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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Not sure if you're making a sarcastic comment agreeing with me, or genuinely pondering that. If genuine, it's not an excuse. People have the ability to turn pages, and to not read/watch something If they don't want to. It's just the punters of britain who want something to complain about that care. Not sure this makes sense...she did it all herself, for herself. Which I completely respect. However, if she chose to keep it private, it would be less in the papers, but of course still prevalent. Again. not sure what you're even asking.
  2. People take the fact her death was self-publicised so bitterly, as though she was also personally insulting them. She's done nothing by good for others in her last few months, deal with having to see her in newspapers or whatever else she's done to ruin your life.
  3. *nods* Definitely. I feel I've neglected Bjork as of late. I might listen to...Debut later. Not heard that in a while.
  4. Of course not, but musical styles change. Those wholesome big pop groups don't exist anymore...they become Alphabeat or something like that. Electro, and more..mature? sounds are the norm amongst the music-listening audience that once would have listened to S Club. Saturdays, Katy Perry, GaGa are big now, and people like Jonad Bros and Miley Cyrus make a lot more mature, and rockier music than S Club did, to the same (and younger) audience. Styles just change.
  5. Ya ya. I have no knowledge/desire to know of Spawn whatsoever. Only that he was randomly in Soul Calibur 2 for Xbox.
  6. I went to see them live. My first gig. I remember them coming on stage on a red sports car. But it was my sister that REALLY loved them. I liked their TV shows though.
  7. Allthough, technically, Invincible is "friends" with Wolf-Man and stuff, isn't he? They interact/know of each other..? Or at least, the "Actioneers" knew about Guardians Of The Globe in Wolf-Man vol.1...
  8. If I'd watched it by myself (something I never would have done willingly), I possibly would have ripped it to shreds more, but things are funnier with friends.
  9. Invicible is made my Image comics, not Marvel or DC, so no other MAJOR heroes we all know and love (?). I like comics, but I'm also buying it on the basis of trusting the overwhelmingly positive responses of many members of this forum, not just ReZ (whose opinions are often dubious :p). I bought, and finished vol.1 of Astounding Wolf-Man, a comic by Image in the same universe as Invincible, and by the same writer. It was great fun, and almost...deceptivly simple? Very quick-paced, which makes the surprises even more surprising.
  10. I loved the first series, so I'll watch the next one (if It's still on Youtube).
  11. I love the mention of her ghost-producing Kid A, most.
  12. Lesbian Vampire Killers Rubbish, pretty much. James Corden and Matt Hornes humour was mildly diverting, as was the sometimes appreciated gratuitous(ly funny) shots of lesbian vampire arse. But then, not really. 4/10
  13. English is pretty blunt and unnattractive language, so usually music sounds WAY more "orgasmic" in other languages, imo. I'd never actually heard La Tortura, only heard of. It's quite nice, but sounds like a direct rip of Hips Don't Lie or something (the beat).
  14. Went out with a girl to see Lesbian Vampire Killers. We're friends, but I don't feel fully at ease around her. I think it's because I actually like her as a person? (Over some of the other girls I know) Film was rubbish but fun. Was gonna go to a friends party/house with Chair, along with said girl, but she's making the transition from one group of friends to "the cool"-er people at school, which is up to her, but she doesn't feel comfortable around the "cooler" people yet, so either I have to be there too, or we don't go at all. I kinda wanted to go to the party, but tonight was fun nontheless.
  15. It's not as bad as "rather". Doesn't remind you of a guy with a massive moustache and blocked nose, like "rather" does.
  16. How? 10charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  17. Not at all, but your idea already reeked of "been there/done that" (for the most part), but now I know it's in a comic you revere, you really need to steer clear.
  18. :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Just done the first three issues of Wolf-Man. The art is lovely, and I know that style is a Kirkman-book trademark. In some ways, I love how quick it set everything up, in others way, not. But yeah. It works well. Though it already tells me that ReZ needs to get a new idea for one of his planned arcs in his comic, as wars of mythological creatures is in this...
  19. ... I said it was pronounced "row-l". Everyone knows that when describing something in the way it's pronounced, or phonetically, the dash means nothing. You fool.
  20. Dollhouse Episodes 2 + 3 Way better than the first one...and I guess they're combatting the feeling of loss and pointlessness by indicating that not everything is wiped after each mission. I loved the second one more, defining when someone has Energy Shield/Deflection and 15 defence. The third one had a refreshing twist on what could have been standard fare. Really liking this show so far.
  21. I love the video. My favourite era of music video.
  22. The frack is a cob? I call it a roll. A bread roll. Pronounced "row-L". A bun reminds of something sweet from a bakery.
  23. I came out of todays trip into the town centre well. (i.e I spent no money of my own) £7 £19 £ ??? One of those silk hankerchief things for my top pocket, only in irridescent neon pink, to "match" the bow tie. £39
  24. Nope. Last I heard she become Super-Adaptoid...?
  25. I love your eclectic group of friends. That guy with the glasses and black shirt looks like he shouldn't be there, yet he sounds like he should. That woman, the same.
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