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Everything posted by Patch

  1. I love this town game! As far as classic haunted house adventure games go, it doesn't get much better than this. Putting a shivering, quaking Luigi in the starring role was a stroke of genius - it just wouldn't have been the same controlling Mario. There were so many memorable moments: - Luigi's 'Yikes' moment when a ghost appears. - Luigi's breath in the cold air. - Hearing Luigi humming along to the theme tune. Brilliant! - Seeing Mario trapped in the painting, while Luigi can only look on from the mouth of a statue. - The winding walk into the night sky to retrieve Mario's star. - The elusive golden mice and the treasure rooms. - 'Bursting' the big Boo on the horn of a unicorn statue. - When the power goes out and you have to navigate the whole house with tons of ghosts returned to all the previously-cleared rooms. - A key popping out of a toilet! I must have played it through about 6 times; I was incentivised to play again to get more and more treasure / money.
  2. Haha, you had me going there. It's great to see someone else get into the game for the first time! I enjoyed it a lot. My only regret is that I didn't have the time to play it to completion faster as I spent many, many months playing it. There's still plenty more for me to do too. Trode's night-time project also got my interest piqued. Seeing your characters catch the dance bug is hilarious - the whole game has so many charming moments like these. Big smile as I'm typing this. A beautiful game, in so many ways. [ATTACH]3522[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3523[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]3524[/ATTACH]
  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I remember hearing about the remake years ago and forgot all about it until recently. I will definitely give this a go sometime (218MB download!). You can play as Shiva! [ATTACH]3516[/ATTACH]
  4. I love how the first two posters in this thread claim it to be their worse/best Zelda game in the series. Perhaps that's a good example of how it divides opinion even to this day. (As usual, Grazza steams in straight after this and sums up my feelings entirely with a single brilliant post). Remember the stunned reactions of people when the Cel-shaded style was first revealed? There was disappointment from fans wanting a more realistic tone, but I thought 'Yes! THIS is why I love Nintendo. They're not always thinking 'Let's give the fans what they expect and hope we get massive sales'. They sometimes stop and challenge themselves, saying 'What if we did this or that for a change and see what happens?'' I know Zelda has had cartoony roots in the past, but can you imagine such a change of art direction happening for other notable game series? Kudos to Nintendo for not only having the balls to do that, but also for making it play and control like a dream.
  5. It's like we were separated at birth, but somehow along the way I got a better telly than you (I can play all three, yay).
  6. I don't know the first thing about playing a guitar - except that fingers are used it seems - so I'm no expert by any means, but you play really well. Tune seems really familiar. I think this about all of them though...
  7. Magnus - 3 Olly - 3 Cube - 3 MoogleViper - 1 Total scores for this month: Magnus: 16 Jonnas: 7 Cube: 7 Olly: 6 Dyson: 3 Dog-amoto: 2 jayseven: 2 mcj metroid: 2 / nando /: 2 The Peeps: 2 Ville: 2 Darksnowman: 1 MadDog: 1 Patch: 1 Sméagol: 1 MoogleViper: 1
  8. Correct! One of my favourite screenshots ever. The grass has such detail. Jonnas, sorry, I've just realised that your guess was wrong, despite me saying it was correct. Argh.
  9. All guesses are correct except for Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  10. Both correct. Very magnanimous of you, Magnus.
  11. OK, as promised eventually, here is another round. These are all full-screen screenshots. 6 and 9 have had parts blacked out to stop them from being too obvious. 1. Cool World (Olly + 1) [ATTACH]3502[/ATTACH] 2. Shantae: Risky's Revenge (Magnus + 1) [ATTACH]3503[/ATTACH] 3. Skitchin' (Olly + 1) [ATTACH]3504[/ATTACH] 4. The Dig (Magnus + 1) [ATTACH]3505[/ATTACH] 5. Loom (Cube + 1) [ATTACH]3506[/ATTACH] 6. Kwik Snax (Magnus + 1) [ATTACH]3508[/ATTACH] 7. StormLord (Olly + 1) [ATTACH]3509[/ATTACH] 8. Yakuza 2 (MoogleViper + 1) [ATTACH]3510[/ATTACH] 9. Drawn to Life (Cube + 1) [ATTACH]3511[/ATTACH] 10. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Cube + 1) [ATTACH]3512[/ATTACH]
  12. I don't think you can get the original SoR on Xbox Live, might be wrong. It looks like it's from the remake done by these chaps: SoR Remake
  13. Why you sneaky, low-down, underhanded . . . I expected nothing less. Woohoo!
  14. Oh yes. I'm humming the music right now. Got to love the occasional bit of backstabbing-throw-your-mate-off-the-side-of-the-elevator action. Where is that screenshot from? Looks like a remake.
