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Everything posted by Funktion

  1. Hell yeah! This trailer kicks all kinds of ass! I loved the first one, and the new game looks equally awesome. That's why I'm now a Suda51 fan for life: his games never fail to entertain me. Never change, Suda!
  2. As I posted above, Rising Star Games will publish the game in Europe.
  3. You may be in luck... http://www.risingstargames.com/blog/switch-on-the-lights.html http://www.siliconera.com/2009/05/18/rising-star-games-cursing-europe-with-ju-on/
  4. But the game is already done. They will not change anything between the US (which will still be released next month) and European releases.
  5. I can't import the Wii version, that's why I said it's a shame.
  6. From the info currently available, it seems this only applies to Europe, Atari US will still publish all versions of the game (if they are also delaying the other versions there, it's not known). If that's the case, I'll pick up the US PC and DS versions, and then wait for the Wii version when it gets released in Europe (and Atari already confirmed it's still coming out, just at a later date). It's a shame this has happened, I was really looking forward to the game. As much as I want to play the game, there's no way I'm picking up either the PS3 or PS2 versions: the PS3 version is identical (gameplay-wise) to the Xbox 360 and PC versions, but I prefer to play it on the the PC (better graphics, mouse + keyboard vs controller), and the PS2 version is identical to the Wii version, but with inferior graphics and without motion controlling, so there's no way I'm picking that up either.
  7. I had this game pre-ordered for ages at Gameplay (yes, they actually listed the game as coming to Europe, but the release date was always changing; same thing with WarioWare: Twisted!). But, as usual (at least at the time), it was just another disappointment by NoE. I never understood why Nintendo invests in first/second/third party titles, and then doesn't release them outside of Japan (or the US). Things have been a little better recently here in Europe (with us receiving games not even the US received), but there's still lots of titles that never make it to our market. Don't they understand their fans, just like their Japanese fans, like to play other things besides Mario or Zelda (and now WiiFit/Sports/whatever)? These games are done, the only costs would be localization costs (and marketing), why not give us these titles? I would buy GiFTPiA in a heartbeat if the game got an English language release, even today, my interest in it is still strong.
  8. Kick ass intro!
  9. While you guys obviously do what you want with your own money, if indeed you're interested in the game, this is one of the cases that deserves a first day purchase (instead of waiting for a price drop), if nothing more to show that we appreciate the fact that a game gets released in Europe well before the US and Japan. We are always treated like 3rd rate customers, but in this case we are actually getting the game first.
  10. Yeah, I know. But to me Wii Sports Resort looks more like a spin-off (since the "sports" of this title are not what you would call mainstream sports: Frisbee, Kendo, ...). Nintendo, sooner or later, will probably seek to release a new title with more mainstream sports like Basketball and others, since the original game proved to be one of the main draws to people who were usually non-gamers. For some people, Wii = pretty much just Wii Sports (and now Wii Fit), and these series (along with a couple of other Nintendo brands, such as Pokemon) are what's currently more likely to shift copies, so more likely to be considered "key" titles by the CEO of a company such as GameStop.
  11. I'm betting it's a Wii Sports sequel, or a new Pokemon game.
  12. Yeah, I do. First I bought a third party component cable, because I couldn't find the official one for sale (during the launch period), and then I ended up picking the official Nintendo component cable. Twilight Princess looked so bad on my TV with the RGB cable, I actually (and painfully) waited months to start playing it properly, until I managed to find a component cable. But while the component cable improved things (and made me unable to play some of the VC games I bought), things still look very aliased. Don't get me wrong, after a while I end up forgetting about the graphics issues, but it's still annoying. But like I mentioned, the "deflicker" option present in games such as Castlevania: Judgement (which makes the graphics less clear, a bit blurrier, but it pretty much solves the aliasing issues I experience) helps in TV sets like mine, so I hope more games start to implement it.
  13. I don't have any problems with the Wii not having the processing power that the other consoles in the market have (heck, my main gaming platform in the past years has been the Nintendo DS), but most games look absolutely dreadful in my HD TV, they are an aliasing mess. Funnily enough, old games from the Virtual Console look fine, but the aliasing is so "strong" on my TV set in most Wii retail releases that I sometimes actually get a bit dizzy. I was never one to care about graphics (at all; I'm the kind of guy that fires up old consoles to play all the time), so the Wii is a first. It's not a problem with the graphics quality per se, but with the aliasing that's present in most games, to a point that there's not a single "stable" line in sight, it's all a shaky mess during movement. I just hope, like in the case of Smash Brothers Brawl (or recently, Castlevania: Judgment), there's an option to "blur" the graphics a little bit, at least on my TV set it helps a lot.
  14. That trailer is awesome! From what I've seen so far, I definitely prefer the visual style used in the Wii version (as opposed to the more "realistic" style from the PC and Xbox360/PS3 versions). If only the Wii could output at a higher resolution...
  15. Is it sad to be screaming like a little girl after Dan Aykroyd says "We're ready to believe you" at the end of IGN's video? After this one gets released, I want new Gremlins and Addams Family games... :p
  16. As a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Ghostbusters fan, 2009 sure is a great year. I got the dvd set with the full Real Ghosbusters series from Timelife (US), the first film is getting a Blu-Ray release, and after years without any Ghostbusters games, we'll be getting 3 different (well, at least partially different) games. I'm going to pick up the Wii, DS and PC versions of the game.
