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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. Just breathe people! As said, Sony didnt say much, though they had announced some big stuff not long ago which they just re-iterated (release period etc) Expect Nintendo to talk about DS Lite, a US release perhaps and New Super Mario Bros, and definitely some Zelda talk as wolf sections are going to be playable. The most i think we'll get out of them are hints on release, hints on where theyre up to, more praise developers are giving, that kind of thing, and lots and lots of the same old 'were different, were changing the way we play games' talk. The more hyped you get for GDC the more angry you'll be if you're wrong. And you only have yourself to blame.
  2. Thanks for the framework I now have the problem i anticipated, it now says the 360 isnt connected to the computer half way through instaling, but if i connect it to the computer (not the modem which i had been doing) then on the 360 media center option it obviously wont proceed as its not connected to the internet. Only solution i see, i need a router to actually make a network rather than playing around with wires here and there =/ I duno, its all too confusing for me.
  3. Im with Ashley, theres nowt wrong with Birmingham! You want trees? Go to sutton park! Birmingham city center has everything you need, its great. An od friend of mine went to the US to work last summer on a programme the University set up. Just worked in a restaurant and lived somewhere. Had a great time apparently. Changed him alot, hence why i said 'old' friend :P But at least he enjoyed himself.
  4. Play nice guys. Sing with me.. I see trees are green... All good now? Good.
  5. It has been quoted to be aiming to be of an around about length of 70 hours before Nintendo delayed the release for Revolution controller extras. So, looking at these facts we can say it should be around 70 hours. will it be longer due to the extra time spent developing it? Maybe... though you have to take into account that they have been putting alot of work into adding the extra features which might not be an extension of the quest itself. Its all moo to be honest though. What does it matter? The game will rock, 70 hours or 100 hours. 70 hours is a bloody feat in itself! Damn greedy arnt you!
  6. Regarding the FA's decision, what position are they in to change the regulations for one girl? On the contrary, who can say that one day we wont see mixed football teams. Its the same with all sport though, in fact i can only think of one sport that has good interest than mixed doubles tennis. If men and women can compete in a sport on the same physical level, that meaning duration, fitness and physical build to the style of the game, then there shouldnt be a rule that stops that from happening.
  7. They have! It will be available in the US before Thanksgiving followed by a worldwide launch in the following period. Thats not a rough enough date for you?
  8. It could well be they were referring to the unveiling of Miyamotos new 1st party franchises as the secret, theyve said its underway but to show what it is would be revealing the secret. I will 4th/5th or however many people have backed up Stocka(!) that i remember reading that there was a 3rd secret. I dont think it was siad it was more revolutionary, but i could be wrong, it was a fair few months back now.
  9. Its the same with music, television, films... anything media entertainment related. What you have to remember is, what is old to some people, is new to others. The key is appealing to the key demographic of the current time, having to idenitfy who that is. At the moment its around teens/20+... to hazzard a ballpark. As it is, movies, music, games, they can all survive adapting tried and teted formulas to appeal to the next generation of interested consumers that havnt been there for the previous cycle. Some teens now have never even played the classic Super Mario's, maybe theyve never played Tetris, it seems crazy but its not their fault if they wernt around, so games similar or sequels are goin to appear as its a known good format for a game that they will lap up. And around and around we could go. True to that, look what we have.. a new Super Mario Bros on the way and ooh, a new Tetris! The Revolution and the DS are hoping to change that target which is much needed. If games suddenly start appealing to 30+ and to people who dont usually see themselves as gamers or even touching a game, then the future is brighter for encouraging innovation rather then continuing round in this cycle. Ok, i have overlooked innovations that Nintendo strive to make with their sequels, and thats awesome (WiFi Tetris, the changes to Super Mario Bros etc). To answer your question... the games industry is the most rapidly progressing industry at the moment, maybe soon to be on a level with the films industry. It will take time but, it can happen. Can you imagine a games equivalent of the Oscars? Perhaps not... cant see Miyamoto walking the red carpet with a fake boobed blonde but, games could one day at this rate be on a imilar level of interest as films.
  10. When i read about this i was shocked, i hadnt thought of the difficulties and size of PSone and PS2 games to be downloaded and streamed thogh, that makes it all seem like a big hassle just to try and level suit with Nintendo. Makes me feel better! I wont be getting a PS3, not merely as id never be able to afford one but i just plain dont like Sony and never have been overly interested in the PS bar the odd title.
  11. He has been quoted saying he never implied the PS3 is/should be seen as a gaming console, that it is more appropiately seen as a multimedia deliverance.
