parents about our plans, and I'll get back to you on it tonight at the latest.

  6. Latin is great. I studied it for 6 years and miss it quite a bit. I loved translating texts. Or going to Italy and seeing all the Latin on the old buildings etc. =)

    Only did Ancient Greek for a few months, as an introduction in school. Only three people in my school studied it for the entire six years heh. It seemed nice, but I had enough with just Latin. =P


    I agree. :) There's also something truly fascinating about reading all those famous old works in their original language. It's like taking a journey back through time to the roots of our culture.


    I never really liked languages. I think that was because I was forced to do them throughout school In my school half the students did French and the other half did German. Nobody got to choose - it's simply that half of the houses did one, the rest did the other. I was made to do French and I hated it.


    I think the main problem is that schools teach you to say utterly trivial things. Like whole lessons to teach people to say "I am", "She is", "He is", etc. Which is pointless as there is a universal language for that: point and say your/that person's name. And they spend ages on "how are you" and responses which you're not likely to use. Teach us a bit about France, teach us phrases that we would use if we were ever to go over there. Make us WANT to go over there and speak the language.


    Everybody in the school also had to learn Welsh and I wish it would go away. It's a dead language. The strange "CchlCchlCchl" (which is what the letter "ll" sounds like) noises are horrible, the alphabet (a b c ch d dd e f ff g ng h i l ll m n o p ph r rh s t th u w y) looks awful. A lot of "modern" Welsh words include "hoci", "bws" and "tacsi" are just re-arranged English words - making it even more pointless.


    And what is bizarre is that Jones is one of the most common surnames in Wales. Now go back to the alphabet and have a look to see what letter doesn't exist in Welsh.


    Welsh just seems like a colossal waste of money. Who on Earth decided that all signs which say "Flintshire" must also contain the Welsh version of the word. Which is "FFlintshire". Seriously, who does that help?


    I have nothing against learning languages. Only the way that some are forced down our throats and how they're taught. Yes, keep Welsh lessons as an option. Just don't force it down us everywhere: it'll be preserved for countless generations by people who WANT to preserve it.


    A lot of anger I sense in you. ;)

  7. Until you learn the difference between "crap" and "awesome" you're only ever going to be held back... I've tried explaining it to you several times:


    "The Sequels to The Matrix Were Crap"


    Now you try it!


    Iun ... is ... a ... dipshit ...


    Hey, this is easy! :D



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