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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. (I love my string of uncared-for posts)


    Now on Season 4. I was hand-over-mouth for That's My Dog.


    It's the best TV Show I've seen so far.


    I love the music. The fact it's all stunning songs I love - but also that it's all diagetic. The point made of Ruth listening to Woodstock by Joni last season. Claire running upstairs to put Lucky by Radiohead on just to give the bonfire scene a soundtrack, such a human thing. Brenda has lovely taste too. Hadn't heard Just A Ride by Jem in years. And Sia is often played (and I know she famously is the song at the end of season 5) - and I just paused when I heard Claire playing Execution of all Things by Rilo Kiley. The best damn.


    It's just so human/real/there's no chaff. When Brenda and her mum have a chat in the canteen, and it just ends with 'Ugh, I hate your new hair..." = brilliance.

  2. Yes. Lady M is my. You need to read Blinded by the Light (which I don't have and is out of print for some reason I think - the prices are extortionate. I just *read* it *elsewhere*. I'll guide you to it when you're ready.) and then Messiah CompleX after that.


    It just proves how visual a medium comics are - the art can change the story. It can make a story seem better, darker, lighter etc etc.


    Bachalo probably works quite slowly I'd think, they often shove fill-in artists in when the good ones aren't fast enough. (I hate)


    Greg Land is so popular (at head office) because he must be so quick (for obvious reasons).


    Northstar/Aurora feel a bit shoehorned in / a bit "...", obviously just finding a way to revive Northstar.


    I read this before the Wolverine Omnibus (the one you picked up the other day and I told you to put down lol) and assumed he was meant to be dead and then just was 'comic-book revived', but in Wolverine, he's killed, turned into a Hydra agent, and then is never actually killed again, just restrained in high-security awaiting the day he would eventually be healed/cured. So it's fine.


    Mike Carey probably didn't want the only relevant gay X-men character relegated to obscurity. Karma is barely relevant and you can tell she's a lesbian to seem cooler. And no one likes or cares about Anole.

  3. I like Fast Food too much.


    Burger King burgers are technically better than McDonald's burgers at being burgers that are nice, but then McD's ones feel fine, just a different twist on the concept. And a normal sized McD's one is less filling/stuffing than a BK one. If that's what you're after.


    I prefer McD's chips to BK's.


    I like how McD's do lots of different food these days. Chicken McLegends are nice.

  4. It looks to be focused on different aspects of the mythos/origin story/the powers, which is cool.


    The mirror's edge bit looks like it was probably made for the trailer. Not sure if I like it or not tbh. Cool in the trailer.


    Needs more Sally Field. :p

  5. It's Grant Morrison so he is right and it is good.




    Ofd eBay, for the fact I've no clue of what happens in the this story, and the 80's are my X-Men history void. I think this is the one where Moonstar is great on a winged horse, so should be good.




  6. Both have their say. I honestly couldn't conceive how she could top Alas I Cannot Swim in the run up to the release of ISBIC. And I was punched in the face and discredited in every way when it finally came out. Done in. It was astounding.


    I'm so scared of her next album.






    In the queue for a bacon roll at Kirkwall airport. Chatted briefly/said how much I enjoyed her gig etc etc where was she headed next...got a photo too, but my cousin took it so will upload when he puts it on facebook.


    My first proper 'meeting a famous person in public' I think, and someone I genuinely like! Not just some random off Coronation St. or X Factor or whatever.

  7. Back from seeing KT Tunstall - she was great! Perfect voice, great entertainer. Really loved seeing her and hearing loads of songs that have been on rotation in my life the past 5-6 years. :)


    Setlist for those interested was roughly:


    Madame Trudeaux

    Glamour Puss

    Uummannaq Song

    (Still A) Weirdo

    Come On, Get In

    Other Side Of The World

    Black Horse And The Cherry Tree / Seven Nation Army (White Stripes Cover)

    Hidden Heart

    A Gorillaz song I didn't recognise, something about 'here with me'

    Hold On


    Golden Frames

    If Only

    Push That Knot Away / Blue Monday (New Order Cover) feat. The Pictish Trail


    Fade Like A Shadow

    'We Love You Orkney' Interlude / Suddenly I See


    Really good gig, Black Horse/7 Nation Army was probably my performance of the night, for YESSSSSS-ness. Though it was all good. When she said she was going to do a Gorilla song, I was hoping for Clint Eastwood, but was still ok. I love Trudeaux as an opener. I love spoken word. Other Side... was stunningly an electronic/synth rework. Fitted better.


    I just love so much. How Nicki Minaj injects jokes into things. I love "anyway, why'd I start my verse like that?". Breaking the 4th wall. Unnecessary, yet adds so much. Who else has the audacity to do that?


    And I love how she repeatedly genderfucks. "You can suck on my ballsack". My favourite thing. And how she's always surrounded by a group of totally superfluous objectified men.


    And all of this is done whilst delivering the most crisp, talentful performances. A stunning vocal performer. It's effortless. It's the best.




    She's practically a member of the/our Trion, it's ridiculous the power in her hand in so little careertime.


    I love this so much. Feels like a summari of her greatness.

    I love dark-sounding. Why I like the whole of Drake's album actually.


    'Fuck I look like, ho?

    I look like Yes and you look like No'


    -Donein. Zippedup. Inthetrash.


    'If I had a dick I would pull it out and piss on 'em.'

  9. /I hadn't read Deadly Genesis, so its all gravy.


    Yeah but did you know who Vulcan was beforehad?


    / I have a feeling I never read the very start of Shi'Ar empire. Maybe I missed the obvious introductory issue/s. (I knew who everyone was already though)

  10. Summer 2009 / Leaving School


    Finished Foundation Course / Summa

    (though basically any from I Speak Because I Can)


    This summer has yet to be decided, though for lolz with my family, both of J.Lo's recent songs are up there.

  11. I need to read but don't want to *acquire* until Im back home using my own internets. / I might buy it. / Probably won't though.


    Yeah that shit was pretty good.


    I enjoyed it at the time, but it felt a bit overlong, and he might feel a bit lost unless he reads Deadly Genesis beforehand.

  12. How very Dazzer of her [star Sapphire].


    I'm sure it's been asked before multiple times, but can anyone give me some suggestions on where to leap into the X-Men comics again. Preferably something with a long run, I've already done all the Whedon/Astonishing arc. I prefer the classic team but would be willing to give other angles a try.


    I'd heartily recommend the Grant Morrison run, to which Astonishing is almost a sequel. (only in some of the reference and tone, it's obviously stand-alone as well)


    It revitalised the entire franchise and set in on the course it's been on over the last decade, and is an absolutely fantastic read. Collected over 3 Ultimate Collections, all called New X-Men, all by Grant Morrison. I think they're being rereleased about now too, or soon at least.




    For something more overlooked, but incredibly well-regarded, is Mike Carey's run on X-Men, which eventually leads into another event, Messiah Complex. This is collected in Supernovas, Blinded by the Light (out of print I think, I had to -acquire- it, but you CAN skip it if you really want, it's short/prologue-y stuff/you'll get the gist) and Messiah CompleX. The latter was an important event for the X-Men. I can't tell how the whole lot would read to an out-of-the-loop reader though, except that Supernovas is terrific fun, well-written and great art. Doesn't need to be read with anything else either.




    Also Ultimate X-Men is great too. The entire Mark Millar run 1-30something is exceptional, and it remains fairly good for a while after he leaves too.


    I wouldn't recommend hopping onto the current series atm, it's in a state of change and there's tonnes going on that'd require a lot of background knowledge not only of X-Men, but the Marvel universe on the whole.

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