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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I thought it was great and just really enjoyable. Better than Thor and Iron Man II (and I probably prefer it to 1 but haven't seen 1 in so long I couldn't say), but obviously they're all enjoyable.


    I loved, absolutely bloody fucking vagina cock penis wound LOVED the war bonds explanation for him getting into the fighting AND the costume. That was a stroke of genius and I want to make love to whoever thought of it. Brilliant brilliant BRILLIANT. I assuemd they'd have to invent the costume in a shitty/typical way but this was unexpected and just so so good a decision.


    LOVED all the nods to Avengers and Marvel stuff. Hey Arnim Zola, I've heard of you. Hey obvious arc reactor coming from the cosmic cube/hydra.






    Red Skull's face was great, though reminded me of Janet and/or Michael Jackson. Soz Janet/Michael. Hugo Weaving was a good villain, but maybe in an ideal world could have had even MORE screen time, but still good.


    I liked Agent Carter (OH HEY RELATION TO SHARON CARTER?? I don't know since I've only ever read one issue of Cap from 1998), considering she was the 'uptight female foil'. But she felt done well. I loved how she was the definiton of a ranged combat expert. Little unbelievable sometimes why she was in the thick of battle, but then it was a superhero film.


    But yeah I loved. I loved the dancing girls song. I thought Chris Evans was brilliant too! Never seen him as a leading man, and come to think of it, never seen him as a non-douchebagesque character.


    Omg Avengers trailer. Tells us nothing and really just fan service of the shots they've done I guess but cool to know it's coming together. Hey Maria Hill.

  2. Seeing this at 8.30 tonight, poingnantly in 3-D, despite the majority of showings being in 2-D (which I approve of, it was the opposite for Thor, at least at Odeon). I'm in for the 3-D lol, not seen a 3-D film since Alice in Wonderland.


    Looking foward to it after hearing reviews.




    The logical woman walked towards the diminutive figure to use her power beneficially, but her power wouldn’t work as she got close.










    “Oh enough of that ‘Spiral†shit already!â€

    The crystalline man surfs down the halls at breakneck speed, as his target does the same, blades swirling. Upon impact his opponent would surely shatter him completely, but they don’t get a chance, before a blast of ice renders them motionless. The crystalline man laughs and slides away.




    In the nearby mess hall, there was a melee of sorts, though much of the combat was taking place on the astral plane. A girl is tricked into thinking her target is the woman using stolen mental abilities. A man circles overhead. Said mental abilities overpower an Asian woman in the room, whose own targets are no longer her own. The woman passing by is suddenly possessed, and changes her own course, green energy circling her as she runs. However, she trips over the diminutive figure clutching her dress, and when she tries to strike, she finds she can no longer call upon her abilities.




    The Asian woman is observed by a leather-clad woman, who leaves, satisfied. Walking back to her quarters, she bumps into a different Asian woman.

    “Shit!†shouts the leather-clad woman, leaping out of the way before the Asian woman, suddenly armoured, strikes with a focused fist. “You tried this before, sweetie – you failed! Tell whoever’s in charge you won’t have any luck getting rid of me!†laughed the leather-clad woman. She ran through the hallways, pushing others out of the way, as her attacker gave swift chase.


    The leather-clad woman really didn’t know how she was going to get out of this a second time. She could talk all she liked, but without a plan…


    “AGH!†came a cry from behind her. She turned and saw that her attacker had slipped on a patch of ice.

    “Seriously? Again?†she smirked. “Well that’s lucky..or..unlucky…depends on how you look at it.â€, and with that she made her escape through the laundry chute. Her attacker, in a furious rage, lifted herself from the floor and sent out a vicious psychic attack. However, having lost precisely where her prey was after slipping, the attack landed on the nearest person. Bad luck. His crystalline head exploded, and thousands of sparkling shards of ice rained down on his killer. His killer now looked different and once more wondered why she keeps finding herself in horrific situations with no memory of how she got there.




    Chairdriver is dead. He was a founding X-Man, Iceman.







    The ship's instruments are struggling to work properly. They keep overheating.




    Known to be aboard (15?)




    The Peeps













    Out the airlock (3?)






  4. It is epic. (And I don't like using that word)


    I have a thing for overlapping vocals singing different things so when the 'Please don't be in love...' bits are underneath the big finale of the song it completes me.


    Also the title track and Dear John are faves of mine. My least played is Never Grow Up and Innocent, but I've come to appreciate them more now.

  5. Good. September will be a big month. Bjork and Laura Marling's new albums, Lars Von Trier's Melancholia is in cinemas, DC relaunch their entire line of comics, it's my birthday, back at uni...yesss.


    Anyway. Music. Yes. Bjork. Yes.

  6. I was never into wargames really. Got massively into Heroclix when the Warhammer craze at school had passed, but that was cause it was about Superheroes. It's a fantastic game.


    When Warhammer was a craze at school no one actually knew how to play. We just made up rules.


    I had two boxes of Dark Eleves Wytches (or whatever they were called). One pack I painted (with my dad, to do it well, since so many people at school had horribly painted ones) red and purple, another white and black. I traded them with a friend for his copy of Pokemon Blue.

  7. My sister and I have a 'joke London accent' where we just say 'Mac-Donolws!' (meant to be a London accent...) at each other. Hates it, but loves it for the joke factor.


    I never thought about that before - would Homophobia not just be fear of the same/things that are the same?

  8. My comic collection is mainly just tonnes of the UK collector's editions I used to get, and they're all stuffed into my cupboard. My trades are now spilling out of the one shelf allocated to them in my unit, but I'll just take over the self above, it's fine. My room is currently in a state of changing around/never truly moved into it before I left for uni. My comics (i.e floppies) aren't taking up space yet, but will do soon, if I keep buying idividual issues, which I plan to.

  9. I never bothered to learn what snaking was properly or how to do it. Maybe that's why I could never unlock Dry Bowser.


    I love the bikes. The bikes felt more exhilerating to ride on, for some reason. Shame they're gone.


    grant_morrison.jpgIT'S BEEN SO LONG I'VE WANTED TO SEE HIM








    My mum came in to say 'Oh there's someone who wrote for Marvel at the book festival...G something, M something' and I screamed. But it was some random even I've never heard of. Then I thought.."Wait, I wonder if Grant Morrison is doing anything for the festival...". Lo and behold. For people who don't know, he's one of the most important writers of the comic medium of the last 20+ years (one of the best too, but that's my opinion/the truth). And he was also the villain in My Chemical Romance's last videos.

  11. What are you aiming for output wise anyway?


    What do you mean by this? (Bear in mind that while I can *use* Final Cut, I'm a n00b really when it comes to the purely technical stuff/numbers/terminology)


    EDIT: Oh, i got the aftereffects trial - I'll look up how to scale stuff in that. If I fail I'll come back for more help. :P


    Thanks btw.


    EDIT II: No I have no idea what I'm doing. :(

  12. I failed and immediately went to Uni, not driving from mid-Seotember 2010 until mid July 2011. I'm just getting back into the swing of things with my dad, then doing some proper lessons next week. Not booked my test yet. :) Might do an intensive thing, we're gonna consult my new instructor.

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