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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. All is good. :)


    OH! And also... I designed today the THIRD Big Legendary. Like Rayquaza... the monster that'll be on the box for Pokemon Light Version (Time/Space and Light? I dunno...) But yeah... it's pretty badass... I might draw the Legendaries next... Ghazeon and Ghizero are getting slightly tweeked designs, Ghazeon is less fat... it's got actual legs which left it's stomach off the ground.


    And they'll be joined by Ghortex.


    At first I was like ... "Light? That seems tame/unfitting ..."


    But then I realised that the speed of light is the constant that unites space and time!

  2. Urgh, really irritated with my boss right now. He changed a 1-to-1 lesson without telling me, so I spent ages planning a class I wasn't going to teach, despite having better things to do with my time (applying for other jobs, funnily enough). John, apparently, was teaching this one lesson with the student, and he only found out when I found out I wasn't, 10 minutes before it was meant to start. Very annoying.


    Things got worse when said student showed up 45 minutes late, and, come 2 hours after the intended start time, John finished the lesson when it was meant to. The student got really pissed off (on account of her being an idiot, it seems) and complained to Hasan, the boss. Hasan, in his unenviable nature, chose the stupidest way of handling it and walked into a classroom were John, other John and I were chatting and had a go at John, and getting us other two involved too. We both took John's side as, well, the class has a start and end time so, ooh, I don't know, so everyone knows when it starts and ends. It's a busy school, and the idea that some students have that they can turn up when they want and have a lesson is ridiculous, and Hasan, not being a teacher, doesn't understand why we find it so objectionable...


    Sounds like Hasan needs a smack over the head.

  3. I might see Sucker Punch because I do tend to like films which are panned (case in point: Speed Racer) but like I've said it just seems like Snyder is masturbating. Fun and enjoyable for him, but I'm not sure I'd pay to watch it.


    Huh, to me is seems like it's what Snyder is masturbating to. And that I wanna watch!

  4. We then, lets just throw our language over to the chavs and include 'innit' and 'pruk' aswell.


    But it's not a matter of "throwing the language over" or "giving it up". People already use the language that way. We're simply updating the dictionaries to reflect reality. Besides, it's not like standard English is "threatened". Standard English will develop along with people's use of it.


    Language is, as chair so well put it, a living organism. It's not something that linguists sit down and make the rules for. Every grammatical rule in existence, every description of how to use a language is a result of observing how people actually use the language.

  5. It's a double edged sword, you wouldn't want to see too much action or little to no character involvement either, would you? To be fair I think Spiderman is one of the more complex heroes characterwise, and I think the film should reflect that too, it's all about finding a balance though. The problem with films though is they can't/don't show a characters thoughts, part of the big attraction of Spiderman, in my opinion anyway, is that even when he's in the middle of some epic battle he's still stressing himself out about everyday problems.


    I agree completely. :)


    I disagree. Of course there should be SOME superpowers in action, otherwise it would be kind of a boring movie but it doesn't have to be the focus of the film. I loved The Incredibles (and still do) but that is mainly because of the plot: that superheroes are no longer allowed to use their powers so we see them struggling in every day life in stead. I think that kind of dilemma is interesting and I wish more directors would take that path.


    It also made Spiderman 2 quite a bit more interesting that Peter Parker lost his powers.


    But The Incredibles is a perfect example of an excellent balance, so why bring it up as a counter-argument? I never said the character drama couldn't be the focus of the film, I was merely expressing fear that they would go overboard with it. The first Spider-Man trilogy (whatever your opinion on them in general) managed to strike a great balance between action and character development in my opinion.

  6. Jeez, you guys are being old and grumpy. :heh: The addition of these words simply reflect how the language is being used. But I guess every generation hates the language of the next. As we laugh at the vocabulary of old people, so will youngsters laugh at our outdated vocabulary.

  7. I can't help but be a bit peeved at this. Why am I constantly under suspicion in mafia games when I'm good? Seriously, I've helped take down several scumnags now, I've revealed and had confirmed everything about me, and I've even been investigated as good! What more do you people want?! :p


    Seriously, though, I'm not really sure about this type thing. ReZ seemed to abandon it in the last Pokémafia. I'm hanging on to my own suspicions for now.

