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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. It seems like we're hitting a wall again ... There hasn't been much activity lately in the mafia games. I propose we take a short break (not a hiatus like last time :p) from mafia games after the current games are over to give us time to build up appetite. And no early sign-up threads or inactives signing up!

  2. Right, for Dohnut's sake and because of obviousness ATM:


    Change Arrest: Rummy


    I'm worried about the fact that we don't seem to be told people's alignment when they're arrested. Surely we need to be told when we arrest a scumnag? It'd be impossible to win otherwise. Also, even though we can release people again, I assume the arrest still counts towards majority, i.e. it still benefits the mafia?

  3. Little bit scary though seeing as the military is now running the country... that just doesn't sound good on paper.


    I agree, it unnerves me a bit, too. But I don't know much about how it is in Egypt at the moment, so this may very well be the best option for now.

  4. He mentioned that in one of reviews, also pointing out that those reasons are exactly why people are watching his videos and that's what all his viewers want to see him do.


    But they're his viewers because they expect just that, so it's a circular argument.

  5. I'm also very suspicious of Rummy right now. Would Diageo include a person writing in a little black book that's NOT the Death Note? I hardly think so. But since we're closer to majority on Dohnut, I think we should keep the pressure and hear his explanations. We can always deal with Rummy later.

  6. picture001sty.jpg


    3 Year Old Me vs Big Ass Food Mixer = Mixer Won, took 4 fingers, left thumb, Hospital took a toe from each foot and popped them onto my hand, now i'm like awesome and stuff, I love it and I have half a hole in my foot.


    My first thought: Are you able to play console games?

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