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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. have you played previous mario party games? it is a vast improvement, but graphics aren't the focus.
  2. Thanks: peace: cant spell i am actually slightly dyslexic (numbers only lol doesn't excuse the spelling)
  3. if you were dislexic maybe.
  4. I personally think this has been blown out of all proportion. To me it seems like it is a muscle flexing exercise. Lock it for 24hours? what is that going to achieve? nothing just show that the mods can do it. As for the chat room, the link at top of the page doesn't work. how about getting it working before you go throwing your weight around? I have nothing against the mods what so ever and they do a great job on here. but i will critisis where i feel necessary. I feel this could have been handled better.
  5. I really enjoy mario party games. The reason the best player doesn't alway win. there is a huge element of luck in the game and it is simple for anyone to play. My whole family play mario party and it is so much fun. people fight to play (large family and only 4 player max)
  6. Scene it is a quality game. So is cut and run (if you like gambling)
  7. too right. What was the last mario party that got a good review? i dont know thats why i am asking but i bet it was a few back but i have still played every one since 4.
  8. i was going to go and buy it last night but the GF vito'd it. Damn her to hell, just because i am poor.
  9. Murray speaketh the truth. Coldplay really blow and suck hard
  10. Lol my aunt just moved to Hull, she couldn't understand why the houses were so cheap. i will send her a link. that is if her PC hasn't been stolen yet.
  11. Pizza it is. oh and i will go and get this game after work
  12. so the only oppinion that is mature and sensible is the one that you agree with? Makes sense really. Keep thinking the way you do and you will go far in this world.
  13. My! I am an annoying prick because of my oppinion. I am glad that people on this board have learned that other people have views and can debate them in a mature and sensible way. oh wait Apparently not. Thanks for the personal attack, glad you know me so well. What would the great Jeff have thought?
  14. ok are we going to have one of these threads every time someone semi famous dies? GREAT
  15. be true to yourself, thats it
  16. it is just i think if i buy it the missus will kill me as i have no money at all.
  17. LOL. my first ever live game at anfeild was against Boro and they were singing "dont steal our sterios" i laughed so liverpool are doing good things.
  18. Ok so i played this at a mates house thiss weekend and i really enjoyed it. I want to buy it and have seen it in argos for £15. i just wonder if i should buy it. Who else has played and what do they think of it?
  19. happy birthday to you it is all about the presents.
  20. Probably uber power up. wicked.
  21. i am here as i am in real life. the only way to be but you really cant get a personality when you are just reading what people type.
  22. lol i want this game but cant afford it. never mind
  23. ok i am really going to buy this game.
  24. rokhed for prime minister. Screw Brown
  25. nice giving away wii points. clever nintendo.
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