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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Picked up a 1tb WD external HDD today.


    Upon buying it the lady in the store then decided to grill me on what content I would be putting onto 1tb. Told her I'd be backing up all of my media/content. She then said it was weird to buy 1tb for such 'content'.

    Couldn't help but say "yeah, but it keeps you in a job".


    Inquisitive staff are annoying.


    I think what annoys me the most is the ignorance involved. Does she realise how easy it is to fill up hard drives nowadays? Does she realise the pointlessness of buying a smaller drive?

  2. Currently I'm a substitute teacher as well as an uneducated teacher for a small group of English students who need extra help.


    The dream is to become a teacher at a gymnasium, a Danish upper secondary school, or possibly even at university. It'd be lovely to be able to do academic research work on the side, but we'll just see about that.


    To get there I'll begin studying at university this summer.


    To break the evil spider's curse you need the Amulet of Arachne.

  3. The one thing that the write-ups rely on, though, is a willing township ready to trawl them. Ultimately a game is only as good as its players!


    Naturally! That's why the write-up is so important as it evens out the drawbacks of inactivity on the respective sides. :)

  4. With regard to the write-up debate, the problem lies in the balancing of the game - the thing that has been the main challenge in my games. The mafia has the general advantage in that they know each other, can communicate, work together and even use inactive players' powers. The town has to work for their victory, and as such they're much worse off initially. If they lose some key roles, or if certain players are inactive, it harms the townies' cause greatly.


    That's why I've always thought of the write-up as the central part of the game. I know chairdriver disagrees greatly with me about this, but it's really a matter of preference - the nature of the write-up greatly affects the nature of the game, and since I've always been a great fan of the detective genre and deduction work, the write-up is my favourite part of the game. It's the townies' key tool for working out what's going on and ultimately identifying the mafia, even if only a few townies are properly participating. Jayseven more or less won my first mafia game for the town by being a true Sherlock Holmes. I know he also shares my opinion on the role of the write-up in the game. ;)


    Personally, my problem has been that I've made the write-ups too effective in my two games, making it too easy for the town. Where the write-up is the town's greatest weapon, deception is the mafia's greatest weapon, so the write-up needs to be vague enough to leave room for lies and cons. Ultimately, I think of a mafia game as a battle of wits - both the town and the mafia have abilities that can aid them, but ultimately it's a game of deduction and intellect - a battle for the truth, if you will. :)

  5. I knew there were several roleswitchers in that first write-up since Danny killed someone. Since he had no kill power I knew that was just the write-up switching part, and I was trying to figure out who was the actual switcher. Never would have thought it was Danny himself :heh:


    Was Danny the sobbing pirate then?


    Wait, I don't appear as killing anyone in the first write-up, do I? Not if I'm the sobbing pirate, at least. But if I was indeed the one-legged man ... We need this clarified! :heh: Who was the infamous one-legged pirate? And if I'm the sobbing pirate, why am I described like that?

  6. I can't believe people kept going for Nintendohnut! I know the ones who did were primarily the neutral mafia, but I don't understand why other people didn't argue against them. I so wanted to help you, Dohnut! :p


    Also, a mafia is a mafia. You could say they all appear as neutral, but they're still evil. Anyway, I didn't think that worked so well. It was too difficult for the town. And Jonnas's win condition was mean. :heh:


    These things aside, this has been an epic game! :D I'm so pissed I died to early. I was actually limited to three posts on day 1 and was not allowed to reveal that during the entirety of the game, so when Cube went for me, I was scared as heck! And then I'm offed by a friggin' lynchbomb. :heh: Two mafias I'm killed off in so early - that's seriously annoying! :p


    But yeah, loved it. :D

  7. I used to have Guile's Theme as my morning alarm until my girlfriend pretty much demanded I change it to something more serene and pleasant. Now I rise to the ethereal plucks of a harp.


    Waking up to Guile's Theme sounds pretty rad.


    And come on, you can't post pop punk bullshit claiming it to be the best thing in the last 5 years and expect people not to explode in your face. I mean, are you serious?


    And I'm hardly that fabled hipster sterotype you desperately want me to be, Scoop-o!


