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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. Anyone had any issues linking their 3DS to their club Nintendo account? I ge a password error every fudging time! I can log into my Club Nintendo account on my PC/iPhone (but only by cutting and pasting the password from my email strangely!) and as I can't do this on my 3DS it won't log me in. If I want to change my password it also won't let me do this when in my Club Nintendo settings! I therefore can't add the so many games promotional titles to my account to claim my free downloadable game - as times a running out I'm getting peeved!
  2. Have sent a fair few invites out to peeps today as now have AC. My village (ever since GC import) is called Teek (my nephew was 4 when original came out and said 'teek' when I asked him. Later found out it was a type of wood. Awesome. He now always calls his villages teek2). Love AC! Oh...my native fruits are ORANGES. Add me: 4468-0991-0391
  3. Looks stunning!! Definitely the graphical leap I was expecting from the wii U as well.
  4. That Developer video does make it seem better. I love they way you can control the camera. It makes it much more like Mario64. The other integrated gamepad functions are also great and make Geoff Keighley's assumptions that Nintendo are moving away from Gamepad functionality knee-jerk. The good thing about these more recent 3d Mario games (including Galaxy) are that the levels are somewhat concentrated into obstacle courses which gradually get harder - especially when collecting extras like coins. I love this approach as, like in the video, it gives the levels a time-trial element too. Not too fussed about no online multiplayer. It will be great fun and Miiverse functionality should be really well integrated. Would have preferred it but no biggie. Oh and this is gonna be awesome as an off-TV game (and I love the cartoony avatar GFX!)
  5. I'll have to consult my crystal ball to see what's coming next Christmas from third parties. There are no guarantees that people will want to fork out £400+ to get involved with next gen, especially with monthly charges to play online and some of the same games on the 360/PS3/Wii U. This could result in more third party support for Wii U, especially when the install base is established. That Wii U 2014 lineup is insane afterall. If Mario Kart U sells half of the Wii version that's a good 17million sales. It's all up in the air but the whole Nintendoomed outlook is far from done. They are sitting on the industries biggest franchises and as costs rise, devs may need an outlet to make money. Who's to say that Ubi won't release a ZombiU or Red steel sequel next year? Activision's CoD should launch on Wii U annually (historically does) and EA can't turn down cash for long... Your money metaphor: if the ten million made you über happy or the 100 million made you unhappy what would you take? It's subjective.. but DKC still stands as a strong franchise and good seller.
  6. Very fresh! Love the Mario Motors logo!
  7. People seem to be gutted due to two things: 1) Retro are uber talented and becaus of this they MUST make a mature title. Otherwise they are 'wasting' their talent. 2) Nintendo need a mature title to succeed...even though a title such as Wii Fit sold 22million copies last gen. I'd like to say something on each point: 1) From an artistic viewpoint it is actually less impressive to copy real life. Creating a world where an ape in a tie fights Viking penguins to save his land is FAR harder to do in an impressive manner. 2) Nintendo dont need a mature title in their portfolio. Third parties bring those games. I'll be playing Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed and Batman this Christmas on Wii U.
  8. Nintendo win E3. Instantly. How do you know they are using the same engine?
  9. As good as Retro are, it's not good for them (or the Wii U - especially at the moment) to release franchises that don't have mass market appeal. DKC Returns sold nearly 6 million copies worldwide. Second only to the original DKC in sales for that franchise. Yes...it outsold DKC 2/3. The DK games have sold over 30 million copies worldwide with the DKC trilogy (and the subsequent re-releases on handheld platforms) largely to thank for those numbers. I contrast, as 'cool' as Metroid is, it has only sold near 18 million copies since its inception. Prime is the best selling game in the franchise with nearly 3 million copies sold. After that, the Metroid franchise has struggled to approach the two million units sold barrier. Metroid prime corruption sold 1.96million copies. Prime trilogy sold 0.96 million. Nintendo gave Samus a second chance with Team Ninja, appealing to the 'mature' and 2D fanbase. Other M sold 1.12 million copies worldwide. We can all shout for new IP's and more Samus - but Nintendo currently don't have the luxury of risking their time or money without the third party support of other systems - instead they can rely on franchises that sell in their millions and drive the install base. DKCR2 makes sense in the current climate.
  10. Strange. As soon as I paid I got the DKC code on their website. Then an email came through minutes later.
  11. Don't kill the dream! I'm still unconvinced that the logo was the issue. Surely Nintendo would just remove the "startup' fanfare? As far as I'm aware that is the only place the Rareware logo was obvious.
  12. I remember that awesome video. Still can't decide what I prefer: The Rez in dressing gown with hairy legs or the troll NSMB moment... Did you do more?
  13. ReZ ftw. Everything he says in regards to DKC on the SNES is Gospel. My reaction:
  14. Looking great. Bring the 90's on!
  15. Yep. This is awesome. Seavour has a bit of a reputation as a big time Charlie from other Rare staffers - which you can see in the way he comes across. But that's what's needed in some ways - especially when you are designing and producing games. Good on him for making this. Really does make you pine for the good old Rare. Where the hell are the Stamper brothers in all of this?!
  16. My download took about 40minutes. Preferring this to the waggle edition. Seems a perfect fit for the 3DS.
  17. Also: Mario64 is still revolutionary!
  18. My favourite game in the series as I found 1/2 and Revelations really slow. Didn't bother with Broterhood as felt like Ubi weren't doing enough with the series. This seemed to be going the same way as it has such a slow introduction... However, when you become Connor, I found it really opens up into the wilds of America and becomes so much fun. I could then dip in and out of the story without becoming bored. Love the Wii U off TV functionality and how you can keep the TV clutter free with the gamepad. A great game. And the sailing is great fun!
  19. Thanks for the updates on the £29.99 GAME codes guys. Downloading as we speak
  20. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant video!
  21. Yeah, I love the character creation. Made my main man Chuck Norris
  22. Same! Pretty weighty. Coud kill a small animal...like a Yoshi.
  23. Yes. Yes we are.
  24. Xenoblade's intro theme and the final theme song are indeed audiogasmic. Doesn't twinkle like a 16 Bit SEGA game nor offer the pomp and circumstance of a Gusty Garden though.
  25. I concur. A brilliant Sonic game. Also: my favourite music on the Wii bar Mario Galaxy is the Planet Wisp overworld menu music. It brought back so many memories of reading the 90's comics and playing the 8/16-Bit Sonic games. Theplanet wisp map is classic 90's Sonic when you see what it represents. IE: Industrialisation and the impact on the environment. And the music twinkles with NiGHTS allure too. Beautiful. SEGA perfection and why I love games.
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