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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I'm thinking it's a fake, can anybody REALLY move their hands THAT fast???


    Well, I have seen people with pretty fast hand reflexes, but the speed in that video is bordering on believability. And unless you have superhuman reflexes, I don't think anyone's capable of dancing that fast!


    Maybe you should give Michael Flatley a call and start making major bucks!


    Incidentally, riverdance, and especially the music of Michael Flatley's shows composed by Ronan Hardiman, is my favourite genre on StepMania.

  2. My Fuck Up At Work; Accidentally handed a £500 TV to a customer who was waiting on a £150 TV. realised it immediately. That fucker who accepted it has probably lolled at me somewhere else on teh internets. I was so worried about my morality that I went and told my manager anyway. She was cool with it (on the surface) but I was wracked with guilt. I even offered to cover it (wtf, considering that tv was like easily 3 weeks wages at the time). She said something about 'insurance' so, presuming it wasn't a bomb strapped to my train home, I think the store that was earning 60k an hour had it covered.


    Aw, I know this horrible feeling of guilt that keeps on pounding even when you've been assured that it's perfectly all right.

  3. Banjo-Kazooie is one of my favourite games ever so you can imagine my excitement about getting Banjo-Tooie for Christmas in 2007.


    Just over 3 years down the line, and the game sits on around 10 hours of play time with very little incentive to go back at this point. Banjo-Tooie has probably been a bigger disappointment to me than anything else I've played in the last few years :sad:


    I hope you get more joy from it but I honestly wouldn't recommend it at all :hmm: If anything, the game is far too big and the locations are horrible in comparison to the brilliant Freezeezy Peak or even the original's opener, Mumbo's Mountain!


    You've been warned :eek: Do not expect it to come anywhere near Banjo-Kazooie..


    Well, I hope I won't be as disappointed. :)

  4. So you're very fucking excited?


    In short, yes.


    You're late to the Banjo nostalgia party, this was re-released in higher res on the 360 not long back :p


    Psh! I can't forgive the Microsoft/Rare team for their treatment of the franchise. I'll stick to the originals, thank you very much! :p


    It's a great game, just don't expect it to be anywhere near the dazzling quality and awesomeness of the original.


    Really? I've heard it should be about just as good. But I'll see for myself soon enough.




    However, Jake and Amir > All.


    Ugh, no, they're incredibly annoying. Like this other guy I know who hosts his own "comedy" sho...




    Seriously, though, I find them extremely annoying most of the time. I prefer Hardly Working.

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