    You're still pretty arrogant, dude. ;)

  9. Yeah, I'm 1,81m and 85Kgs, I wear a panda for a backpack, a trilby hat, stupid shirts with nonsensical phrases I make up on the spot, I wear tights with shorts in winter and all my shorts are bright colours like orange /yellow /red... So yeah, I don't think I'm a very inhibited person, now that you mention it.


    ... Um, was that comment aimed at me, or ...? :confused:

  10. I really don't get why they're so hated, to be honest, it's kind of like Bieber, sometimes people just want something to hate, I guess. But they don't deserve it, they ain't that obnoxious. You've probably never met with much hatred towards them because you're not very faced towards alternative music, it seems. The communities mostly can't stand them, for some weid misplaced reason.


    As for the stealing, it's not exactly stealing, it's more that their music's archetypes are constantly changing towards some new band's sound. Much like their whole sound shifted focus when turisas blew up in the music scene. You're probably checking out Rasputin, that was a joke song and doesn't really let you see their sound. Here:



    You don't see it? Even the progressions are samey! AP are less metal, but it's pretty much the same writing style.


    Basically, they have no musical indentity (which kind of justifies the way their visual... it's like the whole japanese visual kei movement discussion all over again)


    I see ... I'm no expert on music, so I don't think I recognise some of the technical similarities. I really don't think "Abney Park" when I hear that, though I can see the resemblances. Anyway, thanks for explaining it to me. : peace:

  11. I was looking at his statement as painting a slightly broader picture, as if them going was more than just leaving your company. If you think of what he said like that, it makes a bit more sense what friendship is about, albeit extremely simplified.


    Ah, yes, I see.

  12. Get off your ass and take to the streets, tapeworm!

    Serious, I never got the "meeting people" problem. All you have to do is exist near people, basically.


    There are psychological barriers, though, and few people are lucky enough to be unaffected by them. :heh:

  13. We can disagree about wether they're good or not, but it's a well known fact that they steal. The article Terrorizer ran on them 3 years ago was hilarious. But it seems now they've moved on from ripping of Godflesh (and Head Automatica before that) onto a Gogol/Turisas model. Astonishing as usual.


    They're quite universally hated within the music community for not only that but for having the most annoying fan base ever (worse than juggalos!!!) as well.


    If I'm being honest I don't think they (or their fans) are that bad, but they just seem to attract a lot of hatred. : peace:


    Really? I've never met any hatred for them. I listened to a bit of Turisas, and I have to say I don't see much comparison. Yeah, they have some similar elements, but that's not stealing per se. But I dunno, maybe there's something to it - what are the arguments that they're stealing?

  14. When it's time for them to leave, and you don't want them to go. Pretty basic, but completely true. Friendship should never be a chore.


    It's a sweet sentiment, but I think it's a bit too simplified. You're not always in a social mood, and most people need their alone time.


    It depends though, calling the person all sorts of names behind there back 'bitching' is a no for me, I have never called anyone nasty names, I have been brought up to believe, don't do to others what you wouldn't like done to yourself, and i hold that moral close to my heart. Most of the time when someones annoyed me I would pull them up about it instead of moaning behind there back unless its very serious then i might pull it up with one or two people asking there advice on what I should do even then I treat the situation with respect until that said person disrespects me when I confront them.


    Calling me a Dick and blaming me for a failer of an online community is a big no no for me, espchally because they've done it more then once...


    like i said I am very open person, and probably very guliable however u spell it. Thats just who I am, I cannot change that no more then I can change the colour of the sky.


    Oh, but that's not what I meant at all. It sounds like he's being a jerk. I meant that we all have small flaws that we need to vent about sometimes. As I said, if it's something that's seriously a problem, you should talk to them about it. Bringing up small and insignificant flaws, though, is pretty pointless. We just need to let out some steam to others once in a while about stuff that's been nagging us.

  15. How do Abney Park qualify as an unheard of band? They've been around for ages! If anything, I've heard too much about them, considering how average they are... Also, I see now they're copying Turisas. For shame, as usual.


    I didn't think they were all that known. ::shrug: And as usual we disagree about such things. :p

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