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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Rebecca Black is so 3 Fridays ago.


    Jenna Rose (My Jeans) is the best. New single out now!!!!!!!!!!



    ... Did I just watch a music video of a 13 year old girl singing about borderline sexual topics?


    He was serious. Lol. But we had a joke at the situation (of what I had said) and it wasn't a really close friend. It was a one night stand he had, and the guy remembered his birthday last year and sent some Japanese stuff/other stuff.


    He hasn't heard from him yet but apparently the internet is fucked out there still etc/so he doesn't know. But we saw the light side of the situation and what I had said. We're good friends so its all good. :p


    Ah, I see. :)

  3. Not quite on topic, but this is from earlier today.



    Tabletop gaming.


    Me ; "Can I do a poor taste joke."


    All ; "Yes."


    Me ; *shakes table*. "Its a Japan scenario!"


    *realises my friend had a friend out there he hadn't heard back from*


    "Oh shit, Tom hows your friend?"


    Tom ; "Probably dead."






    Was he being serious or making a joke as well? I can't tell.

  4. Just so you know, I don't blame anyone in particular (a big thank you to anyone who didn't vote for me!). I'm not taking it too badly, I just needed to vent my feelings (I didn't get a chance to because I was silenced). I do understand this is all part of what mafia games are like, and the mafia were would obviously want me lynched.


    What got to me was the Ho-oh thing, was it really so hard to accept? Sure, everyone was expecting just Kanto pokemon, but when it turned out Ho-oh was in the game, you just accept that Ho-oh was in the game! When you first start a mafia game, you don't know any of the roles or the characters and you should never predict what those roles are going to be. Besides, the names of the characters are almost completely irrelevant. It's just a theme. You don't judge people on character names, what matters is the role. I was lynched on the basis for being Ho-oh, that's what annoyed me.


    I don't really understand how it's against the spirit of the game. Maybe against the spirit of the theme, but the theme is essentially artificial. Every themed mafia game can be written with standard vanilla roles.


    I understand the need to vent. That's to be expected. I honestly don't remember if I ended up voting for you or not, but I did become accepting of the fact it was true towards the end when it was confirmed that Ho-oh was in the game. But you have to look at it from the town's point of view: It seemed like the textbook definition of a bad roleclaim at the time because we believed you were going to roleclaim Moltres. None of us thought it possible that Ho-oh was in it because it was clearly stated to only include first generation Pokémon. Ergo it DOES matter if the characters fit the theme or not, as it's a way for the players to test the probability of a roleclaim.


    It doesn't matter if the theme is artificial or not, what matters is what we can expect. Of course we shouldn't be able to predict everything - it's part of the GM's job to shake things up - but like it's been discussed before, the players need at least some framework within which they have a chance of predicting stuff. In a DIY mafia, for instance, it wouldn't be unexpected to see Indiana Jones facing off against the Smurfs, but if you suddenly brought the Smurfs into an Indiana Jones-themed game, it would ruin the feel of it and make it too unpredictable. Basically, anything goes as long as people have a basic idea of what they're going into. Otherwise they get disappointed and frustrated.


    Not bothered about going back to it but I'll assume the ones pushing the 'kanto pokémon only' vibe were mafia


    I think Rummy and I were the most frustrated disbelievers, and we were both town at the time.

  5. I didn't think the updated sprites and game mechanics (like shinies) were a problem. The old sprites, despite being nostalgic, are pretty shit compared to modern standards, and they wouldn't fit with the colour identification thing ReZ has got going. The main idea, that we were back in Kanto with the old Pokémon we know so well and love, was definitely fulfilled. :)


    Including Ho-oh and Lugia was still a bad move in my mind, though. Seriously, ReZ, how did you EVER figure those were Red/Blue material? :heh: I think it's fine for the host to make unpredictable moves in order to confuse things - in fact I think he ought to - but it just pissed us off because it was against the spirit of what this game was about. Like I said: Yoda in a Power Rangers mafia.


    However, while I understand the frustration of people being lynched unfairly like Zell and Eenuh, you shouldn't really take it too hard or blame anyone. Mafia games are all about paranoia and suspicions, and in a well-constructed game the townies won't win by waiting for confirmation or solid evidence.

  6. I was only lynched because of the whole type thing, which I didn't even realise myself at that point :rolleyes:.


    Which is why I honestly think ReZ should abandon it or mix it up somewhat. I think it's just too easy a way to figure out the mafia. It's of course nice to have when you're town, but I'm always a bit disappointed by it because it just makes things a wee bit too easy.


    Beautiful! :D


    The man makes a good point. The awfulness of the song (it really is fucking shit) and the crass crapness of the video are one thing to joke about, but the sheer bile of the twitter response aimed directly at Black herself is just...unsettling. Deeply unplesant stuff.


    Exactly. It truly is horrible.

  8. I think had Dannyboy not been recruited so late in the game, we would've won. It really threw a spanner into the works.


    Without trying to make myself sound important, I think you're right. Not that I as a player made more of a difference than anyone else, but the simple fact that the mafia got a pretty solid townie on their side (even one with investigate powers) really did paved the way for their/our win.

  9. Probably a good thing then. :D

    Which posts? I'm interested in the hypothetical results ;).


    Page 17 with 40 posts. It was hard because you rarely said anything! :p It was so uncommon for you to be so quiet and saying so little, so that was actually another reason for me to suspect you.

  10. Haha! :D The last dayphase was absolutely epic! I was so amazed that people didn't jump onto me straight away for being the obvious killer.


    I must say, it really paid off that I had actually been townie the first 8 days. It gave me a lot of evidence to fall back on, like the fact I had helped take down three mafiosos. On the night that I was turned was actually when I figured out the theory with the Water/Ice Pokémon, which is why I went for Sméagol that night. Tentacruel and chairdriver were my other suspects, though I couldn't fathom the three starter Pokémon being evil. But I do wish you'd mix it just a bit more up with the types, ReZ. :heh:


    Regarding Eenuh, I really am sorry. You can blame Rummy the most, I think. He was eminent at persuading us that you were evil.


    Oh, and the migraine I felt - was that purely because of the Fire/Ice thing?

  11. I have to say, how stupid were we for not picking up on Tales' double vote as evil?

    We had so much information at the end we were going round in circles and extremely paranoid about every little possibility!


    Well, to be fair, we did think it was balanced with a mafia double voter and a townie double voter for a long time. Heck, even I, who was suspicious of him for a good deal of the game, had my doubts due to the double vote thing.

  12. FINALLY! Do you realize how long I've been refreshing this thread? And he was crushed by every single remaining townie, no less!


    Gah! Dannyboy played too well for us...


    Heh, thanks. :heh: Turns out it does pay to keep at it - I've more or less been suspicious of Tales since my initial result.

  13. Please tell me Jayseven had a double vote. He did didn't he? I'm sure that's right. That means Jonnas did not have a double vote (except that one time).


    I will vote for Tales if everyone else agrees.


    The night before Jonnas was lynched he was targeted by Ellmeister!


    Someone say something!


    Man, you're right ...


    Dammit, it HAS to be Tales!

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