  8. Tbh I don't think this argument should really have been between Diageo and Paj again... Paj made a joke-y comment about the "fact" of Rihanna's greatness, Diageo responded with a joke about holding it in. Then Nolan defined fact as an account given by someone. Should really be everyone vs Nolan :p (sorry Nolan)


    You're right, it did start off as a joke on both sides. Then Nolan ruined everything with his seriousness! Shame on you, Nolan! :p

  9. Then why do you keep saying things are facts, when they're clearly not? I could understand if the whole post was written tongue in cheek or whatever, but it never comes across that way.


    Basically my thoughts on it. It's all fine and dandy being aware of everything, but it's a bit grating when people seem to actively try to provoke discussions by acting in a certain way, then defending themselves with being aware of it. Just seems to add insult to injury. [/this bit being a general annoyance not particularly aimed at Paj!]


    Yes, we've had the subjectivity debate before. So why even risk bringing it up again by using the word "fact"? We may disagree on this subject, but can we at least respect each other's opinions and not risk provoking each other if we're not interested in taking the debate again?

  10. And there is the link of being a player brought back from the last game like Mewtwo and Lapras... but still.

    On the other hand he put the final vote on Ell before giving him a chance to speak (a mafioso wouldn't have done that I don't think), he has a double vote where Jonnas was the mafia leader.... mafia would have too much power if they had two.

    Despite the differences we had early on he isn't the most suspicious to me.

    Have you really done NOTHING Dohnut? Seems like a big waste to not do anything if you have 3 powers.

    We can at least see what Tales has done in the write up (unless there's a changer) which is to just watch over people. Someone tried attacking MadDog, and that someone is either Nintendohnut or Sméagol.


    @Danny, you're Jynx right? Ice pokémon. Moltres is a fire pokémon. Makes sense. Could just be flavour/a little game mechanic.


    That's the only thing i'm dodgy with him about.


    But we know that he didn't try to kill MadDog. He's helped the town with his double vote.

    We know it's one of those two who tried to kill. Everyone else has been accounted for in the write up.

    They haven't done anything good for the town at all if you think about it. Nintendohnut claims to have done nothing for a long time, only appears to defend himself and has hardly voted, Sméagol claims a "passive" power.

    50/50 chance of which one of the two it is who killed.

    And we still need to hear what Eenuh and chairdriver got up to. chair roleblocked someone so there is a high chance he roleblocked the killer, or Eenuh could've have protected MadDog from her hut.


    @Peeps I don't think no lynch is the best option with the clock counting down.


    My vote is sticking for now. Need a little bit of pressure.


    (ps. I'm really getting into this game and wish everyone was online so we could sort this out!)


    Regarding the ice/fire thing, it would make sense if I was physically near him, but I investigate people mentally. It caused me a migraine, "mental" pain, so to speak, and I had trouble reading his mind. Add to that that he lied to us and was secretive/evasive about his power, and it starts to smell really fishy.


    One thing I don't get: Why are people ruling out people as mafia because they appear in last night's write-up? No one was killed, so it proves nothing, does it?


    As for people's current suspicions, I'm afraid I don't really follow them. I see no reason to distrust Nintendohnut at this point, and Sméagol ... well, Sméagol I actually have no idea about. He could be mafia for all I know. But there are better leads which I find more pressuring at this point, and with three scumnags already dead I'm more inclined to believe he's just being inactive.

  11. While Sméagol hasn't said much, he hasn't really done anything suspicious, either. I fear we'd just be wasting a day on an inactive townie with the mafia laughing their heads off, especially since I find there are other and far more suspicious characters - Tales being one of them.


    Having looked at it again, I've become quite suspicious of him. He has outright lied to us, he hurt me when I analysed him, there was something about a passive power that he didn't reveal, and he's generally been secretive and a overall suspicious in his behaviour. Looking back, we've never really followed up on this stuff because other things were more important, but with so few people left I'm starting to suspect he's one of the final mafiosos.


    Vote: Tales

  12. I guess we can assume the attacker hasn't appeared elsewhere in the write up, normally the killer has to give up his night power unless he can for some reason attack twice in one night. 6 Pokemon appear in the write up. Remove those and we are left with four people who must eplain what they were doing. Yellow and orange is me, Moltres. Majestic is MadDog. Someone with notes has to get the rest.


    I wouln't suggest testing Dannyboy's power. I suspect we have to find the two mafias on the first try or we lose.


    Couldn't the attacker still appear in the write-up, but without it being apparent that he or she was the attacker?

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