  15. Crap, I accidentally typed GBA, instead of GB. I meant the Gameboy version of course. There's no game called Donkey Kong for the Gameboy Advance. In my favour, the idea is to name the game, not the system it came out on. Probably. Argh.
  16. Multiplayer splitscreen looks really good. [Vader]I find your compulsion to compare your feces with videogames . . . disturbing.[/Vader] I bought the first and enjoyed it a lot, but I didn't go in with unrealistic expectations, which probably helped. I don't think HVS have the scale of resources available to other teams that work on blockbuster titles. Got to admire them for trying though. In a market that has a planet-sized gap for FPS games, the more the merrier.
  17. Your last round was nice, Dog-amoto. I vote for that one. I have a round prepared, but I'll wait for next month.
  18. No, I haven't played it since I was a kid, though I did enjoy it a lot. I think some day I may give it another go, but it took me over the course of three years on and off to finish LoZ on the Virtual Console. I owed it to myself to finish that game once and for all. Gave me a warm, green glowy feeling.
  19. I've always been a sucker for those 'Rain' moments. You know what I mean: when the character steps outside or wakes up and your only companion is a gloomy, rain filled sky. Your character is getting soaked and demoralised, but they have only once choice: to keep going regardless. Resident Evil 4 After defeating the lake monster, Leon gets ashore and collapses. He wakes up 6 hours later. Night has fallen and a storm is beginning. The rain and lightning are relentless and it's here that the game really captures a fantastic sense of reality. Darkness has arrived and the oppressive rain creates a truly atmospheric sense of foreboding. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (already mentioned by darksnowman) It's cliched now, but some of the best stories are told from the vantage point of a young person with no skills whatsoever, rising up to become the hero of their time. The opening to this game captured the start of such a journey with a perfection that is almost impossible to conceive. A boy wakes up in the middle of the night. A storm is brewing, a faint voice is heard. His father, as any father would, tells him to stay in bed while he checks outside. The seconds pass. They turn into minutes and he gets out of bed, his childhood innocence making him uncertain what to do. Finally, he summons the courage to go outside and face the world. The rain beats down, the lightning flashes and the music is tense with a sense of urgency. The nearby soldiers tell him to "go home, "kid", but he pushes on, determined to find the source of the voice. [ATTACH]3478[/ATTACH] Metroid Prime After the orbiting space station blows up, Samus lands her ship on Tallon IV in a clearing filled with lush vegetation, with soft spots of rain landing on her visor when she looks up at the sky. I swear I could smell the moss when I played this. [ATTACH]3479[/ATTACH] Metroid Prime (already mentioned by killer kirby) Not rain as such, but words cannot express the awe of seeing this majestic landscape blanketed in soft white snow - contrasting heavily with the Magmoor Caverns encountered previously. [ATTACH]3480[/ATTACH]
  20. Sounds good. Good luck with that! If I was to attempt a LoZ marathon, I'd probably start with the most recent game and work my way back to LoZ1. If I started with LoZ1, I'd probably abandon the plan after I'd died for the hundredth time!
  21. Amen to cheap difficulty. Unless it has Dragon's Lair-type deaths of course. Nothing more annoying than playing a game on a harder difficulty to find that all it means is that they've made you more susceptible to damage and the enemies less susceptible.
  22. Cube guessed Resident Evil 4 for 4, whilst you have marked it as the correct answer for 12. Does that mean that 4 is still up for grabs? 2. Luigi's Mansion? Not sure if it's ever been stated, but we usually make one guess per screenshot and wait for confirmation that it's wrong before making another guess. Usually...
  23. 8. Wind Waker? 9. Canis Canem Edit (Bully)?
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