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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. It's a little hypocritical to slag off Linkin Park and then post songs from Jennifer Lopez and Brandy.


    I called them blah - hardly damning the band to hell, and obviously my own feelings. (even used a personal example)


    And I wasn't holding Brandy or J.Lo up as examples of 'better than Linkin Park'. :p Why would I do that?



    MOUNTAINS out of molehills people. Stop caring and let's all carry on.

  2. ^ My favourite lyrics/image.


    Someone left the cake out in the rain

    And I don't think that I can take it

    Cause it took so long to bake it

    And I'll never have that recipe again


    So joke for the type of song. I'm left wanting to know so much more about who this person is who baked it, and why the recipe is out of reach.

  3. I want to see Horrible Bosses. It has people I like in it. Good to hear it's not awfowl.


    Even though Bateman and Aniston seem to play similar characters in most of their films/I'm always aware it's them, I love seeing their faces and hearing their voices.


    I kinda want to see The Switch because of this.

  4. Am I the only one who prefers the look/costume that Cyclops and Storm used to have in the 90s (Animated series, Marvel vs. Capcom, etc.)?


    No! I have a personal love for those two too. Cyclops with hair > body condom he wears now. And Storm's cartoon costume was the perfect balance between like...goddess and 'I'm going to fuck you up.'. Her current one is blah and too airy-fairy.

  5. I'll play.


    Angel feels rudely in the background in that picture / he has no bag/opinion on life to give.


    I love Mystique being one of the biggest, just to illustrate that she's one of the only great characters there. I just love how it's every X-Man ever. I see you Marrow and Cecelia Reyes. I see you Slipstream. I see you Kwannon/Revanche, the asian woman Psylocke swapped bodies with.

  6. Linkin Park are so blah. I heard the start of a song in the gym the other day and thought, "Oh this sounds interesting" but then he started singing/i realised who it was and that realisation seemed to coincidence with a complete drop of any potential quality the song had. (not saying I didn't like it because it was them, it just suddenly went crap)




    I like that Washed Out song, ipaul. Ãœr great.




    A few for tha road from PajRadio Summer Jamz...

  7. x_men_logo_8.png

    X-Men Mafia Pt. II Sign-Ups



    Last time...

    The X-Men were ambushed in their own home, their ranks fatally thinned in an attack the likes of which they'd never experienced. Yet in the end they overcame their adversaries, despite the terrible losses. The X-Men continue to fight to protect a world that hates and fears them and what they represent, while trying desperately to survive themselves. But has mutantkind truly run it's course? Is this the end of Homo Superior?






    ++The War Room, the X-Men's island nation of Utopia, San Francisco++


    "We have rather distressingly been informed of a Shi'Ar transport ship that is nearing Earth's atmosphere, seemingly uncontrollably."


    The group shift in their seats.


    "We have thus far been unable to contact anyone from the Shi'Ar empire regarding this, and after a short discourse with The Avengers, they feel it's best if we make the first move, considering our history with the Shi'Ar is perhaps more favourable than theirs.


    "I'd like a team assembled and on their way to the ship within the hour. Discern what you can, find out what the situation is, and report back. No one can get a line to S.W.O.R.D, but S.H.I.E.L.D are poised to shoot it out of the sky relatively soon, so do hurry."


    The room empties as people make their way to the equipment room and suit up.


    "Y'know," pipes up a woman, "I don't think there's ever been a mission in space that has ended well."


    End Prologue






    Don't worry if you didn't play last time or know nothing about the X-Men, I almost guarantee it won't be a disadvantage in this game.







    The Peeps















  8. Marvel-wise? I guess...House of M/Decimation/whaturrr. World War Hulk, if that counts. Not overly interested in that though.


    Read Civil War extensively, Dark Reign/Siege etc. All of the accompanying stuff for that like Utopia too. What else is there?


    Not read any DC events of recent years except Final Crisis.

  9. Yeah, it literally didn't show Thor killing her/ending her pain. She was like going all crazy and big and then he says his peace/'I will avenge thee' and then it's a shot of her kinda...leaning sideways and Ms.Marvel looking indifferent. While I love Yu (lel), I wonder if it's his fault for not making it visually clear. Or if Bendis wanted it like that.


    And for such an important/long-lived character like that to die so unclearly is a bit "...". I actually, in all seriousness, preferred her Ultimatum death. [discounting my 'love' of Ultimatum]


    At least it slapped you across the face, as opposed to just kinda tapping you on the shoulder and shuffling away.

  10. I'm surely about due to run a mafia I booked ages ago (think it was 'DC Mafia') and while I've been planning that (it will feature completely new mechanics never seen before which need thorough thinking about), I've got an X-Men Mafia 2 practically ready.


    Can I do sign-ups for that now? I dunno the queue/list, but yeah, I had one 'booked' so to speak a while ago.

  11. I wanna read that soon ^


    I finished Secret Invasion. I can see why it's regarded as so "...". Like...such a cool premise, but it really is just a massive anti-climax, though it feels like it fails to build-up to much mid-way either. It should have been a longer event where the repurcusssionsss of the invasion/takeover were actually felt. I know it had tie-in issues, but they were just fighting weren't they?


    Felt like it didn't elaborate enough on some bits, too much on others. Wasp's death felt slightly unclear/un'FUCK'. And Mockingbird's return? Um. It was done well when it was the Skrull who THOUGHT it was her, but then when the REAL one returns, it's like "Oh Hey Hawkeye.", "Oh hey dead wife.".




    Stunning art though of course.

  12. I've seen her live already so it's fine.


    It's not like the Joanna Newsom curse. Chair's seen her twice live now... *dies*


    She keeps playing in the places I've JUST left. When I went to London, she finally came to Glasgow. When she was in London, I was back home/somewhere else. FUCK OFF.

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