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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I can't be bothered as I've gone into it on the x amount of these kinds of threads we've had since I joined.


    Death/lack of existing.


    You strike me as the type who would think 'We don't know we're dead, it doesn't matter.'

  2. ---


    I don't want her, btw. ^


    Just to say I'm currently clearing up/out my room, and some things may be up for grabs. Probably nothing of much interest but who knowwwwwwwwwwwwwsssss.


    / will post it in this dying/dead thread anyway.

  3. If I only could, I'd make a deal with God and get him to swap your perceived gender. Don't give up.


    I was actually referring to the original post but


    it's a hairflip, it's whatever.

  4. Yeah that's really it. So expensive. :(


    I've not bought any trades since the v. cheap Morrison X-Men ones I found in Amsterdam in November. Gonna pick up Xenogenesis for a tenner on Amazon soon. Good price - saw it in Waterstones for 19 pounds. Um no.

  5. I felt like I needed to crawl under my bed and stay there for a few days and come out afresh and new.



    go into the garden go under the ivy go under the leaves away from the party go right to the rose right to the white rose for me

  6. 90's X-Men :D. I loved Onslaught. I dunno why it's so hated. Maybe if it came out now it'd be considered bad. I honestly can't tell.


    Still never read Age of Apocalypse. I started it then got sidetracked. It's so long. One day I will.

  7. Yeah, funny isn't it? Finally we get the chance to see all our obscure favourites showing up fairly often, but...it just isn't as cool as you'd think. I almost crave more conciseness. Or at least for the Utopia residents to be used more. I like when a small team is the focus for an arc, but includes a mix of mainies and randoms, bit like they did in the JLU cartoon. Like the team Carey wrote for the Necrosha tie-in, when Proteus came back to life. Rogue, Magneto, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Trance (I think? Or maybe Loa.), Husk and Blindfold. And tbh Legacy is better at exploiting the fact they can use almost EVERY mutant now. I mean..who'd think we'd be getting character development for Joanna Cargill/Frenzy any time soon? :p

  8. OK, yeah. When should I read from post Second Coming?


    X-Men Legacy 238 onwards. Age of X (starting at X-Men Legacy 245, though there is a one-shot Alpha issue set beforehand that's worth a read if you like the universe) crosses over with New Mutants bear in mind for a few issues.


    Age of X Alpha

    Chapter 1: X-Men Legacy #245

    Chapter 2 : New Mutants #22

    Chapter 3: X-Men Legacy #246

    Chapter 4: New Mutants #23

    Age of X Universe #1

    Chapter 5: X-Men Legacy #247

    Chapter 6: New Mutants #24

    Age of X Universe #2


    The Universe issues aren't essential to the story, but interesting sidenotes. Especially the Avengers orientated bits.




    I assume people have been reading/read Death of Ultimate Spider-Man? I'm about to, and had a question;


    In the checklist it states Ultimate Avengers vs. Ultimates 1 is 'first' , but then the first few relevant issues of USM have '(Prelude)' after the title, does this mean I should read them first? I know the checklists are based on release date, but story-wise should I start with the preludes?

  9. @ Dan, read Legacy!! Have you not read Age of X yet?


    To me, Uncanny and Legacy are the X-books, with X-Men and Astonishing just being side ones, out of the current story. Like...I can't be bothered reading the current story in X-Men, it sounds like rubbish. But that's fine, as it can be skipped if need be.


    Legacy is important. Read eet. Though I do wish Rogue was more like old-Rogue though...she's less fiesty and more teachery now. Despite finally being in control of her powers. (IIRC?)

  10. It's a brilliant film.


    WTF is that critic quote doing? Take it away from me. 'Carnal love story"? *um*


    Bear in mind all ye who watched Dancer In The Dark, its the first of the Golden Hearts Trilogy (Breaking The Waves, The Idiots and Dancer in The Dark). So you know what you're getting yourself into. But then...I hate people avoiding things in case they're 'depressing'. SO WATCH IT and deal.


    *runs out*

  11. I saw Life In A Day today.


    It was great. People saying how The Social Network was such a modern film in terms of being an illustration of 'where we are' or whatever, should really watch this.


    Composed and edited entirely from footage people around the world, all walks of life, filmed on 24th July last year. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but ended being great, and incredibly moving too.


    An essential view of the year for me - if you have any vested interest in film as a medium. Nothing like it has been made so far, but perhaps it's a sign of how feature films could end up in the years to come..?

  12. If up on Vince means the one where

    Las Vegas is blown up



    then yes.



    Tonight I'm gonna catch-up with Adjectiveless X-Men and Astonishing (I forgot it existed).


    EDIT: HOLY FUCK Serve and Protect is pencilled by Bachalo? I love it.




    Ok well To Serve and Protect is probably one of my fave story arcs in ages! Just back-to-basics superhero-ing, without it feeling like a backwards step or somehow innapropriate. Great writing too, got the team sounding like a team in their interactions, Spidey was done very well, and loved how it felt like a sequel to last year's (?) Lizard story in ASM, with Bachalo back drawing the scaly beasts.


    Also -





    But yeah, VERY GOOD, after the meh-in-my-opinion Curse of the Mutants.

  13. ^ The best thing.


    I was thinking about what Ashley said in the Self-Esteem thread [/retitled in my mind] about how if you just listen to certain rappers, you feel so much in control and ready to eat a rap bitch for dinner.


    made me so assertive today. I like him for that too.



    Which bitch you know made a million off a mixtape?

    That was a keepsake

    Bought the President the Louis Presidential Briefcase

    Never been a cheapskate


    Fuck I look like, ho?

    I look like yes and you look like no.


    ^ yes.

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