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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Deal with it. It's a form of entertainment.




    Seriously, though, it's not that I'm in any way bothered by continuity, it's that there are innumerable amounts of comics that all offer different takes and continuities, retcons, etc. All I'm saying is that it can be quite overwhelming for a noob who wants to get into comics. Even many comic book geeks acknowledge this problem.

  2. I've applied for university tonight! :D Classical philology as my first priority with philosophy and English as second and third priority, respectively. Though it's more just for the sake of it since I'm practically guaranteed to get into my classical philology (unless I've messed up my application in some way :heh:). With bonuses for having taken five level A subjects at STX and for beginning my university education within two years of getting my STX exam, my grade average is 0.2 above the highest single grade attainable! :p Add to that that there are normally so few applicants for classical philology that they don't have to reject anyone, and it's pretty safe to say that I'm going to get in. ;)


    Now to begin the hunt for an apartment in Aarhus ...

  3. I do like the mechanical web shooters in that they highlight the fact Peter's a science genius, but "logically" it doesn't make sense to me that the one defining characteristic of spiders - their web - doesn't come with the spider powers.


    That being said, I'm definitely starting to enjoy the look of this reboot, so it's safe to colour me excited by now.

  4. So one of my closest friends has recently turned against me for some reason. Always putting me down (in a semi-jokey way but I can feel the intent behind it) and just expecting the worst of me. I have no idea what I've done to cause this and when I asked her about it she just dodged the subject altogether. It's like I can't do anything right in her eyes and she obviously just thinks so little of me.


    That's been going on for a week or two but it really didn't help today when I've been having a bad day anyway. The tumble-drier doesn't seem to be working properly so the only work uniform I've got was a bit damp. It was too late to do anything about it so I just had to wear it and hope there would be a shirt at work that I could take. So I spent the first 5 minutes of my shift looking for a shirt but couldn't find one so I went to ask my supervisor (my friend from above^).


    She told me I don't actually start until 3 anyway so it turns out I had my hours wrong. She then berated me for being late if I actually was going to be starting at 12 - even though I wasn't actually late but of course she doesn't let me explain. It was only 12:05 and I'd been in for over 5 minutes just looking for a shirt.


    On top of this I have a 5000 word technical report to do that needs to be in on Thursday but as I've received absolutely no guidance on it, I have no idea what I need to put in it. I really badly need a haircut too and decided to use my extra time today to go to the hairdressers and get it done, only to find out they're closed.


    So yeah, having a bad day.


    Sounds like you need to talk to her straight up. (Yes, I know, way easier said than done. But if she keeps being a bitch to you, something needs to be done about it, right?)

  5. Well, I love cats, but even ignoring this fact, I found this very sweet. :) I was wondering all the way through what ending it would go with/what message it would send, so I had a number of ideas lined up - and then it just ignored all the obvious solutions and went with something totally unexpected! :p I'm still trying to figure out what the message is/if there's even a message, but I found the ending to be surprisingly sweet and happy and ... really fitting despite the strangeness of it. Very good. :)

  6. Watching that video, I really have a sudden urge to just jump. I love heights. I love rollercoasters and watching people jump from a plane or bungee jump. I'd love to do that one day.


    That's a feeling I recognise. I have a fascination with the idea of a free fall (with measurements taken to prevent me from dying, of course), like a bungee or parachute jump. If I can muster enough courage, I'd love to try one or the other once.

  7. The moral aspect of it is the least important part, I'd say. The law isn't perfect, and it certainly sounds like it's flawed in this particular case. Regarding your driving skills, I fully trust that you're able to drive as well as you claim. It seems like it's just a technical detail that makes it illegal for you to drive, not a genuine evaluation of your skills as a driver. The biggest issue as I see it is the potential legal repercussions for you if something comes up.

  8. Nah it's really just from stress I think. And possibly those panic attacks I get. I'm verrrrrrry easily stressed and my body just reacts badly to it. =(


    Today has been a very stressful day or me. Needed to finish three different lesson plans and make examples for the students. But then I also had to go to work, and then family was around for dinner so that's more time wastedddd.

    *needs to find a way to stay calm tomorrow*

    *deep breaths*


    Well, yeah, it's no doubt stress, but what you describe (panic attacks and whatnot) seems like a pretty strong reaction to stress. What I meant was that with the severity of it, getting some tips from a psychologist or doctor (maybe even some form of mild medication) might not be a bad idea. :)

  9. Ugh, I hate this day. I hate how fucking commercialised it is, how fucking lovey-dovey everything is, how fucking lonely I-


    HOLD IT!

    Broadcast Yourself


    I'll have no such negativity in my life! Not anymore!


    Yes, it's a commercialised day, but so are all holidays nowadays ... days. If people want to participate, I'm all for it. A sappy romantic like myself can't hate a holiday centered around love and romance. :heh:


    And frankly, love is a great thing to celebrate, not just romantic love, but any kind of love. Love is great! :D So what if you're single on this particular day? You could meet the perfect soulmate tomorrow! :) Or maybe the day after that! Love could be waiting around every corner, so why stay in and mope? Go out and live life! Be happy and loving, and you're bound to find love and happiness. :)


    *reads own post again*




    *starts writing acceptance speech for the Most Positive Member Award 2011*


  10. He did have a way out by killing his partner. From them on it would have been a case of convincing people that you're good and hoping they don't investigate you. As a mafia-mafia couple is a pointless idea, the town would have probably bought it.


    Wait, what? That's not what the role description says. It says Diageo would kill himself if ReZ was killed, which I assume also include lynches. It was logically impossible for Diageo to win.

  11. Eenuh, I'd really recommend talking to someone other than us unqualified internet strangers about this. It sounds like something more serious than just regular stress.


    *massive hugs for Raining* You're an inspiration with your seemingly unbeatable optimistic approach to life. :)

  12. Some roles are just like that. Like a neutral role who has to kill everyone in the game, or the role I had in the Pokémafia where I had to get lynched to find my role, then I had to kill at least three people and survive until the end of the game while everyone knew who I was.


    Not really a good excuse ... :blank: Why make a role that's essentially broken in a game that relies so much on balanced roles and player activity?

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