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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I hate having the "single strong starter" - how we used to play back in '98 foo's. All my team were lvl. 17 a minute ago, they're levelling up all over the shop at Lenora's gym though. I like that Servine isn't my highest levelled.
  2. You should like it. If you don't... I have no words. -- Got a good response for my "documentary". It was alright...I didn't hate it, but could've been better.
  3. Ok, been playing solidly all afternoon and have just got the girl's Pokemon back/got the Heal Balls. My current team is: Snivy - lvl.15 Lillipup - lvl. 14 Purrloin - Lvl. 13 Blitzle -Lvl. 14 And I've caught one of every pokemon I've encountered so far, just stored them. I'd rather NOT use them. Even though Panpour seems good (and I have no other water pokes), he reminds me of shit. Munna too stunned me, but I hate stone evolutions when I don't know when I'll find a moonstone. Purrloin is literally bringing me down, but she's my cut-ter. I thought she'd be more jokey, but it turns out Lillipup is more so. I want her out - but don't want to waste one of Snivy's slots on Cut. *sigh* But yes, really enjoying it. Not sure I'm "high enough" levelled atm, but I haven't lost a battle yet/have been taking time out to go up levels.
  4. Started it last night, and restarted my game 4 times (!) because I couldn't decide which starter I wanted. :p Went with Oshawott, then realised that water pokemon are dime a dozen and often become HM whores anyway, then chose Tepig, who is technically the one I like visually the most, but then hate the idea of starting with fire AGAIN, and the fact he's fire/fighting. So I chose Snivy in the end. I feel so much betta. I don't want to catch any unnecessary ones in this play through, but I caught a Pacrat just in case Snivy is shit.
  5. I remember an episode where it addressed the fact Rapidash's mane is on fire. Something like when it trusts it's rider, the flames will no longer burn. Or something. It was stunning at the time.
  6. My flat made pancakes. We all made our own, together. Mine looked anaemic and when I fliped them they just ended up a crumpled pile of pancake. Still tasted lovely though.
  7. Yeah, but who isn't influenced by Lynch these days?

  8. "Meen ah" was dragging me down. I'm Paj to everyone anyway. I needed a fresh start.

  9. I like beer. Not all beers. But I'm not a connoisseur so I'm never sure which ones I like. I always choose Carlsberg though, just out of...not knowing what all the others taste like. I've tasted them obvs, but they aren't distinctive enough to remember. I recall not liking stella that much. I like to start with a beer (or two), then moving onto spirits. On a night out. I used to like Cider, but it's too fizzy/gaseous - and gives me painful hiccups if I have more than one.
  10. They were absolutely awful. What the fuck were they doing with their voices?
  11. To be completely UNCLICHE and so no one would have the same as me. [/hip]
  12. Pidgeot/to is second best for me . I just love the Staraptor family's movesets. Close Combat YES. Final Gambit YES. Intimidate ability to cut the foe's attack YES. "It never stops attacking even if it is injured." "...piece of shit." :love:
  13. Bidoof is worse than Zigzagoon. ^ :s Starly/Staravia/Staraptor is still the best of the "early game commoner" Pokemon. Always made my final team last gen. Too great.
  14. 9/10 A great/euphoric pop/dance song. I love it.
  15. Paj!


    Why not make the confusion part of the joke? Just accept your lack of knowledge and post what you feel is best, where you feel is best. Let's just revel in it for once.
  16. Yes. We're The Bestbestbest. I would say given as Battlestar Galactica too. ^ Best received is arguably Michael Jackson too! I can't remember anything else that stunning or influential. Like...I "got" Bjork tickets/hotel/flight etc one birthday, but I asked for that/planned it myself, so felt less out of the blue. Etseterah.
  17. Ra-Ra-Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine. Happy B'dayBidet.
  18. I feel like every thread should be retitled Tapedeck, as some sort of artistic statement. It'll be great. Forced to assess a thread by the thread starter, then forcing you to get your bearings without the use of a title. WHAT'S IN A TITLE?! Yes.
  19. I say CUNT in real life all the time. No more than usual recently...or maybe less IRL recently..hmm. Maybe I'm compensating by posting it more on here without realising?
  20. I enjoyed the pre-edit comment better.
  21. This feels amazing. But I agree - I think "Paj!" is the better option. Thanks for letting me see what this weird one is like though.
  22. *waits*
  23. Razz's avatar and sig come from a set someone did of "monsterous pokemon" - I'd like to see them again.
  24. Yeeeeeeesssss at the first one. "Cunts will pay by sundown."
  25. I love the image this conjured up in my head. I know I'm part of this group (probably). (even though I have no opinion on the subject)
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