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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. On the If U Seek Amy debate; I do see the points raised by the anti-crowd, in that the catchy chorus would mean young children shouting "Eff You See Kay me!" all over the shop, which is very different to "I kissed a girl.." and such. But then artistic freedom etc. Radio or not, I think Britney will deal with it.
  2. Henry V - Oh no! Technically went fine, but is just a bad production. A few standout people make it decent (from my perspective of being in it) but from the audience's viewpoint it was boring as fuck (as i expected). I just wish we'd done a fun/entertaining play/musical for my last show at school. To be fair, being in Noises Off last term was hialrious fun and makes up for this, but still.
  3. How could you not get that in the first place?
  4. It's the only song I choose to listen to off her last album, it's definitely an awesomely trashy song. I love the last part of that video, as I love the 50's.
  5. I love Falling Down by Scarlett Johansson. Great song she's covered, wonderfully involving production/feel, and the fact it features David Bowie. Not even in a real role, just on background vocals.
  6. Kenneth Branagh (legend) is directing the Thor movie.
  7. My two favourite actors!
  8. I hate baby talk (especially in adults), and my mum and dad raised me without talking in a stupid accent, which is partly why at a very early age I knew words and things that other children didn't. I used to wonder why people put their hand up asking what words I knew meant etc. So yeah. I assume that's how I'll raise my child/ren.
  9. I forgot to say that Lumpy Dough is from 2008, not 2009. It was the track you got when you signed up for their message thing. So technically 2008. I suppose commercially released would be 2009. ---- Appreciate the link to that Tori Amos vid, I'd never listened to it before, but I'd never bothered, as I don't know the original/hadn't had it recommended.
  10. Thanks for wishing me luck on the first night of the play everyone.
  11. What is this General Studies and why is everyone so bad at it?
  12. My results; English: Shakespeare - A English: The Romantics - C Design Tech: Whatever the frack paper it was - C (Resit) Yay at my results. DT I thankfulyl passed, assumed I wouldn't. I'll resit The Romantics, as I just didn't revise properly for it before. ---- Fanny! In less than 2 hours, I should be at school getting ready for the first night of Henry V! It's pretty mundane as a play, and just isn't very fulfilling. Plus I hate that I look really bad on stage, not being allowed the jackets I bagseyed.
  13. The lyrics sound pretty sexual to me.
  14. Ah yes thank you! I'll continue my quest for the other one.
  15. It was literally brilliant, though. Being bright. I love this picture on so many levels.
  16. I hated her fringe...it made her face look a bit squished. As I said in the hot people thread, she was better in the flashbacks. But then 80's fashion etc. Still a brilliant body. --- Doubt Really good. I liked how it was ambiguous yet not. Meryl was on top form as usual. Hoffman and Adams were good too, but Viola Davis stole it from the "supporting" characters. Very thought-provoking, context blah blah. 9/10 ---- I need help. It concerns 2 foreign films I've seen but don't know the names of. I watched them in French class 2 years ago along with The Chorus, Cage Au Foles (the original version of The Birdcage) and Pan's Labyrinth. Which basically means they might not necessarily be French films... I need to track them down to complete my listal movie roster. Help? Film 1: About a student moving in with other students in...France? Possibly spain? (Again not sure what language) He's from Catalounia or whatever the name is, in Spain. Don't remember much, I think it goes on a bout his relationships, there a bit where they all gte drunk (drugs?) and a funny bit where the sole english student in the flat gets confused when someone on the phone says "le fac", and she's like "Fuck?!" Bad description, but this one is worse; Film 2: A bloody action thriller. Most likely french. Lots of car chases. I think a lot is about gangs, and lots of it is set in the slums, and council estate-esque buildings. I'm sure in one bit, the main guy like leap frogs off a goon, and smashes through the tiny glass panel above a door to get into a room or something. Anyway, pretty sure there's a deaf girl in it? Or is he deaf? She works in a bar...he works in an office, I think. Sure there's a bit where she works out what's going on in an apartment across the street by lip reading from the opposite roof? Ends typically in a big car chase I think. --- Rubbish descriptions, and I'd ask the teacher, but he left last year!
  17. I know I'm a page late, but wtf is this shit with the ladies refusing to have children? I actually get broody sometimes. And I'm a 17 year old boy. Sometimes I want to steal other peoples little children I want one of my own so badly.* *Exaggerating. But yeah. I want to live in a decent/nice house with my wife/woman I live with and our children. But then I'm obsessed with my legacy (or lack thereof).
  18. That Messugah song is just so self-indulgent. It doesn't do anything to me that it is trying to do, as it's the same throughout.
  19. I love Jay's hair. Fiery locks of auburn (blonde) hair.
  20. It's lens, more often than not.
  21. Congrats, but I'm not sure what he'll be doing. I assume no dancing, but then no one thinks he'll be singing either...?
  22. Not played it in a wee while, but I will. I've got all the stars necessary to go to fight Bowser, but I'm gonna do all the stars I can at the station first. I can't do the sticky web catapult one at all. (The galaxy you get after feeding a luma) I can't aim myself to fling in the right direction, or rather, to hit the next catapult.
  23. I don't like the final fight. It feels...somehow empty and cheap. Just loads of Toad rip-offs. I think a big part is the lack of Cyclops and Prof.X, their demises handled rubbishly. Prof was ok, but Cyclops was shit. I don't care if he wasn't available, it tarnished the film. The second one is perfect though. Excellent and full of substance the whole way through.
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