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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That forum HAS to be a joke. Seriously. I read through the first few pages and there's one point where someone (Danish) is trying to prove that Pippi Longstocking is actually Swedish and not Danish and puts up a wikipedia link proving it but the original poster says 'my browser doesn't allow porn sites but I can assure you that Pippi Longstocking is Danish'.


    They even put up the Finnish flag instead of the Danish one... It has to be a joke lol how can people be so narrow-minded even when faced with 100% evidence against their own opinion.


    Indeed, I've read through a few pages, and it's very obvious that they're trolls. The way their arguments are constructed, the peculiar focus of their anger, the subtle finesse of their provocations ... They may try to pose as religious nutjobs, but if you study their behaviour, you quickly notice characteristics that set them apart from the actual fanatics and reveal their true nature as (most likely atheistic) trolls.

  2. Danes aren't evil! They can't be! :weep:


    Oh? Take a look at this article and weep: 8 Reasons Why GOD HATES DENMARK!


    I apologize for my bluntness, then. I am conceding the argument to you heretics guys. Maybe it was the lack of smilies?


    No no, no need to apologise. :) You really weren't blunt at all. I've simply grown far too dependent on smileys to detect humour and irony in written form. It's even led to some rather embarrassing misunderstandings with one of my friends. :heh:

  3. That is the best parody I've seen. Pure fucking genius.


    I agree. Most other parodies I've seen just dumb things down unnecessarily. This retained the light-hearted feel of the original.

  4. That was indeed hilarious. :D


    I still miss Snake a little bit. Snake II just wasn't the same.


    The Snake games have got progressively worse as they've made them more advanced. The one on my current phone is in 3D! Snake shouldn't be in 3D, it should be 8-bit, for crying out loud!

  5. I have several friends on Facebook I don't know in real life, and I have no problems. The only thing I'm thinking is, if those friends, close or not, believe any shit rumour they hear about you, I'd reconsider if I'd want to keep them as my friends.

  6. I know, but it still works, because Socialism is, like, the good version of communism :heh: (you even have a goatee, which means there must be an evil Russian goatee-less Dannyboy somewhere out there)


    And of course I know you guys are non-believers atheist, the post was quite non-serious. I was just pointing out how it's done around here, I don't expect you to ever follow that logic.


    How do you know I'm not the evil twin?




    The last part of your post seems to ... serious for some reason. It's all in good fun, naturally! : peace:

  7. I'm sure it's easy to make light of when it doesn't happen to you, but I've spent the last 36 hours plus on damage limitation, and it's not been a picnic.


    As I said, I don't think any of us realised the severity of the issue, nor were we trying to be insensitive. If you feel we've hurt you, I apologise on my own behalf.

  8. Oh, so you prefer to say Monday is the first day, eh? You know who also does that? COMMUNISTS!


    *Ahem* This is a useless discussion, anyway. I happen to live in a rather catholic country where we rest on Saturdays because it is the seventh day, and we rest on Sundays because of Jesus (hence, Sunday is the more sacred day. You can work on a Saturday if you like, but on a Sunday? You're crazy!)

    Also, Monday is called "Second-Day". That makes things pretty clear for us.


    But you infidels Nordics and Brits and Irishmen use pagan names so you number them through convenience. I can see when I am outnumbered :heh:


    You do realise I'm Scandinavian, right? :heh: Not only am I an atheist, I'm also a socialist! :p


    Don't worry Jonnas, the calendar has your back :p


    Not it doesn't?

  9. Well pardon me for being a little touchy about anyone making light of me getting accused of paedophilia. It it had happened to you you'd know it's not something to joke about.




    That's the way he's coming across to me.




    I don't think I have, he's trying to make a joke out of my misfortune.

    I certainly wouldn't do that to anyone, and don't think it's a joking matter.


    Well, I do happen to be of the opinion that anything can be made fun of. Jokes about stuff like this gets thrown around a lot on these forums, and to be fair I don't think any of us realised how bad it was for you.


    That being said, I also believe I can safely say that no one here meant any offence.

  10. Are you deliberately trying to get at me, or are you just an arsehole?

    I haven't been here long enough to know, but you ain't funny either way.


    Wait, trying to get at you? :blank: I read it as a congratulation with a twist to make fun of those retards who talked shit about you ... Where do you see the negativity?

  11. Can barely keep my eyes open. sill got 30 minutes of this train journey l.eft and 20 minute (plus?) walk (stabbed?). and have to be up at 6am to be where i just come from.


    Tomorrow R Helltichoke.


    also someone n carriage down from me r hiccupping. i r lolzly.


    Drunken thread ...?

  12. Some of those shots were pretty impressive, but I concur with Chair, they are probably dicks in real life with their jock-like arrogance. I may just be basing this on most American TV programs I've seen though and the sterotypical actions of the characters in them!


    I think this is right. They didn't actually seem arrogant to me (didn't watch that much, though), but I did sense a vibe of cockiness, and I am pretty sure that's due to the stereotypical American football quarterback image I have in my mind.

  13. We really are similar, aren't we? :heh: If not for the metro and bus, I don't know when I would force myself to sit and read.


    But I haven't been reading anything recent, only been reading a few classics. Recently finished 1984, and then I will move on to Terra Sonâmbula (or Sleepwalking Land, in English).


    I have a cousin with this huge book collection, so I have plenty of literature to catch up on.


    It would seem so. :heh: Though my train rides are mostly reserved for listening to music ... no, make that enjoying music. I never enjoy music as much as I do when I ride the train (or the bus, but that doesn't happen as often).


    I think my problem is that reading requires me to focus a lot more than usual, meaning I have to avoid all potential attention stealers like my TV or laptop. Noise and disturbances don't seem to be an issue since they wouldn't grab my attention anyway, but train rides make it difficult for me to read. I think it's the "intimate" atmosphere that keeps me somewhat on guard socially, meaning I have trouble focusing enough. But that's also what makes train rides to perfect for enjoying music since it requires me to not actively focus, but let myself be swept away by the music.


    Perhaps I should try reading on less crowded, preferrably almost empty rides to see if that makes a difference ...


    Regarding specific books, I am currently working my way through the complete Sherlock Holmes collection and enjoying it very much! :D After that I know I have other classics in the house that I want to read, like The Wave and 1984.

  14. Objectively, it has to be mentioned that Peeps did well not mentioning alignments. One of the main shadows of doing a mafia game based on a (fairly) pre-determined list of goodies and baddies is that it can become very tricky for the mafia to stay 'hidden.' Town were rather lucky and smart in this game, mind you.


    Oh, I'm definitely not saying it can't make for a great game! :) I'm just saying I don't like it that much personally. But I fully acknowledge the benefits of it!

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