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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Why is she an idiot exactly? She put her card details in to pay for her son to play online. I don't know about you lot but I don't expect a reputable company like Microsoft to save my card details without my express permission, to be easily used without asking so much as the CVC.


    Well, isn't it her responsibility to research these things? Besides, it's not like Microsoft is stealing the money off the card. It's the kid who's spending it.


    Again, this can never be Microsoft's responsibility. They're running a completely legitimate business (their morals/methods/reputation are a different story altogether). Bottom line is there's no cheating or scamming going on. If customers can't handle the way the business works, they shouldn't be doing business with the company in the first place!


    Most of all I'm just tired of people putting responsibility everywhere else but on themselves. It's like the new way of measuring success in life: How much responsibility you can avoid taking.

  2. not the kind of thing i'd want to make myself get used to just so i can hang out here...

    it'd be like trying to get used to hanging out with someone you don't really like, and who happens to think that a friendly drop-kick to the stomach is an acceptable form of greeting. :blank:

    i'ma go ahead and make the choice not to get used to this, and to go somewhere that makes me feel welcome instead.


    ....just one last time: :nono:


    Well, the point is that the people in here really are great and likable beneath the surface, and I just think it'd be a shame to let the tone dishearten you from coming back. :)

  3. How can this ever be Microsoft's fault? They have already implemented parental controls. What more does she want - baby bottles included? Come on, where ever did words like "personal responsibility" and "sensible parenting" suddenly go? I'm so sick and tired of parents not taking their time to make their kids responsible individuals and just letting them do whatever they please.

  4. Thank you for the kind donation, danny boy ^_^


    or else you will die, obviously i'm not going to understand the reference, to me it just looked like you were attacking me - which really upset me and left me thinking you were just a mean-spirited fucktard.

    i see now that you're not! :grin:

    ....but that being said, i'm reminded why i don't come here that often anymore - i feel like i'll be penalised if i don't spend every waking hour on here and know exactly who's said what in previous threads in order to understand all the countless in-jokes. I feel really unwelcome, and like i don't belong here at all.


    i'll be honest - a lot of your comments really upset me today.

    Jayseven, ramar, and anyone else who feels the same way: my sincere apologies for cluttering up your forum. i don't visit often because i don't have the spare time, what with work and other commitments...


    the nono smiley is the only decent thing left about this stupid forum anyway, y'all know it's true. [/harsh]


    Well, it's no secret that I think the tone on these forums is somewhat harsh at times, but I also firmly believe it rarely, if ever, stems from actual animosity. I believe it's a combination of loving banter and respectful, if somewhat brutal, honesty.

  5. So...didn't really know where to post this.


    My friend called me up an hour ago, she was upset earlier today (crying and the usual blah - was 'love' related. Basically the guy she flirts with and was kind of going out with but not really but pretty much, told her he 'loved' her but because they both had so much other crazyness in their lives it would be best if they don't see each other...or something) so I looked after her for a bit and we bantered.


    She called me up about an hour ago drunk. Got all they usual stuff 'You're a really good friend' blah, blah, blah. I'm kind of chuckling and saying that's what I'm here for. Then she says 'I love you'. Now usually I'm happy to do what I normally do and ignore any form of compliment/affection but...is that a normal thing to say to a friend?


    I'm not good with humans who have positive feelings regarding me and I've ignored/missed more explicit signals in the past. I can deal with the 'hate' side of emotions.


    Maybe I'm a sociopath...


    Anyway, needed to spill.


    Yeah, I'd say she's just projecting her conflicting emotions onto you. It seems to often happen to the male friend who supports a girl throughout a rough relationship/lack of same. I'd just keep supporting her as a friend and let it stay at that for now.


    I am a noob in this area, though, so obviously I may very well have it all wrong. Just thought I'd give my five cents since I've been in that exact situation.

  6. Here is my little springer, she 2 now and was a rescue dog, to be honest, she is more of a human then a dog!!!




    her and her ball!!!




    Bex playing on my PC she loves anything with a screen




    Her trying for a job in a call centre.


    I love how the ball makes her look like she has a big, smiling mouth. :D She seems like a really cool dog. :)

  7. "And Doctor Who is about a man who is so immortal, he travels in time in a police box, fighting random alien villains." I think to myself, while reading. "Any work of fiction can be ridiculous if we want it to be. But I'm guessing you're not counting science fic-"






    But seriously, where was he getting at? British > American? British > comics? Everything > comics? America is being conquered by England again? England is being conquered by America? And whatever it was, it involved American actors having vague British connections in their birth?


    Either way, I hate his style of writing. Maybe it's British humour at its lowest form, but it comes off as incredibly arrogant, as if it's saying "I'm better than anything I'm writing about."


    A much better expression of my thoughts than I was able to produce.

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