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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. My friend put on facebook that apparently Maru is fine, this it has to be said did make me giggle a little. She loves him.


    I feel bad about how glad I was to hear this.


    It's far more likely that it's taught, but followed immediately by the teacher high fiving the nearest student, chanting "USA! USA! USA!" and then firing his revolver at the sky.


    And I laughed far too much at that mental image.




    But Jesus Fucking Christ, that bitch makes my piss boil! :mad:

  2. Oh for heaven's sake. [/in Dannyboy-the-Dane's accent] @ this thread/Daft/Molly/Chair.


    I have no idea if this is related to me at all.


    So I'll just say: Good to see you again, Molly. :) (See? No eye comments!)

  3. Went to a party. Kinda awful. But saved by the belles: Rudolph, the best person you'll meet from Lativa. Tiago (I think it means I love you). Yes.


    Drank *a lot*. Strangely (perversely??) most eloquent I've been in a while. Trawl through my Twitter feed to see. [Oh fuck, I've just revealed myself as a self-promoting egocentrist.] [LOOK AT ME, I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE] [/insert feigned humility to balance things out]


    Had a moment of enlightenment. I saw that my future lies in exploitation. But I have no talents to exploit. Therefore, logical conclusion is people. JOINTHECAPITALEXPRESS. #ActuallyNotTryingToBeALeftie #ItJustHappens I'd make a relatively OK villain. Or perhaps not, because villain reduces a complex persona into shite 1-Dimensional "story" concepts. Fuck stories. But yeah, I'd blatantly be the villain of the N-E TV series. #Ohfuck,theregoesmyegoagain [it's fine, I'm the most negative member] [such a huge ego, I love his big ego]


    Should be the most hypocritical member too, {but maybe that would be asking for too much?} since all I do is spool shit, like I'm driving FTL. [Oh. My. God. That's blatantly a lyric on my rap album.] I mean, you can't really script some of the bullcrap I come out with. I don't really know where it comes from either?? A pointless self-destructive urge to be confrontation and nonconformist. I blame my SHIT parents. [Pointless rude, and *such* an obtuse conclusion to reach] {Wrong use of obtuse, all I can thing of is angles, and the opposite of acute. IDOMATHSERGOCAN'TUSETHEENGLISHLANGUAGE,SUEME} But yeah, I apologise. Sometimes it just makes no sense to be nice to shit people [/implicit self-elevation]


    Yeah, I'm a massive cunt. Deal with it. I'm scared of lonely.


    I love you for your utter self-awareness and direct attitude.

  4. Oh and also feel robbed that i made it through a day and then was killed when the mistake was realised!


    How so? It was only fair, seeing as the majority count had been wrong all along.


    Again, being absent didn't help, but basically I had an extra part to my role. I apparently hated the Weasleys so within 2 nights I had to have one of them killed. I also couldn't kill them myself so I had to get another mafioso to do it, and if I failed I would 'do something to myself', and it was hinted that I would kill myself.


    To me this was a little harsh. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the whole thing, which meant I could say whatever I want but if I was overrided it would be over for me. Which in the end it was, although again, my lack of internet didn't help. Still, even with internet I doubt I could have fulfilled the plan. We had no idea who anyone was so I basically had to find one of the two Weasleys in the game and then kill them... within 2 nights. Urgh.


    Jesus, that is a harsh objective!

  5. I'm back!


    A few comments on the discussions:


    Diageo is always distrusting of everyone and everything in a mafia game. It was nice that he pointed it out (I hadn't thought of it), but as he said, he didn't vote, so it was mostly just speculation. I personally don't think it's anything to go on, but it's always good to take note.


    Does anyone know if Dyson has actually been online over the weekend? I don't recall seeing him much on the forums lately, so maybe he's simply inactive? (Which is a sin in itself, but that's another matter ...) He may be able to shed some light on Zell, but he may just as well not.


    As for Zell himzellf (lol) ... I'm not convinced that he's evil yet, but I am definitely somewhat suspicious.

  6. I've always considered it more a case of the Pokémon becoming more tame when caught by a Poké Ball. You have to remember that Poké Balls have appropriate environments for the Pokémon they contain. Whenever Ash first let out a newly caught Pokémon, it acted just like a pet inspecting a new home. And regarding the badges, I'm pretty sure the mechanic is simply meant to reflect the Pokémon gaining respect for you as your experience grows.


    You're looking at some of this stuff pretty simplistically, methinks. Where's your suspension of disbelief regarding game mechanics? Do you believe there are countless signs around Hyrule that mention an A button as well? :heh:

  7. Those roles are great! :D But you can never really know how a game will turn out. ;)


    Maybe in my next game, I won't include every character but I wasn't sure whether that was allowed. I tried to look it up but couldn't find anything but I wasn't going to risk it.


    How to do the write-ups is a thing that is often discussed. There are widely different and clashing opinions, but most people agree that a fine balance between clarity and ambiguity should be kept. Spelling out all characters and their actions tend to make it too easy for the town to figure the mafia out, so it's often favoured to only describe some of the night's actions and then maybe just superficially mention the others - if even at all. However, it is completely up to the hosts themselves how they wish to do the write-ups.

  8. I whinged a lot in-game about the deaths not showing alignment to appear innocent, but from a mafioso's POV, it was a good idea. Otherwise the game would have ended rather quickly, I should think, with far less mystery and confusion (being a good thing in mafia games imo).


    Yeah, but it's just very frustrating for the town, especially since it's all we have to go on, and it did take a lot of the fun out of it - for me personally, at least.


    Incidentally, how many people actually tried, at all, to stick to their personality profile? I worked hard to stick at mine, but it seemed like everyone else was just acting normally.


    I gave that up pretty quickly. :p I was supposed to be an arrogant private investigator who prided herself in being able to see through any lie. But it was still a pretty neat idea. :)

  9. Skived off from studying and took a walk into the city centre this morning. Found the nude blazer of my dreams in TK Maxx, reduced from €182 (eeek!) to €20. It's by some Italian brand called (ethic).




    Looks very nice, and what a bargain!

  10. Not telling the alignment was more realistic. I thought it would be interesting to try. Was thinking people would use more deductive reasoning to try and discover alignment.


    I like the approach, and it's certainly more realistic, but without alignments we really don't have much to deduct from. It'd require a lot more work than I think most of us have the time/energy for.

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