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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Yes this whole thing annoys me muchly, it has ruined my very core and shattered me, I used to be a Gemini and now I'm a fucking Taurus.








    Same for me. I don't give a hoot about it, but it feels weird suddenly being a Taurus when I've associated myself with Gemini all my life.

  2. I spent today exploring another mental asylum. It was proper ace. The place was huge.


    The creepiest moment was when we found a bat sanctuary place. We left the place alone since it was a protected area. We were stood about a foot away from the entrance, which was a wooden door. When we looked at it, it was closed. We turned away for literally about 5 seconds and when we turned back it was open. None of us had heard it open or anything. Proper freaky, especially since on the other side of the door was a ladder down to a pitch black place. We shut the door and walked off rather hastily.


    Expect pictures in the photo thread and UIG soon.


    Your life is so epic, Goafer! :D

  3. I'm not sure what you mean by this I'm afraid :/ Are you saying my being untargetable is totally useless unless there is a vigilante? I would argue otherwise as it has already prevented a mafia kill.


    Sméagol means that unless there's a vigilante, being immune to kills is pointless for a mafia member, lending a bit of credit to your power. However, I proceeded to point out that since you're immune to everything, it doesn't matter either way.

  4. I once went to a fancy salon because my regular hairdresser had closed and I hadn't found a new one at that point. It was more expensive, if I recall correctly, took about an hour, and my hair looked exactly like it always does after a regular cut. Waste of time and money. But I'm also fairly happy about my hair, except when it gets too thick since it ends up looking like a helmet.


    Grazza is right, though, it's not very bad, and confidence is more important than your hairstyle could ever be. Heck, make a fun story out of it if need be.

  5. First of all, the main point against you is that you were roleblocked on a kill-less night, which is never a good thing. However, there being no nightkill last either makes me more willing to trust you. It seems quite obvious to me that it was a mid-sentence "typo", and I wouldn't really consider that proof of anything. Your role as a spy doesn't reveal much about your alignment, either.


    Nintendohnut did seem keen on bringing you down considering the evidence. What do you have to say about this, Dohnut?

  6. Haha! :D I truly thought I was "that" kind of companion up until I read Cube's disclaimer. :heh:


    How do we know that Dohnut is the off-planet person? And what does being off-planet mean? Is it a protection? A roleblock?


    Also, there's still the affair with Dazz that not everyone was content with ...

  7. But surely that's because they can feel when their web is moving? Which isn't really anything like Spider-Man's spider sense, which can somehow analyze if something is a threat to him and warn him.


    I know, I was just trying to give a "plausible" explanation.

  8. 'Tis! But recently I'd decided not to just sign up to all the games. Heavy theming that I don't know well just puts me off the game; ReZ's pokemafias, which i still read and think are fantastic, are just out of my reach.


    Ah, I know what you mean. I'd considered that myself, but I just can't get enough of them! :D

  9. "Spider sense, because apparently spiders can sense danger, hence why they're nearly impossible to squash."


    Of course, the spider sense only works when the plot calls for it anyway.


    I never had a problem with the spider sense. Spiders do have fine-tuned senses that help them sense prey caught in their webs, for example.

  10. I always preferred the organic web shooter idea as well. "You get all the powers of a spider! Wall crawling ability, super strength, incredible balance ... what, web? Who knows a spider for it's web, anyway? You're gonna have to figure that one out yourself, buddy."

  11. Just for Inception, of course. :D Otherwise I'd be calling myself dumb for even posting things I think need repeated viewings in order to fully enjoy.




    Come on, I'm not being arrogant this time! I'm just paraphrasing!!! Nolan himself said the script had to be dumbed down several times because test audiences weren't getting anything out of it, and it reached a point were they just had to strip it to a minimum and make it perfectly understandable the first time around.

    So I'm not insulting everyone who's not me... nor am I insulting anyone at all... the simple fact is, considering the script was simplified to the point of it being explained by the characters themselves, if you really missed anything of the inner workings of the plot the first time around AND if it wasn't because you were somehow distracted, that means you're slightly dumber than the market research group average. And that's not me insulting anyone, that's just how it is.


    Of course I'm not calling you dumb. I don't think you're dumb at all, you come of as quite an intelligent cat, from your posts. Just coz I think you have bad taste, that has no relation with what I think of your intelligence. I've met many a genius with foul taste buds. Hell, you're probably smarter than me! I'm knowledgeable in some key areas, but pretty average when it comes to smartness, I (supposedly) have an IQ of 102 (which is absolutely average) and I'm quite aware of it.

    And believe me, if you were 100% glued to the screen like I was the first time I saw it, you wouldn't have missed anything.


    Anyway, the main point here is that I think it gains absolutely nothing at all from a second viewing unless you weren't perfectly clear on what happened, as the plot (as convulted as it is) is linear in nature. It was desinged to be 100% understood on the first viewing


    While in something like Fight Club it's absolutely impossible to understand some of the references on the first hour or so the first time around, as they're subliminal in nature and you're only informed of their existance 30 mins before it ends.


    And as for Lynch's work for example, it's possible to fully get it the first time around, but you'd have to be a genius and have a brilliant memory.


    I think it's just the way you come off. The way you word your posts. You just seem to have an innate ability to appear arrogant. :heh:


    But hey, thanks for being awesome about it. :) I apologise if my behaviour was rude or if I misunderstood your intentions. Your point seems entirely solid and well-explained when laid out like that, even to the point where I actually agree with you. I'd still say it's pretty easy to miss some stuff, though, and I doubt most people got everything on their first go, but let's let sleeping dogs lie now that we've both made our points. :)

  12. But is there any point in pointing out how he posts when you could just easily answer to what he posted.


    Recently people seem more concerned about how people post rather than what they post.


    I didn't really have anything to say about what he posted, though, but I wanted to comment on how he posted it. I have no problems with his opinion on Inception, but I'm just tired of this attitude that he often posts with.


    I didn't mean to make a debate out of it, though. That's why I simply used a humourous image. Anyway, I won't derail the thread further. Carry on!

  13. When all you have is a picture expressing disagreement or disappointment, that's an easy thing to do.


    Given the context, I assumed it was fairly obvious. But I'll gladly explain: My point was simply that Oxigen_Waste is once again being arrogant and condescending, pretty much insulting everyone who's not him.

  14. I watched it 3 tmes because it was good, and I really thought it was worthy of rewatching it in a theater, while it was available in said format (and the third one was over christmas, I got my cousin the Blu-Ray as present and everyone wanted to watch it, so I just went along for the ride)... not because I didn't get it.

    I literally got nothing new from it the second/third times. Thus why I used that to make my point before.


    In short, repeated viewings do not make it any better (or worse, for that matter) unless you were either distracted or are just a bit dumb in general.


    The funny thing is you completely and utterly missed my point.

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