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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. It's a nice idea, but most of General Chat seems to be based on Media related things so it General Chat would become very quiet if it did happen. It's fine as it is now.
  2. Didn't have a match today, and my tactics and lineup disappeared for my match in the Xpert League today annoyingly so I lost at home. More importantly, Silverdale have to win their next game if we want to keep catch up with the others such as Odwin and Dyson if we want to fight off relegation. I think it could go down to the wire.
  3. I've been impressed by Karen Brady. I don't really miss Margaret, but it would be nice to see her overlook one of the tasks in a future episode.
  4. Back to back (surprising) victories so it's been a good week. Morris Drynan got his 100th appearance this week too and has been playing very well in his last 2 matches. Few more wins and I might survive the drop!
  5. Thought last weeks was a pretty decent opener. Dan deserved to go. And as others said, my favourite so far who seems very likeable and friendly is Jamie:
  6. Have to get a result away to Madpool if I want to stay in this league. Ugh..
  7. Just started a my Computer Science degree, and will be starting to look for work placements in the summer to get some experience. I'm living at home so it's less of a financial burden for me, but the increase to £6k a year won't stop people going to uni I don't think since the interest rate is relatively low to other sorts of debt. 10 years ago tuition fees were £1k a year? And I'm sure before then uni didn't have fees and yet we still get record number of students going to uni each year despite the constant rises in fees.
  8. Video been removed :/ Do hope we do see ITV Player, 4od and Demand Five on the PS3. Demand Five already works through the browser so I'm surprised a shortcut hasn't already been added.
  9. I got ID'd yesterday for Euromillion tickets (I'm 19) at Tesco. I can understand if I was buying something 18+, but there's no way I look under 16. They wouldn't accept my University card as my ID card, so in the end, I'm sticking to buying lottery tickets online.
  10. bad to worse. Going to start preparing for next season in the Middle League.
  11. Audio Surprised there isn't a new thread already for this. After a couple of months delay Sir Alan Lord Sugar & the new series of the Apprentice is amongst us and back on screen:grin: Anyone else going to be tuning in tonight from 9pm? I look forward to seeing the new contestants.
  12. I do like the vibrant palette and art style, Nintendo seem to use it correctly in their games. But I'm hoping that there's still some major surprises and news for this game; when they were hyping it up beforehand it was being suggested that it was a whole new Zelda that won't be like its predecessors. So hopefully the storyline doesn't have the same outline as before (3 minor treasures unlocks the main storyline where you then go through each temple to complete the game)
  13. Nintendo Wireless Keyboard? Would love to have that for the Wii..
  14. Launch lineup looks great, don't know how am I going to afford it all. Don't mind it not coming out until March as theres good games coming out this Winter and Christmas, and I still need to purchase Galaxy 2. 3D virtual console is an incredible addition, makes me wonder if some DS games will have the same possibility (eg. Pokemon Black/White).
  15. Still in the relegation zone, but glad of the win and the first clean sheet of the season!
  16. Annoyed with the loss, particularly concerned at the number of goals we've leaked in so far!
  17. Disappointing news but at the end of the day it'll bring out an even better game once it is fully ready and not had bits rushed near the end. Also, the game may have suffered in terms of sales because of Gran Turismo 5 finally getting released this November. Just hope we don't see a similar situation to last year where games were being delayed just to let Modern Warfare 2 be a sales success that everyone knew it would be. Seen the trailers and vids for LBP2, the different possibilities and potential for levels looks brilliant and I really look forward to what the top creators come up with. Basically able to make minigames in this!
  18. Not surprised to have lost to the champions who are unbeaten at home for so many games. Bit like trying to get points against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge! In a way kinda glad it was only a 2-0 loss, so morale isn't completely low. Huge lifeline in my next game against BSO who has some key injuries, so my team are determined to get 3 points next game.
  19. Pretty pleased Tekken Tag 2 has been announced, the original was my first game for PS2 so I held a lot of love for it. I skipped out on Tekken 6 as the only improvement I saw from it over 5 were the graphics. Even then it was said that the game looked dated on an old engine since it took so long to get released on PS3/360/. I have high hopes for Tekken Tag 2 as the developers will have a better idea on how to get the best use out of the next gen consoles. I've seen barely any advertisement or coverage of Playstation Move so far. I was kinda expecting a bombardment of adverts on TV for it but I guess that will happen closer to December. I caught the ending of a BBC Radio 5 show on Saturday evening where they were discussing games and reviews (someone from Gamespot came in), they didn't mention the Playstation Move at all but talked for 5 minutes each on Marios 25th Anniversary as well as on Halo: Reach. Similarly I watched BBC Click this morning and there was only a brief mention of Playstation Move despite giving Halo:Reach a considerable amount of airtime.
  20. I'd love to see a simultaneous release, but there would probably big shortages of the device particularly during Christmas here in Europe. I'm fairly sure the DS sales are huge in Japan and where the majority of sales are so it's probably sensible to release it just in that territory before Christmas. The other thing is that if it was released here in Europe in November/December and there were shortages, the 3DS would probably go for very high prices on eBay like the Wii did, and I'm sure Nintendo don't want consumers to profit like that.
  21. ...definitely need some points on the board tomorrow. Fielding a close to full strength team so really hope for the win otherwise the season looks grim for Silverdale.
  22. Fielded a weakened team so not surprised with the loss. For Silverdale, the season really starts Friday
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