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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. ---

    I forgot about that actually, Nintendohnut removed Tales's vote so he definitely didn't kill.


    It is either Tales or Dannyboy. Dannyboy has already been investigated by me and came up good...


    But... the double vote thing :hmm: surely that would've been used a lot more if they had both been mafia? Maybe Jonnas's was optional or just a one time vote?


    Starting to sway over to Tales now.


    I wouldn't put it past ReZ to pull something like two people with potential double vote powers in the mafia, especially if there is only one mafioso left - which I both hope and think is the case. ReZ likes to keep us guessing with his games.


    I stick with my vote for Tales. He is by far the most suspicious in my eyes.

  2. I kinda feel like we should question Dannyboy a bit more over what happened in the write up.


    You can question all you want, but I'm afraid it won't do anything. :hmm: Honest to Zeus, I have no clue what happened. None of it makes any sense. I targetted Tales and got a result as normal. I didn't dance, I didn't shoot any pink ribbon thingies, and I most certainly never went anywhere near MadDog. This is why I suspect the mafia to have had a write-up-altering ability, at least during last night, since my actions are so out of place and character.

  3. Thanks Peeps.


    I guess because Dohnut is actually a water pokémon with an ice beam?


    Well, back to my theory.

    See all of our evolution powers are leaf stone/water stone trigger. I was guessing that the firey equivalent would be the same. Tales is a fire pokémon, and claims to make people evolve, yet on night 4 he targeted Cube, Charmander. He did not evolve. You'd epect with fire on fire, he'd evolve. But nope. He remained charmander and died when Mewtwo did.

    This made me wonder whether the bit about evolving in his PM was made up, seeing that Dannyboy got a low reading on him.


    I did come up with one explanation, that this "Power of the Sun" wasn't actually for fire pokémon, but would instead make Eevee evolve into Espeon. I'm guessing Eevee turned into Flareon through Cube targeting him at some point (there was an Eevee, right, i'm not making it up I dont think!). But would it make sense for Moltres to have a light power? If there's a couple of water evolvers, would there be a couple of fire evolvers? Could Cube only evolve by targeting himself? There haven't been any other grass pokémon who could make Peeps evolve, have there? Were we expected to work out that we could target ourselves? I wouldn't have worked it out until when my power was enhanced by Ell and chair when ReZ said "you can target yourself as well as someone else." Was this planned all along or did he tell me this to get me to evolve in the way that Peeps did?


    So yeah, that is a bit rambly. I'm not sure what I conclude from all of that. But that was my thoughts. Is Tales evolving power legitimate? Does Dohnut really have a water stone? Did he make anyone evolve? I've never targeted chairdriver so someone else must have evolved him.


    I have to admit I was reading that and thinking: "Where is he going with all this?" :heh:

  4. I did a LGBT Awareness and Homophobia talk at my old school last week because it was quite homophobic. It went awesomely and I've been asked back to do it twice next year and then once a year after that. But to be honest, I'd like one year them to say that I'm not needed back.


    I do stand up comedy so my talk was a lot like that, everyone was laughing and I ripped into 50 Cent for a good minute.


    Please stop being so damn awesome. You're making me depressed about my own life.

  5. The ones I sent in now.. 3 gamebabes, 1 gamedude, and the one odd choice. Most of them I consider this gen or at least "not too old", except for one of my gamebabes, she's a bit older, and I guess madDog hasn't heard of her. Good I included those videos ;).


    A gamer dude choosing gamebabes as characters?! Unheard of! ;)

  6. He's been after me for quite a while so it makes sense he is still making things up to get my lynched. "Clearing" other townies make the said townies trust him. It doesn't mean he is telling the truth. Your turn to eplain the danny and write up.




    Yes, and joining an offensive against three of my fellow mafiosos was also part of the plan to get the town to trust me.


    And you call my theory crazy ... :nono:

  7. It's just too random. Tentacool then and Tentacruel now. I know he was killed, but it's too random. It doesn't mean your evil though, I actually leaning more towards Danny now. Have you confirmed his power mr-paul? (Danny's I mean)


    I do appear in the write up, but nothing that proves my innocence unfortunatly, as it's related to mr-pauls action and not mine.