  17. Yesterday I spend most of my day playing the game (close to 10 hours), and I have some mixed feelings about it. First of all, just a quick note for those interested: a US copy of Order of Ecclesia works fine with this game, in order to unlock bonus content (when you connect the two it unlocks content in both games). It's great to see that not everyone is like Nintendo, which locks access to these bonuses in their games when using copies from different territories. As for the game, it's not as bad as most people paint it to be, but it's fairly underwhelming. The concept of a Castlevania fighting game didn't shock me as much as it did with most people, since I'm old enough to remember games such as Sonic the Fighters, Golden Axe: The Duel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters and even older similar games, so I kept a pretty open mind about this game. First of all, this is not a regular 1vs 1 fighter, as previously mentioned this game is more akin to games like Power Stone, in which the arenas are less restrictive than most fighting games, and you can even use a few items (barrels, ...) and power-ups to attack your opponents. Even though the game is not a platformer or an action RPG, most of the times it still feels like a Castlevania game, due to it's art style, the usual great soundtrack and a few fun references to the series. In fact the game is filled with fun references to different games and different periods of the Castlevania timeline, which is sure to please longtime fans of the series, and they actually found a decent way to bring characters from totally different periods to fight each other. A few of the characters suffered quite a transformation, but most of the designs work well, and they managed to give each character a hint of personality and motivations to keep the game interesting. But, while the game technically doesn't disappoint, the gameplay is far from exciting. First of all, I can't say I enjoyed the controls of this game. Instead of pulling special moves with the usual combination of buttons like in most fighting games, this game uses one button that doesn't do anything by itself, and whose only purpose is to activate special moves when you hold it and then press another button. It may appear OK, but using a classic controller, to pull an air special you must be moving with the left analogue stick, pressing the R button to jump, and then holding the "a" button while hitting the "b" button to attack. It's not very intuitive. But worse of all, after a few matches the game fails to suck you in. It's simply not very fun to play, not terrible in any way, but a bit boring. It's a shame, because unlike most fighting spin-offs of other series this game manages to still feel like a Castlevania game, but it just gets old rather quickly. The game has the usual modes: a Story mode,
  18. Thanks. Since I'm not located in the UK, I have no clue when the spin offs started being broadcast. By the way, do you know where the animated special fits in?
  19. I have a question regarding the new Doctor Who series and it's spin offs: where do the spin off series fit, in terms of narrative? Having missed most of the episodes on the original broadcast of the series, I'm now watching them on dvd, and I would like to watch the spin off series as well, but I'm clueless on when I should start watching them.
  20. Sorry for bumping this thread, but I would like to point out the game can now be found for £6.99 at Gameplay and Game. It's not a game for everybody, but for fans of the genre it's certainly worth checking it out, especially for this price.
  21. I always had a soft spot for this game. I own the European Mega Drive version, released under the title "Zombies". The game was rated soon after the VC service started, but since then the rating was removed and no further news surfaced. I bet we can thank LucasArts for that. They seem determined to "erase" the past work of the company, apparently all those great graphical adventures and other games like Zombies At My Neighbors "taint" their recent image thanks to wonderful games such as Fracture or their 150th Star Wars game. One thing I only found out years later was that the game had a SNES only sequel, Ghoul Patrol. It's not nearly as good, though.
  22. The games in this collection look great on my HD TV with "regular" graphics (I believe there's a bit of upconverting going on). I never use the "smoothing" options, because they totally ruin the games' look (the filter makes quite a few details on the graphics disappear, such as lights on buildings, ...). On a SD TV set they appear to make the graphics a little clearer (but again, detail is lost), but on HD TVs the effect is very distracting, I'm yet to find a single person that prefers to have these filters turned on. As for the aspect ratio, I have been playing them in Widescreen. But I didn't simply use the "full widescreen option", this option leaves quite a few information offscreen, so I manually stretched every single game to fit my TV, without leaving any traces of the border and without cropping anything (it took me almost 2 hours to do this to all games... ). This collection is a steal, especially compared to the price of these games on the Virtual Console. The emulation is good (again, with the filters off), the selection of games is pretty good as well (although by now I own most of the games multiple times, between the original Megadrive cartridges, other compilations, XBLA/VC releases, ...), and the extras are nice, especially the 7 bonus interviews (it's something I love to watch, and for me a must for these kind of releases; I would have loved to see a documentary about the console/developers as well).
  23. Then I'm returning the limited edition. They advertised a HD copy of the anime (heck, most stores advertised the inclusion of a soundtrack, which is gone from the European edition), if it's just a regular dvd it's certainly spitting on the face of European customers. Lets see: the US gets a cheaper edition, with better overall packaging and it includes a bonus Blu-Ray disc, soundtrack, and a few other bonus items; the European edition adds a cheap looking figure, removes a soundtrack, a HD copy of the anime, a few of the bonus items (belt, ...) and is significantly more expensive. Why do they keep doing crap like this?
  24. Is this the PS3 edition? It doesn't come with a blu-ray disc? If it doesn't, I'll be pissed: I ordered the L.E. PS3 edition, so I could keep the anime disc and sell the game to a friend (I don't have a PS3), and I picked up the regular Xbox 360 release...
  25. If anyone received their limited edition of the PS3 version, can you please confirm the inclusion of a blu-ray disc, and if it comes in its own blu-ray case or if it's included on the game case, like in the Xbox 360 version?
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