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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. Well, it deserves to be seen on your shelf. It's probably better than 68% of the rest of your dvd/blu-ray collection. Space smache.


    I wept so many when my cousin showed me the ugly-ass book thing he has for all his DVD's, like a giant, heavy version of a dvd/cd wallet. He'd thrown out all the DVD cases. I felt ill. The best thing is having a wall of DVD spines to touch/look at.

  2. I'm seeing The Saw Doctors and KT Tunstall (seperate gigs) in a few days. Orkney is shaking having relatively famous people arriving on their shores.


    I leave here just before LAURA FUCKING MARLING COMES TO PLAY. I cut myself and bled all over the counter at the ticket place. I got a free poster for the gig (i'll miss) though.

  3. Yeah, it's a good song. One of those ones that are often covered, but it feels like the covers never make an attempt to be 'better' or 'different' to the original - it's just someone else singing the song, let's all take it in.


    (come on hairful Sinead)

  4. The space-stranded X-Men are coming baaaaaaaack (which we figured after recent events in Legacy, but ya. Confirmation.)



    -What will Havok, Polaris and Rachel think of how things have been handled in their 4-year abscence? Whose side will them be on, come Schism?

    -What will they have to say about the complete lack of effort made to look for them? Even though half of their team made it back to earth, and carried on with their lives (tbf one died)?

    -What will Polaris have to say to her reformed daddy, Magneto? Both have more in common than ever, having lost their powers on M-Day, only to have them artificially reinstated.

    -What sort of things will Rachel say to Hope, who is basically the current almost-Jean-but-not-quite on the block?

    -Will Polaris' return finally give Iceman something to do/pine over again, further delaying the fan-demanded (currently entirely made-up) storyline where he comes out as gay?


    Sew many q's.


    I love how realistic-looking everyone on that cover is. Could be real people. Unremarkable in terms of attractiveness or not. Polaris being the obvious slut.

  5. How do you know it nearly killed you? Nothing can nearly kill you in Mafia. I'm a huge fucking dragon who attacks with FIRE and roleblocks. Deal with flavour text.


    I have Pokemon White, and Reshiram is the baddie in it...is it the opposite in Pokemon Black?


    Yes, you get to control one while N or whoever commands the other. Depends on the game.

  6. This is weird, I was just listening to this:



    and thinking, 'Paj/Chairdriver probably knows her/likes her music'. What do you know.


    Only song I've heard by her anyway but I like it. It's a grower.


    That's one of her best damn. It's the one that got me into her (I had/knew Try Again and More Than A Woman but had only glazed over them previously), as I saw it get like...8th place in Pitchfork's 100 best songs of the 90's list. It's fantastic.

  7. Whoa hold up.


    I'm not evil. I'm a townie roleblocker, Reshiram. Flavour-text aside, that's all I do. Esequieleiel is taking this thing way too far. Unless he targeted for a kill by someone else, my fire would have done nothing fatal to him.


    Esequiel and Mr-Paul just became major suspects, though to be so brazen with flase acusations probably means mr-paul is just wrong, rather than intentionally lying.


    *unless he was


    ***other mistakes


    {why can't I spell?}

  8. I'm on it now. Fairly useless until lots of people are on it. I.e it won't be(at) facebook for a good while yet.


    Also unsure how to 'talk' to people/leave them the equivalent of wall posts. I don't care though.

  9. It's my new. It just evokes the feeling of being chosen/being known as being above others of a potentially similar standard. Like a prime cut of beef.


    And as a word reminds me of something suddenly turning silver and making a cliche "ching" noise as though someone just used a team stat-boosting power in X-Men Legends.

  10. Yes.




    I watched Dark Water as it was on TV. I loved bits. Aesthetically, it was stun. And nice editing/generally interesting to look at.


    Could've been a realy compelling Black Swan-esque thing about this woman's psyche/mental health, but then ghosts have to ruin everything. (and children)


    I love water. DARK water ('black' would be so definitive and obviously 'bad'. And the fact the aformentioned dark water is brown reminds one of filth and shit). When she realy tentatively opens the bathroom door in the flat above and goes "Oh. Oh god. Oh my god" at the overflowing things, it's so genuine. As when you think about it, to see a room with taps left on is so unsettling/uprooting. Like chaos/order/frak.


    But yeah, I expected a really bad film (because at first I had it confused with Lady in the Water), but it was fine. Jennifer Connelly is always prime.


    P.s it's not a horror movie. I hate marketing things as things they aren't.


    Aaliyah (wa/i)s pretty great. It genuinely feels really annoying she's dead, because she had so much to do and say.


    Yes. Aaliyah was great. And not in a "Rihanna is great" way. More in a "Beyonce is great" way. As in, actually talented beyond the joke of them.


    The production on her self-titled album is too much.


    But we also all love her very first song. I think she was 14. Dealing with.

  12. Just finished the 47-part Age of Apocalypse.


    Really good. Obvious why it has a legacy. Some parts were stronger than others but really a good story/great ride overall.


    I gasped/was shocked in the final issue (Omega) when Colossus

    crushes Shadowcat

    . Fitted his character so well. And just Generation NeXt in general stunned me (with fantastic art too).


    I liked X-Calibre too. Tell me more, Mystique. Though I question where she was in the final battle.

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