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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. The Queen is a bit crap, Frank. I like the *doesn't know the right word* mid-song tempo change. Otherwise it can diaf.


    But yeah, tbf this whole album blows everything she did before (especially production wise) out of the water. Fame Monster is still decent, but The Fame especially looks like absolute crap (which it kinda always was...) in comparison.

  2. The Ultimate line of Marvel comics began in the early 2000's and just took the concepts of the main marvel heroes and kinda 'started again' in their own way, ditching continuity and taking a more modern, less bogged-down approach. Remember the game Ultimate Spider-Man for PS2/Xbox and GC? It's based on the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. :)




    Nick Fury [samuel L Jackson] in the current Marvel films is only black because he is in the Ultimate comics, and this version has been very popular. The character that has been appearing the normal Marvel comics for 60 years (I think...) is white.

  3. Video is a bit "...". I appreciate it tried to be a joke though. I love her quake click. Sadly all she did was get them onto Invuln. [/reference for Chair/ReZ]


    She looks great. And slightly less bored than usual.


    I still really like the song.

  4. I didn't know until tonight that there was an Ultimatum Complete Collection thing, with both Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum.


    I want it.


    I have had a sick urge to own both of them properly since I read them. I love. I love bad. I love not giving a shit.


    It's my favourite thing that isn't good. As was New Ultimates.

  5. I only read it cause It told me so many jokes. Bad ones, but they were there. I have no interest in going back and reading the half of X-Treme I never read (the horrific Igor Kordey art doesn't help there either), or his 04 Uncanny run. I actually started the Uncanny run, but couldnt even get to the bit I wanted to (Psylocke's return) as it was ruining me.


    I'm more interested in reading the old stories. I saw they're releasing a few big collections of X-stories this year like a big omnibus with Jim Lee. Also an (unrelated to Claremont) collection of X-Cutioner's Song, which I remember reading most of, but not all.

  6. I finished X-Men Forever 2.




    Chris Claremont is atrocious. I see why they gave him this title - probably to get him out their hair. Seriously, he obviously created some important stories in his day, but comic writing has evolved since then and his style is not only dated but just LAME. Patronising drivel and completely forced characterisation is the order of the day. Same old Claremont tropes on show too.




    Shame cause I can imagine if a similar overall story were in the hands of a better writer (and artist...EW at the art team for these books), it could've been interesting. Everything just reeked of Claremont's crapness.


    Things I liked:


    - The fact it had a second series, X-Men Forever 2. A joke/stunningly definitive thing to do.

    - Mystique joining the team.

    - ...


    The rest was so so dire. I don't think X-Men Forever 3 has been announced/ever will, right? The story clearly isn't finished. Over it. It's just like...how can somone let this writing out to the public? Ugh. No input from others cause of his 'status'.

  7. I really hope the Aliens are at least that difficult to make out. When I first looked at this picture a few days ago it took me a while to realise there were four of them.

    Maybe I'm just an idiot...


    That corridor is everything. That is the Alien series.


    I'm ready for this game. Though I kinda hate marines, since the best thing is Ripley/someone stepping up the role of being great, rather being assumed to have that role. Shut up. There's a reason the marines all die at the start of Aliens.


    Come on you muthas.


  8. I really hope the Aliens are at least that difficult to make out. When I first looked at this picture a few days ago it took me a while to realise there were four of them.

    Maybe I'm just an idiot...


    That corridor is everything. That is the Alien series.


    I'm ready for this game. Though I kinda hate marines, since the best thing is Ripley/someone stepping up the role of being great, rather being assumed to have that role. Shut up. There's a reason the marines all die at the start of Aliens.


    Come on you muthas.


  9. I don't think taste should even come into it - I personally think these games are much more interesting when each song is very different to the other. :/ Not about attacking music tastes here. I think they should be a showcase for different styles as much as possible. :) And like..Mariah and Enrique cover the same ground for me so I'd compress them into one (choose one) to keep things concise. For example. Whatever. Anyone can do what they want. *flies away*


    Doesn't have to be ones the OP likes, but makes it too stodgy if they're all kinda middle-of-the-road, similar to one another.


    I used to love Hero by Kroeger when Spider-Man first came out. I don't like Hero by Mariah or Enrique really. Not interested in the other two - meh.


    I'll vote Chad Kroeger hee hee. I have a guilty pleasure spot reserved for certain Nickelback songs, so it's fine.

  10. I understand what Daft is saying and it makes sense. But then...you have to get over it (to enjoy it). :)


    It's like how alien races can somehow speak English. I prefer when they acknowledge they can't and have to use a translator. Like in X-Men YEARS ago (90's) a mutant Skrull joined and he couldn't communicate with the team because...why would HE know english (he was a prisoner of the Skrull for years for being a mutant)? They could use a Shi'Ar translator but...effort. I liked that. I think he learned English. Then left the team/died/who cares.

  11. And Paj, I guess you don't like GL as much as the others because you've not read much? I mean...the mythos is just amazing. Like. Yes its camp...but...god. Its so cool.



    Maybe, but I know a general overview of the mythos and I'm not interested really. I'm not NOT interested. I just have far bigger fish to fry.

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