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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I don't recall having (m)any.


    Or rather, I'm kinda aware of the dream being fiction, but apart from that I'm as invested in the events as any other. It's just cause I 'paused' a dream once to get up and right it down at like 4am, and so for the remainder, I was kinda aware I would note it all down later. At the back of my mind.

  2. If it was by Katy Perry/someone else popular who is generally liked, everyone would be mildly suprised at it's relative lack of quality/fun, but would then move on with their lives.


    Cher Lloyd elicits such a reaction. You CAN'T stop talkin bout her.

  3. What'd e'erone think of the second episode? Some interesting bits. I gasped during the Eric/Coven bit because I thought

    they'd 'brought him back to life' - as in cured his vampiracy (not a word). I was screaming.


    But I was wrong. :p


    Still so bored of the retard panthers.

  4. I love the bit I just recently did, trapped in the room waiting for the door to open with the Xenomorph wannabe. Literally running in circles, finding it hard to breathe, yet being great at dodging/I used all my recovery items. I love when I got in the hallway finally I knocked over the liquid nitrogen and in my fear actually ran back into the room I just came from. FRAK. I love Resi 4. GET TO THE LIFT YOU BASTARD IT'S FASTER THAN YOU.

  5. I tried on my 'outfit' for the big family reunion we're having in Orkney (where I am atm), and I looked stunning. McKay clan tartan kilt, boots, kilt hose, but like...casually on, not a big deal made of it, and nice green sweater/top of indescriminate purpose. Along with my newfound i-am-my hair and face, I'm amazing. I feel great. Swagger Jagger.


    This is my favourite* ever song though.


    I love** the earnest-sounding chorus. I love the fact you aren't sure where you stand when you listen to it. There's no quarter asked for, and none given. I'm so far from stunned, yet on the edge of glüry.





    I love so much. I'm reminded of early Chairdriver. Obviously this guy is "...", but Chair must surely concur that he is borne of the same stock.

  7. I'm aware the name/brand adds to the price for beats. One of the reason I got these was because I effectively got them for £50 off. £99 for a very decent pair of over ear headphones is fine by me. I spent more on worse quality ones before.


    ReZ is right though, they really leak sound on the higher volumes. I'm over it though.

  8. I'm gonna get the Wii(Cube) remake of the original. I heard the controls are aweful, but i'll deal.


    I'm terrified about the old save method though, since I exploit the typewriter in 4 so much. When I'm too scared of what lies beneath, I always run/hobble back to a typewriter. What is this ribbon shyt I've heard about?

  9. I got to the 'Your right hand comes off?' bit just a few hours ago. :D


    I love. I love how it feels like he doesn't give a shit about everything that's going horrifically wrong in his life. And Ashley is so great at being calm and collected whilst being led/taken/carried to her inevitable ritual sacrifice.


    I want a whole game of Ashley-esque levels. Come on flashlight. Come on throwing things at people. Come on puzzles.

  10. I didn't think the first one was particularly scary (or even got that it was trying to be scary) but then I watched it as a 19 year old who's seen a lot of actually scary films. I just enjoyed them all for being brainless action films that didn't take themselves too seriously.

  11. ...movies.




    Having recently started (and fallen in love with) my first ever Resi game (4), I find myself gagging to play more, as I love things with continuining stories.


    Anyway. I watched all the Resi films before ever playing the games, well aware they bore little to no resemblance to the 'original source material' in either content, tone or quality. But I loved.


    They're crap. But so great, too.



    -The tiny peep-window Alice uses to watch that laser scene.-


    -The TV screen bit is my life. The Phoenix Force.-


    -Yes. Alternatively, Ashanti's death scene.-


    -Claire's great.-


    I wish to see Afterlife in 3-D.


    I bought the 4-film collection for £12 off Zavvi, but saw it for £40 in HMV the other day. No wonder they're going out of business. :/ [/off-topic]



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