    I'm so tired of this. Listen, I've helped take out THREE mafiosos. THREE! And it wasn't like I jumped on the bandwagon because it was inevitable - I was part of the offensive against both Jonnas, Ellmeister and Eddie. You can go back and read it for yourself. Furthermore, I've been investigated as good by The Peeps, yet you still suspect me? You're only strengthening my suspicions here.


    I have this crazy theory that the device going off last night somehow let the mafia alter the write-up. That would explain my apparent strange actions, and it would fit with you trying to direct suspision my way.

  8. Did the posts of Dohnut's that Dannyboy analysed have the definitions of powers? Or just his claim to be good? Got good lie detector results and a good investigation from Peeps.


    I analysed the page with only the post in which he explains his role and powers and got the standard (above) 90% truth rating.


    The time travel aspect may not mean that much... Ho-oh was in this game too and wasn't mafia :heh:


    Haven't the second generation Pokémon always existed, just without people just knowing about them before? What's strange is that Tales's Moltres is specifically mentioned to be the one from the previous game, but how did it come back in time if not with Mewtwo?

  9. Well, you were clearly doing something next to MadDog. Yet your pm spesicially says you got information on me?


    I have no idea what happened regarding MadDog. In fact, nothing of what happens there makes any sense to me. Why am I "dancing"? I suspect the write-up has been tampered with in some way.

  10. Dohnut hasn't voted, no.


    And I'm not lying about my actions! I did indeed analyse you!


    Regarding Moltres turning evil, I don't pretend to know the storylines that ReZ creates. One thing I do know is that he loves to keep us guessing with twists and reveals. Moltres could have been brainwashed by Cybernetic Mewtwo for all we know.


    In fact, thinking about it, how did you even come back in time? You said you survived the game and gained power... But that was in the future so how is that possible? The only explanation is that you travelled back in time with mewtwo because otherwise you wouldn't have gained that experience.


    Your story just doesn't make sense!


    That's actually a brilliant observation. I hadn't even thought of it that way. Just confirms my suspicions, really.

  11. Danny, why didn't you analyse a post where tales said 'I am a townie, I am good etc' like the one I made? Surely that would have been more use than his pm?


    Because the role PM was the closest thing I could find to a claim about pretty much anything about him. He has never actually stated "I am good/townie" or anything of the sort. If I wasn't so afraid of wasting another day, I'd ask him to make such a post today and analyse it tonight. But if we're going to have any chance of winning this, I believe we need to lynch a mafioso today, and Tales is the only remaining player it can be in my eyes.


    It's possible that Chairdriver died before reaching you


    Oh hi! I suppose that is an option actually... Which makes things interesting


    But kills normally don't roleblock since it can create paradoxes. I encountered this problem in my very first mafia.


    SECOND/THIRD POST: but if chair died before that, how did tales even get that investigation? Surely chair wouldn't have actually targeted Dannyboy, because he was dead?


    ... And this supports it. If chair didn't reach me, there wouldn't even be an investigation result, meaning Tales is lying either way.

  12. I know I still have to do my Bare Bones mafia but I am also seriously considering running a Pokemon game based on Hamishmash's fake Pokemon. Some of the ideas in the set are too good not to be used!


    When ReZ sees this post, he's gonna explode from sheer, orgasmic happiness.

  13. Wait, what?! I hadn't even noticed that! I literally have no idea what's going on there. I thought I'd simply gone into the field because all the Pokémon seemed to have gone out to look at the machine, so I didn't think much of it. I hadn't even made the connection that the pink ribbon things should be me. It doesn't make any sense, though, as I certainly did not kill anyone. I targetted Tales, not MadDog.


    You say chairdriver targetted me last night, Tales? But that doesn't add up. I've received no mention of my power being enhanced. Once again you're lying - and conveniently enough the person whose target you're lying about is unable to say otherwise because he's dead. How can we know you didn't just invent that target in order to hide your true actions tonight?

  14. Found out today the bitchcuntshithead who got me arrested has continued her downward spiral (since I last heard about her a few years ago) and was spotted look rough and fat, and presumably working a shit job.


    Wait, what? I don't think I've heard this story.

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