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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I think people are easily put off by intricate game mechanics. It would seem that a good deal of us (myself included), while admiring the new and clever ideas, actually prefer it when things are more simple. Few seem to have the drive to put enough effort into figuring out new mechanics.

  2. I know what he ment, I'm saying this thread shouldn't really be the place to talk about that kind of thing since it'd go off topic which it slightly kinda is now.


    It's just, there really wasn't any discussion to go off-topic from. :heh:


    Anyway, let's just move along now. I hope we get somewhere soon ...

  3. Is this the right place to be suggesting that kind of action for a member of the forums that would affect his activity in forum games?


    We're not going to ban him or anything, we're just tired of his lack of activity in mafia games. But yeah, it's now awfully relevant to this particular game.

  4. Who is changing the names of the 'best/worst thing to happen to you today' threads, and why? Evidently I've missed out on another forum meme.


    Yeah, it's getting annoying. Can we stick with the smileys, please? They're perfect for the purpose.

  5. I attemted to record myself reading aloud both the extract from Wikipedia and The North Wind And The Sun, but I'm too tired to even read aloud properly, so I'll try again tomorrow. :heh:

  6. 23 days is the maximum time to kill someone with a Death Note. 40 seconds is the minimum.


    And it is possible this is a group that shares a Death Note. Fortunately, they don't seem to know our names...yet.


    Oh, I see. So I guess we can assume the mafia can specify when we die. But they need to know our names and faces ...

  7. I mean that there's nothing wrong with people doing good thing so that they feel good about themselves, just that they shouldn't convince themselves that they're doing it purely for the good of humanity.


    We could always discuss whether it's even possible to do a perfectly selfless act, but I'm not actually in the mood for it.

  8. I think it's a bit too vague to go on ... Still, I'm really intrigued about how the mafia/killing works in this game, so I don't feel sure either way. If we assume that the mafia is indeed a group of people as usual, do they share a Death Note? And if they're using a Death Note, when will it strike? Isn't the kill time 23 days or something? I can hardly imagine the game going on for that long.


    Basically, I'm confused as heck. :confused:

  9. I've never supported the concept that people can't change. First of all, the idea is bullshit. People can change. It happens all the time. Second of all, I truly believe people deserve the chance to redeem themselves. There are numerous reasons why people commit crimes, but in many cases it's not their own fault that they've ended up there. They've been pushed there by circumstances in their lives. Why not try to help them instead of simply punishing them?

  10. Had an epic evening yesterday at the annual meet for classical languages students from two semi-local schools! It was so awesome seeing the others again, meeting the new students (who were really nice) and partaking in the planned shenanigans (we're a weird bunch). :D

  11. Even if some people do it to feel better about themselves, even if it may not help in the end, even if [insert all other reasons for not signing it here] - why not do it? It literally takes only a few seconds, you lose absolutely nothing by doing it, and it may save somebody's life. There's absolutely no reason not to do it. I think I understand what you're trying to say, Moogle, but I disagree wholeheartedly. I hate this idea that we should feel guilty about being born in a great place because others are not so lucky. Nobody will be saved by us feeling guilty, and we as individuals won't be able to change much. Only the big players in the game of the world will be able to have a large effect on its grotesqueries. But we can do what little we're able to, such as signing petitions, donating to causes etc. - i.e. supporting those big players.

  12. Even though I've been brought up speaking rigsdansk (Danish without an accent), my intonation is still influenced by the fact I live in Jutland. When I speak fast my dialect also tends to become more Jutlandic.


    Regarding English, I've been told numerous times I have a British accent, though there are probably lots of American elements in it since I pick up my English from both British and American sources.

  13. Oh okay, Dannyboy is not viewing the thread anymore. Potential hax here folks....


    I was about to post, but needed to send a PM to Diageo before posting my message. I ended up navigating away from the thread.


    Another note: Can we assume that the last address a person enters is his or her own home?

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