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Posts posted by Dannyboy-the-Dane

  1. Guys' date=' I'm not saying what I'm doing is the height of moral decency, of course I know this situation is totally wrong. But it makes for a good story for you all. I do think I'm a dick for what's happening believe me there is no way in hell I would be pursuing this if I didn't really like this girl. We have spoken about this before and we're both pretty sure we're going to end up together properly once the situation sorts itself out, for now it's bad timing.


    To cover a few particular things:


    Eenuh, I'm not bragging about this, just relaying the story. I don't mean it to come across as if I am. On the picture front of course I'm not going to post it up without asking her.


    Fierce_LiNk, we were just sleeping in the same room a lot, now it's progressed to sex, though not every time. The serious shit is someone now finding out about it.


    Retro_Link, yes thankfully there are locks on all of the doors, even I wouldn't be silly enough to do this without. The boyfriend sleeps in the other room due to them not particularly liking each other anymore, he has a lot of issues apparently (I don't ask) which is dragging out the situation. This isn't really me coming between them, things were going downhill long before I came on the scene.


    So can we all be friends now?[/quote']


    I never did think you were a bad guy, I just wish you guys would get this sorted out so no one ends up getting too hurt.

  2. Haha' date=' yes it is the DSF. Things are getting really dangerous now, we're sleeping together regularly while the boyfriend is in the other room. Some serious shit is going to go down sometime soon I think.[/quote']


    I'm so worried about this ... it's like a sitcom. :heh:

  3. And I was more than happy with the amount you laughed/sniggered/face palmed, so I was really happy with that video. :) It makes me feel good (I mean obviously you weren't enthralled, but I don't expect anyone to be) also Danny its quite impressive that you get a lot of the more subtle "British" jokes or even just "English" expressions (like Low Key).


    I didn't expect you to get Down Town Abbi though, there is an ITV drama called "Downton Abbey" you see. :)


    Oh and also, a Nein-gag that I wrote aeons and aeons ago I have finally tweaked and it'll be


    A) Completely unexpected. In a similar sort of vein to (Deal or Nein Deal) but even less expected.


    B) Funny hopefully. Well mildly amusing at least.


    Cheers. :) I think Comedy Rainbow has settled into its own place in my head regarding humour. I know what to expect, making it easier to enjoy it for what it is. Sure, it's not laugh-out-loud funny, but there's a certain charm to the jokes that I like. The amount of sniggers in/general reaction to this video is pretty representative of my normal reaction to a Comedy Rainbow video, so if you're happy with it, that's great! : peace:


    I never really did understand the humour behind the Nein jokes. :heh: This one was amusing for its sheer inappropriateness (as was most of the episode).

  4. I prefer the womanising Savage Dragon version of Thor. He loves raping women, stealing their rape babies and killing them if they refuse. Or is that Herakles. I forget. All the god's are dicks in it though.


    I don't know much about Norse mythology, but in Greek mythology, pretty much all the so-called heroes are dickheads. Save Hector. Hector's actually a great guy.

  5. I have notes, but they only serve to remind me how damn complicated this game was/is.


    Loving someone back doesn't involve Hades, does it? They're not dead, so Hades has nothing to do with them. I think his deals are a separate thing altogether.


    Love: mr-paul

  6. Jesus Christ, people, stop discussing pointless things! You're doing EXACTLY what you yourselves are complaining about!


    Dazz, your demands for Tales are really unjustified. Coming forward is a bad idea for a townie unless there's a need for it. I came forward because I might have found a scumnag (you, as it happens), and Nintendohnut was defending himself. Tales has no reason to come forward since it would only help the mafia and not the town.


    As for today, I'm not willing to risk lynching a townie. None have died so far, and with each day we learn more about people, so we're in a fairly good position at the moment. Thus:


    Vote: No Lynch

  7. I also have a theory. I think that whoever solves what the language is, they speak like that themselves.


    Sorry, but this just sounds silly. It's much more plausible that the mafia used it on jay because he's the one who figured it out. It almost sounds like you're trying to prevent people from attempting to crack it ...

  8. Although it does mean one thing, when Jayseven's curse breaks, he'll know exactly what the next person who gets cursed has said and he can tell us!


    While he isn't allowed to use the translator, he should be able to figure out the code completely on his own now. Surely that's allowed?


    Heh. Nice. **




    I've run plenty of games....


    But did you ever have lesbian sex with a 13-year-old? I think not! :awesome:

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