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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. So Vote: Dannyboy just because you're a suspect trying to vote for me without having really proven it wasn't you.


    So mature of you. ;)


    I'll already said that I'll happily tell what people want to know if need be, but so far they seem to trust me, so I see no need to divulge anything. To be honest, I don't feel ANY of our leads are more than paper thin at the moment, so the vote for you was as good as any. I'm not even sure how much we should read into this NPC roommate's death. I'm also suspicious of this Desterate Bulding mentioned, and Rummy still worries me with his little black book.


    But what annoys me the most is that we aren't told if dead people were good or evil! And this whole prison thing confuses me as well. If we release them, are they just a part of the game again or what?


    Generally, I'm just very, very confused by this game.

  2. By that logic no one should ever be upset about anything, because there are always people who have it worse. :indeed:


    Yeah, ReZ isn't one to normally let himself be dragged down by such things. If he's down about it, it's not just something you have to "man yourself up" from. The psychological well-being of regular people (and not just people diagnosed with mental conditions) is something that's far too often overlooked, it seems. Too many times it's just shrugged off with people saying stuff like "pull yourself together" or "don't be a whiner".

  3. I have no idea what Esequiel is referring to. (Loving the way he managed to refer to me, though! :p) Somebody impersonated me the night before the day I was action-silenced, and it makes sense that they used Polyjuice Potion to do so. But I've never used Polyjuice Potion myself (at least not that I know of). I want to know where he has that info from, especially seeing as there's a bit of suspicion on him.


    If need be, I'll reveal my role, of course, but I don't see a reason to yet.

  4. My "mysterious" power is not at all "mysterious". I was/am just a noob at using it, hence my own befuddlement. :heh: I can reveal it if need be.


    And yes, my roommate is my daughter (can't remember who asked).


    It seems we have few different leads to go on at the moment. I'll see how the debate evolves before making a decision.

  5. But isn't the death note person in this game anti religious?


    Yeah, the key word being "ex". I could imagine he/she was a priest who has a beef with religion in some way, either having left the church or having been kicked out for some reason.

  6. How do we know Dazz is a SFU member? No-one has had any information after their deaths I thought?


    Dazz just died, and he was described as a member of the SFU.


    An ex-priest? And no mention of alignment ... I'm willing to bet that she was evil.

  7. I didn't figure it out as such, it's just a guess. I remembered that you were silenced and you mimed about polyjuice potion and now Esequiel is doing the same.


    Ah, yes, so I did. I had forgotten! :p


    I wonder how Esequiel figures he's been Polyjuice Potioned since I don't see a case of the same person doing two different things in the write-up.

  8. More "paper" stealing. Once again making Rummy look suspicious with similar circumstances. This game is too confusing!


    How is Rummy being made to look suspicious? If anything, he's less suspicious now that Dazz, a SFU member, has also been found stealing stuff.


    Anyway, I'm willing to go with the vote for Eddie. I do her her/him suspicious for certain reasons.


    Remove Helmet


    Arrest: EddieColeslaw

  9. I know she is a girl in real life, I know her in real life. I said he because it is a HE character.


    Oh, sorry. It's just more common in mafia games to refer to players by their own gender, not their character's, so I thought it was a mistake - I think we all thought she was a guy for a while. :heh:

  10. So to combat that, you think we should all not play any games, and then the inactives will just stop joining games?


    Nope, I expect inactive people to gain interest again. We saw the mafia games die out last time, seemingly because people got an overdose.


    Personally, I don't think we can blame inactivity in mafia games totally on there being lots of them going on.


    There are lots of factors, including how good the GM is at keeping to deadlines; the style of the game (Dazz and Diageo's games currently running are extremely different to each other); how good a start the mafia gets off to - if they get killed quickly they'll become inactive to keep low; how quickly the most active players get killed/voted off and also how well the actual roles suit the players who have them.


    I think it's also good for a mafia game for there to be lots of confusion/false results/switchers.

    The most fun I have in mafia games is going after Nintendohnut genuinely believing he is evil even if he isn't!

    And I admit that I do prefer to be mafia than a townie. Being in a neutral mafia was good because I got no real suspicion :P


    There's no reason to sign up to a mafia if you don't think you can participate much.

    There is a trend of certain players who always sign up, post once a day, every other day and last a lot longer than people who would generally be active. It annoyed me in the pokémafia, the one where us as the mafia were close to winning and suddenly several townie inactives appeared and won after doing NOTHING all game, not even sending PMs some nights.


    I guess that's part of the excitement of it, but there's my analysis of the mafia game situation :P




    I agree. I think we need some games that are not as text-heavy and with very active roles that will get some action and suspense going. I certainly enjoy the two current games, but they're heavier and slower which might decrease people's interest.

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