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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. It's not worth it Dan. Something has obviously killed him, killed him dead and cold inside of him, and there's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do. Walk away. Walk away and find someone who can still be saved.




    Run. I'll be right behind you.


    *Dan has the cliche moment of hesitation. After all, he might never see Gaggle again - is he facing certain death?*




    *Dan runs, wiping tears from his eyes*

  2. I do love some classic J-Lo. However much I love Play, it bugs me that she mimes the chorus in the video even though it's Christina Milian singing the entirety of it.]


    I never knew that! Was it a Milian demo/song she passed up or something?


    *remembers my Christina Milian thread*


    An Ashanti thread is sure to follow soon enough.


    I completely forgot Chair and I's favourite video/song of all time was this for a brief period:


    EDIT: And this overlooked classique! So many memories.

    My friend said that she was a spy they sent to find Maddy McCann.

  3. Read Ultimate X-Men so many times (up till I stopped getting the actual comics, just before Magnetic North). I since read it all and was like "..." at the end. What the fuck was the final arc? (Before Ultimatum) I hate shit. Kirkman's stuff was unmemorable but I should give it another read I think.


    It's still cool after Millar leaves, for all the Immonen-drawn stuff and New Mutants and stuff. Just tails off when Kirkman joins.

  4. I've not seen it. Shall I take it on your reccommendation that it's worth a shot?




    The best 'musical' is Cabaret, because the film isn't a musical. It's just a really good film, that has music in. Not even in the typical musical 'we start singing randomly!' - the music is only in context of the cabaret club, and isn't literally related to events in the story. It's one of my favourite films. It's so hard to get people to watch if they know the stage show is a musical/see the word musical associated with it. It's so...not.

  5. I feel a J.Lo thread is in order after her guest appearances in the LCD thread.


    Her mark will always be left in my history books as J.Lo was my first ever parental advisory album, and my mum listened through it before I could (and missed the only swear word 'Dj play mah muthafuckin' SONG' in Play, the song I bought the album for anyway).



    Play is still the best song I've ever heard. The beat is like nothing on earth. And the video is so early 2000's! Imagine anyone getting that kind of video budget nowadays. I want to be on that plane/starcruiser.


    And what of her acting career? I find her a charming feature in the rom-comm-y type films she's done (only seen Monster In Law and Back Up Plan, but she was amusing in both), and I thought she was fine in The Cell.


    I do enjoy a good number of her singles. I have...2-3 of her albums on my iTunes but realistically I could delete the majority and live my life lighter for it.


    Love the Lopez? Hate the Henny? THOUGHTS. CRITICISMS. DEBATE ON THE ICON.

  6. Yeah that's what I read too. I just assumed she'd seen him/magically knew he was about to stab her (the writer doesn't mention that in the article) so she had to strike first. However, it (i.e the President knowing/that whole bit) could have been done better, or differently somehow. I liked the strangling though. Tres cool. Queen of angry.

  7. Trades are ridiculously priced in most shops. It's like...surely if they just went down to the Amazon prices they would sell better? I mean who would buy normally-priced trades from like...Forbidden Planet? Or just most comic shops (independant or otherwise).

  8. It's an interesting topic.


    On a personal level for me. I mean I like a lot of stuff that is considered and I consider to be of high artistic value (people like Joanna Newsom, Radiohead blah) but then get a huge amount of enjoyment from a lot of crap stuff. But then I feel that it's to do with an attitue/feeling/mood/thing. Shut up. But yeah, I'm not agreeing with Diageo (god forbid).

  9. I just watched Salt.


    I enjoyed thoroughly. Mainly cause I was imagining Marvel Comics' Black Widow in her place. Could have been a stunning premise for a standalone Black Widow graphic novel/film. Or Elektra if you were feeling less cliche. Not bothering with sais when guns are there.


    It wasn't a bad film. Felt inessential to anyone's life, but it's fine.


    (Also I'm sure there's something that can be read into the fact she's barely sexualised.)


    Can Daft/ReZ tell me their thoughts on the plot holes? I need to hear and collate.


    This song is like my life-story.


    I'm Mrs. I-don't-care-if-I-get-gaseous

    I'm Mrs. OMG-that-murdering-fascist

    I'm Mrs. extra-texture-delicious-skin

    I'm Mrs. leave-the-fat-and-gristle-in


    They say I should take to eating plants and seeds and things without parents

  11. Who else watched her Glastonbury set? I'm abotu half-way through and it's one of the most entertaining concerts I've ever watched. What an entertainer. Sheer class.


    I laughed out of pure joy/yes-ness in Survivor with the poignantly ommited lyrics to add a harder edge - "Thought I wouldn't sell without you - - MILLIONS. WHAT?"


    But yeah. Brilliant.

  12. I read Ultimate Spider-Man 160.


    I love abrupt/done.


    I hate since it was such a stunning series with really well-developed and loveable characters. I love Ultimate Peter Parker.


    Mary Jane finally reaching her 10 speed charge click. 4 damage. Doing 2 due to Goblin having Invulnerabilty.


    I hope

    Green Goblin is dead, and the smile was purely symbolic. Ugh. Effing Human Torch ruining everyone's day. Iceman y u no wake up?


    I...am in two minds overall since there seemed to be no call for the event as a whole. There was so much to tell! I guess we'll see the extent of the 'Death of Spider-Man' in Ultimate Fallout. Still, it was done well, and not overly-dramatically. Sinister Six. Being caught in the Ultimates firefight, just having one final day that was too much for him.



    Such a great series. I almost want to buy it all in trade now. I have a lot of it in actual comic form (up until Carnage), and have read the rest but I love so much.


    What a great ride. :love: I'm glad Bagley came back for the final arc - while I thought thingie was a good artist, his re-imaginings of MJ and Gwen etc would have annoyed me had they been the final interpretations.


    ------- --------- ---------


    I really want this.


    Chris Claremont and Jim Lee Omnibus Vol.1, released later this year - price on amazon is £52.50 (with an almost £100 rrp!?!?!). I need in my life. Just cause I feel like such a flop X-fan having not read anything from the 80's era (really).

  13. It would make for a better show though. I mean the writing style from The Fame to BTW is completely different...she's not as shit for one thing.


    I can see her performing most of Born This Way, save maybe a few of the slower ones like Bloody Mary or Electric Chapel. Then all the previous singles except Telephone and Alejandro. And maybe Teeth.

  14. Her voice will deteriorate a huge amount I'd predict. People who exert their voice so much always do.


    Might make an effort to go see the next tour. Specially since I assume/hope she'll dump the majority of the songs from the last 2 albums in favour of her new one.

  15. I


    I don't understand why Mariah's Hero is so.. like... boring. Even at it's most impressive, I'm still so unmoved. It feels like it has no music, just her voice. I feel it could be really good if it were produced better / the backing music wasn't so sterilized.


    Yeah, considering it's meant to the one everyone/the public should concede is enjoyable, she has like 12 others I prefer. In fact I really have no time for her slow songs, I like her RnB stuff. The Roof (featuring Mobb Deep) is brill.

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