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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. And get beaten!
  2. well then we will agree to disagree. i still fancy liverpool to push for the title next year. i recon if we dont win it chelsea will and united will finish 3rd
  3. you need to be able to tackle to be classed as world class in my opinnion but scholes is not as good as he used to be. where did i call rooney shit? all i said is he hasn't had as good a season as you would expect from a player of his high quality. come on lets face it hienze and rio are far from class.
  4. Even before the injury he was shit. but at least you didnt query the other 3. As for scholes, rooney and rio well Scholes wasn't that good and as a midfield player he can't takle for shit. the only reason he didn't spend half the season suspended is because he plays for United. Rooney had a poor season by his high standards, lucky ronaldo was 2 levels above anyone else this season. Rio is the most over rated donkey on the planet. if it wasn't for him having such and excellent partner everyone would see he was shit. Next?
  5. no it is like calling o'shea, fletcher, carrick and heize good. they are complete shit. wouldn't even make it into the liverpool squad let alone the starting 11. It is a true testiment to a fantastic manager that United won the league with a distinctly average side. Carried by Ronaldo and Giggs.
  6. Owen will never go to United. i wouldn't mind seeing him come back to liverpool as we have a better side now than we ever have since he has been playing. could see him as our 20 goal a season striker tbh.
  7. We will see. i think arsenal are in the decline. If totenham can keep their players together and add to it then i think they could do it.
  8. Liverpool Chelsea Man U Totenham ............... Sunderland Fulham Derby
  9. Sad but i agree
  10. Sorry i mean that people on the 06/07 thread were saying they all wanted to start the 07/08 thread and you got in there. Basically well done.
  11. i can't believe you were the first one in
  12. I love how people first off attack and if it turns out to be true people will defend themselves instead of apologise. Wait and see there is still a long way to go in the close season
  13. i will reserve judgement until i see a few episodes. bionic woman is not something to be done half heartidly.
  14. Hamilton is turning on the heat. no matter what happens now till the end of the season he will be sorted for the rest of his career.
  15. rofl. duece.: peace:
  16. looks shit to be fair those socks are shocking. no wonder henry wants to leave. (Sarcasm)
  17. I agree rules are rules. admin are here to make sure they get stuck to. Not to break them themselves.
  18. it is true. it will be a sad day when liverpool move. But we must compete and to do that we need a bigger stadium. it is an opportunity to make history at the new ground. I wonder what it will be called?
  19. dont get my hopes up. Lets hope they finally realise the potential of an MMO on the wii.
  20. i have just had a thought. wouldn't this game be ideal as an mmorpg? i would love it. Everyone playing together with each having particular things they can add to the world.
  21. i would love henry really would, but it looks like a long shot. Cant wait to see the plans for the stadium though. Americans do know how to build stadiums. they have some of the best in the world.
  22. mike-zim


    rofl. those are the best.
  23. Mario party is a multiplayer game. with 4 players there is not any other game i would rather play.
  24. We will see i just wish liverpool would start signing some players already and getting rid of the rot. I want the title next season and these players need to be in place for a good pre-season
  25. if you want a challenge i am up for it.
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