  12. Sorry for not using the official thread, thought it would clutter it up, plus im not sure if this had been answered within there as its so large so im asking here. I can delete the thread after if required. Right... basically i just decided to move my 360 downstairs so it would be close enough to my computer to connect to XBox Live. Success! Im live. I connect with the ethernet cable provided with the system to an NTL cable modem. That was pretty simple so i felt good when trying to set up the Media Center thing, linking to my Windows XP Media Center to play films, music, videos through the 360 etc. However, Microsoft seem not to have learnt any lessons in interface or User Centered Design, i choose the icon on the 360, it gives me a number to note down so i do, onto the next screen im then informed to download some software from the internet and stay on that screen. My question is, i have to disconnect from Live in order to connect to the internet (at least i believe, i dont have a router and am simple plugging the wires directly to the modem which has one port for the wire type). I went to the site (http://www.xbox.com/pcsetup) and ran the file but upon completion it says " .NET framework needed" or needs to be downloaded or something along those lines (im at Uni so i cant try it agin atm). Im curious, is it supposed to do that? Where do i get this .NET framework? Is the problem that im having to disconnect Live in order to get on the internet? Thinking back to last night i dont think i tried running the .exe file actually downloaded to my computer instead of on the internet while the 360 was connected to the modem, but im not sure what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated
  13. Same here, i was under the impression it wouldnt arrive till after Revolution, maybe Christmas or soon after in 2007. This is bad news for Nintendo, they cant let the mind-numb PS3 fanbase take focus off of their limelight.
  14. Dont know if anything about this has been posted so i apologise if so.. Ok.. now, i know there are mixed feelings towards Rare, i personally think they are amazing, yes even now with Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo being two of my most favourite games. They have a way with me. You can imagine my surprise at seeing this on their upcoming games page... my words exactly were something along the lines of WTF?! Go see for yourself... im not sure what to think at the moment. (http://www.rareware.com/) Im all for them creating games for all ages, the younguns play games too. My issue is it says: "A brand new and original franchise from the core team behind the Banjo series, featuring all the Rare hallmarks of innovation, charm, gorgeous visuals and gameplay in spades. Viva Piñata is a game of creation, evolution, imagination and customisation, a fully Xbox Live-enabled slice of instantly appealing all-ages entertainment, backed up by the birth of a high-profile animated series from 4Kids Entertainment. We think you’ll like it." No Banjo Threeie?! i know they'd always joke and say there were never any plans for such a game but, we all hoped, this just plain sucks if this is the replacent project for such a telented team. Heres a screenshot: http://www.rareware.com/games/upcoming/pinata/shots/pinata_01.html And theres a website here: http://www.vivapinata.com/vivapinatacom/announce/ Is this some TV Series or something its based on? Either way, im at a loss i tell you.
  15. I do believe reading a worldwide release is planned, i think some of you may be confused by what this means. It doesnt mean it will be out everywhere on the same day, it means it wil be out everywhere within a given period, i think the period quoted was 3 months. So it will be a worldwide release within 3 months if thats the case. Japan first, USA next, then Europe and the rest within that period. But, who knows.
  16. As it says, Sony just didnt settle, it has nothing to do with Nintendo hating Sony more than Microsoft.
  17. I like many have said have taken a disliking to them after over exposure to them and to be honest now i just think, God get out of my face, which is a shame because they're talented guys and have some great recent songs like the Zepher song and Cant Stop.. but if i hear them one more time im likely to kick the stereo in, or TV, or whatever the hell is playing it! Its gone too far now, even with new material i think i'll always just be sick of their faces. Maybe my taste has progressed also, they went a bit softie and that annoyed me a bit.
  18. Some kind of Alton Towers Nemesis rip off.
  19. You'll get nothing and like it. It will be for Nintendo to brag about their innovation over the years, how the Revolution is the next step, how well the DS is doing compared to PSP blah blah... im pesimistic as you've guessed but, ive learnt this to b the best attitude when it comes to Nintendo else you'll be let down far too much, and when they do let something out its rather special indeed.
  20. Put it towards rent! God damn rent! Else id spend it on a nice meal and a night out. Or maybe a weekend away somewhere. Or maybe some new clothes since i havnt bought any since forever. Or maybe, breaking the rules, get a DS Lite with it.
  21. Watch the film.
  22. Aladdin, hands down. Then maybe Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Emperors New Groove.. its hard to pick, even Pocahontas is good! How about worst Disney film? I personally dont warm to Jungle Book much, nor films like Hercules or Hunchback of Notre Dam... they just dont do it for me.
  23. Rented Domino the other day... wasnt impressed... a whole lotta nothing if you ask me, though you get to see keira knightlys tits for 0.05 seconds, and she is extremely hot throughout the film, though the english accent on a tough chick isnt pulled off all that well in places! All in all pretty disappointing, id watch it again just for the cleavage. Shallow but true. Tried too hard to be cool.
  24. Started reading the Harry Potters a few months ago, late started on it all i know, never thought id like it but, as it turns out, i do! I just finnished Goblet Of Fire, best one yet if you ask me. Need to buy the next one, Phoenix one or something or other.
  25. LOTR are great, however id never watch them leisurely, they are way too long to be convenient.
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