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Posts posted by Paj!




    She flies freely through the hallways, her power radiant and intimidating. She thinks she sees her target, and follows, masking her presence.

    Her target, a bulky man, spies his target, glinting in the lights far down the hallway, engaged in a ruckus of their own. The bulky man cocks his rifle, and begins to telepathically reach out to stun his target. The woman following him reacts instantaneously – bright light fills the hallway, blinding the bulky man.

    “By the Askani!!†he cries, though it goes unheard due to the piercing cry coming from the light, which seems to vanish as soon as it appeared. His weapons evaporated and having been left disorientated, he gives up on his mission.




    The glinting target looks down the hallway to where he saw the light and heard the cry, but it was apparently over. Turning back to his own affairs he strikes at his diminutive target, stopping them in their tracks – once more this fellow has failed to do much worthwhile before being stopped or pushed aside! The glinting man, pleased, readies a witty comment, but finds himself suddenly struck by a bizarre force instead. A woman who was planning on targeting him finds herself at a loss.




    A woman crouches, observing her target through the vent opening in their room. Nothing. Nothing of interest. Yet something seems so amiss…








    Another woman makes her way back to her quarters, satisfied with the night’s goings-on. She sees a familiar face approaching, click-clacking down the hall, but feels somewhat…tense. Plus she’d never associated them with…click-clacking…

    “Hey – is everything-â€

    The familiar face gives her no time to finish the sentence before lunging, their appearance changing to armour.

    “Whoa nelly! Bitch you need to sit the fuck down!†shouts the woman, ducking out the way in the nick of time and firing several pistol rounds. But she doesn’t manage to avoid the wave of telekinetic force that slams her against the wall.

    Her foe readies their weapon, pulling back, and then lunging at incredible speed. As luck would have it, her foe slipped on a patch of slush, and jabbed the wall at the wrong angle.

    A groan is heard, but the woman can’t wonder about it as she darts away, thanking her lucky stars.


    The foe rubs their sore fist, and looks behind the wall, where the body of a bulky man lay, impaled by the force because he was leaning on the wall from the other side. Not the intended target…but…tough luck.


    The armour dissipated and they wondered what had gone on here.



    Tales is dead. He was Nathan Summers, the X-Man from the future, Cable.





    These are the words. Is this all that remained to be read in your diaries Irene? I could have sworn I'd read them countless times over before and something else was written. It is perplexing. It's like things are different to how they were tomorrow. I mean yesterday. Not just memories unravelling but certainties and truths. How I wish you were here to make sense of all this. I've been told the Avengers have engaged it in combat. Heh. How does one fight lack of certainty? The removal of understanding? I hear New York is over. There's nothing left.]cable.jpg








    The ship is getting close to earth. ------- on earth hungers. ------- on the ship hungers. Two days.












    Scanning...Found (16)




    The Peeps














    Scanning...Unavailable (2)




    Majority is 9.

  2. Oh, it's in that bit. No sea. :( It's fine.


    I could go/make the effort if it's not too expensive. Want to do a meet and never been to a UK theme park (except Legoland, which, going for the first time last year, was way too young for me).


    I watched all 10 mins of the vid.


    My thoughts, other than I would like to meet most of you were (1.17 till 1.30):


    Joking (mostly), as I understand the annoying "So..what now?" thing, but looks like you should've/could've done more to entertain yourselves/each other.

  3. OK.


    Uncanny X-Force was decent too.


    But such a case of the art affecting yoru perception of the book. If this was drawn by Opena, I'd think it had inherent stunningness, but the art is generic-good, so it feels a bit *shrug*. Nothing wrong with it though, interesting cliffhanger, nice relationships and had me genuinely thinking about the possibility Wolvie proposes.

    ...that Jean could come back with him to 616.


    Though I know it won't happen as there'd be fanfare/promotion/they'll bring that character back when they feel like it, and it will the original version, not AOA.


    The Black Legion was the classic case of too many cooks. Iron Ghost, White Cloak, Grimm Chamber and Beta Red seem cool, but with too many indescriminate shits/references to 616 characters they lost all cool factor.

