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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. I didn't know amazon did pocketwatches. I need to get another really, but can't decide which ones to get off etsy.


    It's not Amazon itself who sells it, though, it's one of its sellers. Also, note that it's not antique, but just designed that way. I'd be too weary about carrying a real antique, and a battery watch is much more practical than a wind-up watch (and much more silent, if I recall correctly). :heh: Plus it was really cheap at only £9.99! :D


    Love it Dannyboy!! :D


    This whole Sherlock/Layton vibe is great! The world needs more eccentric characters!


    Thanks! :D It's exactly the vibe I was going for. Looks absolutely dapper together with my brown suit! :D

  2. Yesterday was a bit of an adventure. The fine people at Work decided to book the wrong date for the return flights from Heathrow, I did wonder why the machine wouldn't let me check in. Suppose I just assumed that person whose job it is to book travel would be capable of such simple tasks as booking the right dates. Anyway, we were put on standby for the last flight of the day, which luckily had 2 empty seats. It was a fun couple of days in London but could have done without the added drama. It didn't really help matters that I got in at midnight and had to be up for work at 4am.


    Wait, so the people from your work booked the wrong date, meaning you were home late and needed to be at work at 4 a.m.? Fuck, I think I might've just stayed in. It's their own fault for messing up your flight home.

  3. "Shock, Drop And Roll" as a defence tactic against rape was employed widely for a short while until it proved to be absolutely rubbish. Picture taken at the first (and last) annual "Shock, Drop And Roll As A Defence Tactic Against Rape" Training Camp For Women.

  4. In Mock the Week, don't they do a 'Guess the Headline' where they display a picture with four initials underneath?


    You could probably do something like that if you want to keep the thread somewhat relevant to the show :heh:


    I think we tried that once. I dunno, I don't remember it as being nearly as funny. ::shrug:

  5. Oh my gods.


    Just watched Exodus Pt 2.


    Threw my hands to my face in horror when I heard "Casey?! My baby!". I feel so outwitted. On reflection, it was a really obvious plot, but I was so convinced. I feel so emotionally robbed. I wish I were dead. I'm so depressed.


    Also, the scene where Saul kills Ellen was the most intense feeling of sadness I've ever had. Not just "Oh, this is sad because a character we have come to know is dead", but so much deeper on so many levels. The fact we all hated Ellen. The fact Saul knew everyone hated Ellen. But in actuality she was genuinely trying to do the selfless thing. The fact it was really needless. Emphasises so much about the horror or war, and how it extends further than gunfire.


    That one scene justified her whole existence as a character on the show. Actual rocked me to my core.


    When reading a post by you such as this, chair, I can honestly never determine whether you're being overly melodramatic or whether I'm genuinely missing out on emotional experiences in life. I sort of both hope and fear that the latter is the case.

  6. I remember walking into a lamp post once, but that was due to greeting someone else and not focusing on what was in front of me. :heh: It's likely I have walked/been about to walk into things due to texting/general lack of attention - I have a terrible tendency to just zone out.

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