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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. That's probably because it's pretty effortless for everyone in that video.




    Free running is just another name for parkour. There's isn't really a difference (considering I heard this from Sebastien Foucan's mouth, I'm going to go with it) although some people will tell you there is. The term 'freerunning' was initially used because people thought the word 'parkour' wouldn't catch on in England.


    As for all the fancy moves...well, no that's not really parkour but then parkour has individual techniques and styles so it is and it isn't. Personally I'd say it's parkour with fancy shit thrown in. :heh:


    This article should clear a few things up if you have time to read it. Le Parkour - An Overview


    But aren't the creators (including Sebastien Foucan) also in disagreement about the definitions and values of parkour/freerunning?

  2. It felt too much like Shrek, only without all the brilliant references.


    I disagree entirely. It felt nothing like Shrek to me. Shrek was a hilarious parody on the fairy tale genre, whereas Tangled embraced the genre and produced something much more fresh and great than I've seen in a long time. The amount of personality in the characters astonished me.


    And Inception won 3 Oscars last night, Danny, more than I think it would have been expected to win! :p


    Yeah, but expectations mean nothing to me. Personally, I'd rather have seen it win for Best Director (or even Writer) and Score.

  3. Well, I certainly hope I won't be called in to work today, seeing as I got no sleep at all. :p


    Not completely pleased with the results. Nolan really deserved an award for Inception, and I'm not happy that Hans Zimmer didn't win for Best Score, either. I'm also pretty bummed that I See The Light didn't win Best Song, and I honestly believe Tangled at least deserved a nomination for Best Animated Feature. And I think it deserved to win.

  4. Personally I'm of the opinion that these days online/offline is a quickly diminishing distinction. Look at this place! Half of us know eachother IRL- lived together, fucked, argued with and all the rest just like any other community. The fact that it's primarily online is, for me, irrelevant.


    This is true as well.

  5. From what I understand, most laptop CPUs idle around 50C, so your idle temperature is fine. The highest temperature you can safely operate at is usually around 75C-90C, but it depends on the system.


    Its possible that its your graphics card overheating if you're bellow those temperatures with the CPU though. Unfortunately. Speccy doesn't list the GPU temperature, so you'll have to download this tool: http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html to check it.


    Well, the CPU temperature did go up to 80 when I tested it on Minecraft last night, so it's not unlikely that prolonged playing would have kicked it up to 90 and shut the system down. It's just a shame, really, that Minecraft takes such a toll on my system.

  6. Alternatively you cold look and see if your motherboard's BIOS has any fan settings, although, I don't recommend mucking around there without knowing what you're doing.


    I have no idea what you're even talking about, so I'll stay clear of it lest I fuck things up. :p


    At the moment my CPU temperature is down at 47 degrees, which is surprisingly low compared to yesterday. But it also said it was at 55 degrees when I just booted my laptop up, so I don't know. Basically I have no idea what temperature my laptop is/should be.

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