  4. I loved Schism 2 tbh. Really enjoying this so far - woud rather have seen more stuff like this than what has been going on in Uncanny of late.


    And Happenstance, Cyclops being thin is actually a welcome visual - there's a reason he was called 'Slim' - just most artists throughout the decades equalled superhero and superteam leader with musclebound strongman. Last person I recall who drew Cyclops looking not like an Abercrombie Model (LAND) was Frank Quitely. But then Quitely is perfect and never does anything wrong so of course he'd get it right. :)


    I like Cho's art as an aesthetic - the copious excessive cleavage is kinda "...", but you have to deal. Like why would Domino fight like that? And though a small panel, he seemed to have given Dazzler a new costume with a boob window and 'flashes' over her boobs and crotch. Seems kinda "..." too. But anyway. I appreciate that he made Cyclops thin.


    I think it's been well-written so far. I'm getting a Morrison vibe from the whole affair, not in style, but the Hellfire kids, the reappearance of Kid Omega etc etc.

  5. I laughed so much at this panel from the latest Uncanny:



    Oh Greg Land. He was mostly tolerable visually this issue though. Apart from the same old 'I've seen this pose before' feeling I get whenever I look at his art.


    Need to read Schism 2. 1 was good.

  6. I loved. It felt like it could have been directed by me and Paj. So many joke elements, and overbearing imagery.


    Yes. Felt like a great comic, where the imagery and symbolism needs to be slightly more visually direct or else it would be missed. I love fairytales/the classic heroine being dealt with in the manner it was.


    I would be happy in my life to have made it.

  7. Re: A page ago - short hair/long hair/new looks


    Since I lost weight, cut my hair, and stopped shaving fully I get a lot more compliments/people say 'Has anyone ever told you you look like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson?' a lot more. I'm currently dredging through a lot of my old photos while clearing space on my hard drive/s and I'm actually crying with cringe/fear at my hair and face in previous years. Like, an old, mangy red wig on my head. But at the time you can tell I loved the feeling. Or thought I did. But then I obviously didn't/I remember not since I'm so much happier now and loving life in general/having fun/sex/yes. I feel so much more in control since I managed my hair growth.


    I'll die living just as free as my hair.


    This post was barely relevant or useful to anyone else. It's possibly entirely self-centered.

  8. I just watched Tangled. A lovely film - very enjoyable as expected. I felt if they could've made something stunning out of the mother as a character, but then for the sake of the film being what it was, I understood.


    But yes, all-round a great-un. Both Rapunzel and Flynn were very likeable characters, and both had laugh out loud moments abounding. Felt really sad at the obvious sad bits, but moreso than I probably would have normally maybe - a friend of the family just had a really traumatic late miscarriage / baby funeral so it's on my mind.

  9. / Paj would never post that gif that Dwarf posted. His face is too pointy.


    Yeah, it's too aggressive - there's no genuine 'wtf-but-I'll-try-and-keep-my-composure-despite-being-disgusted' about it.


    But I love my sphere of influence spreading. Like a virus.


    Michel Gondry's new video for Björk's latest, Crystalline. Awesome video for an awesome song. The 'drum'n'bass' bit (though that feels too standard a description, it's out of this world) in the last minute is my life.


    I feel done in. When will she stop being the best damn thing?

  11. Pixie is my favourite. I love an unprecedented rise to fame as the X-girl-that-brings-everyone-else-down-to-earth de jour. Armour is rolling in the grave she's dug herself and Kitty is thanking her stars she's A-List/a good character and not a shitty vampire Z-Lister like Jubilee.


    Memorise the face - she'll lead the X-Men one day.

    x-men-pixie-strikes-back-cover.jpgThose bitches behind her can't handle it.


    [/no relevance]

  12. Everyone just SH'T TH FK'P.


    Let's listen to her music and enjoy/or not. I never liked Back To Black particularly other than the singles. I prefer Frank, there's a darkness to the production. BTB felt 'too jazzy'.


    Amy's dead. We're all dealing.




    P.S does anyone else's skin crawl when Zechs refers to us as 'liberals'?

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