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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Paj!


    Jenna Rose is far too mature for just singing about the weekend or a pair of jeans. She's exploring her artistry and right to explore her own sexuality through her music. it is awful isn't it?
  2. Only seen series 1 but was stunn'd. Need Series 2 in my life. Oh! I have money again. I'll buy it.
  3. Paj!


  4. Paj!


    Rebecca Black is so 3 Fridays ago. Jenna Rose (My Jeans) is the best. New single out now!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Guess that's a no RE: films.
  6. Can one of you buy me the box set of the previous films? I need them in my life, without paying.
  7. Paj!


    It should be fine. Even though 3 was the worst, it still had jokes to tell me. And Parker Posey is life. And Courtney Cox's fringe is a vision.
  8. Yes! Such an apt description. Got same feeling from The Illusionist too (Chomet's most recent one). Beautiful films. Need them on DVD actually.
  9. I know it's her only single CD collection, but the sound mixing/remastering on that is disgusting. Spark doesn't even sound like the same song. Terrible. But I guess it covers multiple albums...
  10. I didn't expect a masterpiece from Tron, I expected a competent story. It was crap. Or rather...it's flaws were so glaring they overtook the entire film. I'll probably end up seeing this. Maybe on the cheaper cinema days.
  11. Yeah but DOA is camptastic whilst also not taking itself seriously. I worry this might take itself seriously.
  12. They didn't explore the bits I would've been interested in enough. The city, the people, how they exist in this neon/blue world. I didn't give a shit about bikes smashing into eachother/hovercraft smashing into each other. Or the terrible cgi Jeff Bridges.
  13. Is there another thread for this? I'm sure there was...anyway: Looks like a dodgy photoshop.
  14. For me the negatives covered almost everything except maybe how passingly pretty the visuals were. Nothing to write home about visually though. Possibly technically, but no one cares about that.
  15. Got bored after a few songs.
  16. Paj!


    Yeah you can imagine that being a really iconic gaming theme tune.
  17. My friends and I opted to see Source Code instead of this last night due to the two having basically the two extremes, reviews wise. We knew Sucker Punch would be style>substance but were scared it would be truly awful. I suppose views on here kinda make me want to see it a bit more, but then I don't fully trust Daft/Dazz. (Daft loved Tron )
  18. One listen to her album will tell you/anyone she isn't just another "RnB woman".
  19. Paj!


    Yeah, I'm scre4ming in excitement. My sister and I love the Scream films and I'm heading back to Scotland just as it's released so we'll go together.
  20. It annoys me actually, the lack of movie chat. I've mentioned this before. Fine and well threads being made for the big new releases (they were created before the revamp anwway), but when I've tried making threads for individual, non-current, less popular films, they've bombed. I know the argument is "That's fine! 2-3 or replies doesn't means it's any less of a thread!" but it's...cluttered having pointless threads everywhere. Let me rate Mighty Aphrodite by Woody Allen in an environment where others are doing the same with other kinda unmentioned/old films, without having to see it sink like a stone. grumble
  21. I mean specifically the
  22. [sableye needs an evo more than Pinsir I think] I like the Qwilfish evo.
  23. Had a really good day (I love when you spend all out out of the house/halls, doing productive and/or fun things). But I forgot to post my Mum's mother's day card. I already thought it'd be late yesterday when i realised I'd have to send it today, but I carried it around ready to send all day forgetting to send it.
  24. Thought it was good. Wasn't STUNNED, but nothing was wrong with it. No complaints/things I felt could have been improved or anything. I really liked how it avoided the cliches it could have so easily fallen into. Every time I saw opputunity for a cliche I was internally clapping that they avoided. Liked the ending but was half-hoping it was just going to end on an extended version of that shot.
  25. Not quite the same. I spent most of today with my project group making a papier mache mask/watching Kill Bill 1 + 2 in between layers while they dried, and as I was leaving, I realised I never covered my hands in pva to pick off later (my favourite ever activity in life) so I exclaimed to my group in a state of hurry/bemusement:
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