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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Drive-in movie. Drive-in move me. Drive-in to me.
  2. Portishead are one of my favourite bands. Perhaps my favourite. Third was the best album of 2008. It's their least accessible though. Their self-titled is a nice mix of Dummy and Third in tone. (Much more Dummy than it is Third, however)
  3. Elephant Wanted to see this for ages, as I enjoyed the style of Paranoid Park, also directed by Gus Van Sant. This was a spare and short affair, at only 75 minutes long, and the actual events (without proper analysis) taking place over the span of like...half an hour. I did like the style, and the way that it focused on these "insignificant" characters (on the long run). it plays with our common conceptions of characterization in film etc. Actually very realistic at parts. Pretty traumatising. blah blah 8.7/10
  4. To be fair, Gorecki is a nice song. The album it's off is brilliant. Very dark and disturbing etc. But Peej is better.
  5. Battlestar Galactica; Razor Hardly a movie, but not quite just an extended episode. It's a bit like one of those tie-in comics, where it fits into continuity, and has the main characters, but introduces other main characters we just happened to have never noticed before. Interesting though, seeing Pegasus' journey. And I clapped at Pegasus six. Hi ginger hair. Alos interesting, and surprising was the flashback to the first war, and Bill Adama doing the shizz on that planet. Effectively though, the whole film was just a way to get the last line by the old man hybrid in, wasn't it? Interesting /10
  6. I'm voting PJ too.
  7. Magazines (more) often (than not) put the date of the day when they are to be taken off the shelves and replaced with the next issue on the cover.
  8. It's just a bit rude to other people (including the famous) who don't get treated like a bloody saint on their beathbed. I'm more annoyed at the media than her though. In her position, I'd cash in on it if I could.
  9. My favourite song about masturbation/sexual awakening vs. religion/upbringing/family/the ties that bind. Stealing Daft's format here; Icicle - Tori Amos I have a hiding place when spring marches in. Will you keep watch for me? I hear them calling... Gonna lay down... ...Gonna lay down Greeting the monster in our easter dresses, Father says"Bow your head like the good book says". Well I think the good book is missing some pages. Gonna lay down... ...Gonna lay down And when my hand touches myself, I can finally rest my head. And when they say take of his body, I think I'll take from mine instead. Getting off, Getting off, While they're all downstairs Singing prayers Sing away He's in my pumpkin p.j.'s Lay your book on my chest Feel the word Feel the word Feel the word The word - feel it! I could have! I should have! I could have flown! You know I could have! I should have! I didn't go. Icicle, Icicle Where are you going? I have a hiding palce when spring marches in. WIll you keep watch for me, I hear them calling? Gonna lay down ...Gonna lay down
  10. I didn't have my camera on me. I won't be able to get a pic of it until Monday. And let's be perfectly clear; it was relatively brilliant.
  11. I did a brilliant drawing at Life Drawing tonight. I refuse to lie.
  12. In agreement. His arms are very annoying, when the face and legs are good. And I still don't like the Cast name. But It's growing. I still imagine a bandage, or the caste system in India. --- The librarian finally gave me Maus. Been desperate to read it for ages.
  13. It's lovely. Like a better version of an ADP song. Very Venus Orbting, as well. It'll always be a shame that her voice has deteriorated though. Still, it's fine, and she's still awesome live (I NEED TO SEE HER THIS TOUR OR I'LL MYSELF).
  14. Some are, some are original songs. Not sure which are which though...Orange County Girl was played on the harajuku lovers tour, so that would imply it was a cast-off, and IIRC Wonderful Life too.
  15. I love the idea of it, but I have school, and I don't do my work as it is.
  16. I'm 2/3 through Battlestar Galactica: Razor. While it's literally filler, It's interesting to see the history of Battlestar Pegasus and Admiral Cain. Lots of "horrors of war" stuff. I'll rate (though it's not really a "film") tomorrow when done.
  17. You're a Tori Amos fan who hasn't listened to PJ Harvey? She's part of the fucking Trion!
  18. It's no Lamb, and it's not awful, but it's the leftover tracks from Lamb that shine. The rest is very..empty. I get depressed listening to Orange County Girl. It's really good live too. And the production on songs like Breakin' Up just make me want to turn it off. I do love Wonderful Life, Wind It Up, Now That You Got It etc. But yeah, she should have kept more elements from LAMB, I think, in terms of production.
  19. ---- I'm in love with Polly Scattergood's debut album. She's brilliant. Some songs a refreshingly simple sounding (for a "weird indie" girl), but I Hate The Way is probably my favourite song. It's an epic opener. This is the current single, Other Too Endless, probably the most obvious single on the album.
  20. I raise you So What and My Life Would Suck Without You. Definitely electro-pop, albiet with minor rock elements.
  21. Also thinking of the big "bug-eye" alien/spacesuit designs. Ones like the suit Lilandra wears in the Phoenix saga. (Before she reveals herself) Not sure where to find pics of that though. However, I'll concede Vader is bit "darker", in terms of having a mask that looks like it was fashioned out of something found at a concentration camp.
  22. Sorry to hear that. Is she leaving the forum? (As is typical in these situations)
  23. I'd give it like...7.9 or something. It's not bad at all, but there's other action adventure films I think are better. And they aren't "developed" that much in the single film...that's just her having a personality. I don't think Darth Vader is particulartly original. Very reminiscent of the alien/space invader designs found in comic books yonks before. I reserve full judgement until I watch it properly again. But it's in no way on par with other films I've given 10/10.
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