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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I wonder if the blue penis will be censored somehow for TV.




    Just seen Never Let Me Go, finally. I liked it quite a bit. Very spare. It could have been filmed a bit more...interestingly. Or I guess 'artsy' with its shots. It was very heavy and affecting without ever treading into melodrama or dwelling on things. Which was good. Good, subdued performances from all involved. I love how Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley can convincingly play 18 and 28 year olds without changing their appearance much. Have the right faces.

  2. Had no intention of seeing this but got to see it see it for free today, so yeah.


    It was ok. The child actors were very good, and not annoying. Usually children ruin films. Also written very respectfully, with good dialogue and depth to the characters, even the ones you don't find out much about.


    Felt very like a mish-mash of those sorts of films, where children are inexplicably great, but it's fine.


    I was over the alien after you found out it really wasn't very interesting at all. Some decent set pieces. The ending was meh.


    Not bad, but not really my thing.


    I watched it. Really boring. Took waaaaaayyyyy to long to get going.


    Really? The big huzzah starts very early on into the film I found. It was paced fine.

  3. Ugh server cut out so my post was never posted.


    Basically I agree RE: superheroine costumes, but of any character EVER, wearing high heels to fight supervillains suits Emma Frost. This is her costume during the period when the rest of X-Men wore more practical, street-clothes uniforms:



    She's ridiculous, overtly sexual etc etc.

  4. That's my favourite thing.




    I took part in an 'X-Jam' on the X-Boards of the Comic Book Resources forums, and it's now over, with every X-Man ever having been redesigned by members. My Emma Frost is tucked away in the middle-right, behind Jean Grey/Shadowcat/Legion.


    I have no access to/knowledge of digital colouring or even a (working) scanner atm so had to be hand-drawn and just photographed, explaining her paleness, but then I like to think it;s just her in Diamond form. ;) Here's my full redesign. People seemed to like it. Didn't put much time into it, and she has my Leonalewisslashmanface syndrome which I often draw and her head is too big, but I'm over it. I also spent about 3 mins colouring, and fucked up her hair so just stopped. She came off suitably bitchy/posh uptight dominatrix enough for me. I kinda like the idea of an Emma Frost that is more obviously battle-ready, so I got rid of the cape, gave her a more obvious 'superhero' costume in the vein of the 90's X-Men costumes, and a cat-o-nine tails.



    I also gave her relative pancake boobs on purpose. Adds.

  5. I'd imagine her name will have been given to her by the citizens of Gotham or something from the way she prowls the rooftops and from her athletic ability or something more along those lines.


    The mentally unstable/deranged/filth-covered woman with no teeth who wanders around the area I live laughing to herself has been christened 'Catwoman' by my sister and I, not because of the comic character, but because she has long conversations with cats, and insists on feeding them whatever it is she keeps in her shopping bag.

  6. If I do make my leap back into buying floppies come september (who knows how long it'll last If I do), I've been trying to make a list of stuff I'll get. In terms of stuff I actively want to read:



    Action Comics

    Justice League

    Wonder Woman

    Animal Man


    Batman (of some sort)/Inc/Leviathan/Morrison's one.



    Uncanny X-Men

    X-Men Legacy


    Ultimate Comics X-Men/Ultimate Spidey/Ultimates




    Walking Dead


    I would have to cut back on that sadly. Get rid of the Image stuff and a couple of the DC. But then I'll get the first issues and maybe decide on that. Suprised at the lack of Marvel variety but then I'm really reading nothing other than X-Men and Ultimate stuff atm. I'm more excited for DC.

  7. The Muses in Hercules don't get enough recognition.


    I always forget about the film too. I liked it. It had a nice aesthetic to it.



    I loved this song.

  8. I need to watch Tarzan tomorrow. A lot of my Disney movies (all on VHS, except Snow White which I have on DVD) haven't been touched in many many years, but I have tried to rewatch a coupld over the last few years when I get a Disney twang. Tarzan is next. Listening to the soundtrack now and remembering I loved it.

  9. Did anyone read the Carnage miniseries that came out last year/this year? Just finished it, thought it was great. LOVED seeing a few old Spidey enemies that haven't been seen in almost 20 years, and it was well written I thought. Wasn't a badly down 'return' for Carnage, and some cool new developments have come out of it. And apparently Carnage USA will be the sequel. Loves it.


    I don't LOVE Clayton Crain's artwork - he's very good at what he does, but it can get too murky and indistinct at times I find. But I recommend this series.

  10. Watched Red Eye today. Seen it a few times, but it's really enjoyable. Incredibly short (73 minutes!), but we lost our DVD of it months/years ago, only to discover my aunt had stolen it. So we now have it back. Memories of seeing it in the cinema with Chair, who burst out laughing uncontrollably at the "Hey!" *throws vase* bit.


    It could definitely be meatier and better executed but both leads do well/I liked McAdams and Cillian Murphy is always good.

  11. I'll Make a Man Out of You is mediocre. Let's just all deal with it.


    Other standouts that I still love from the Disney songbook - One Jump Ahead (along with most of Aladdin's songs), Beauty and the Beast (I often sing this around the house. Sometimes I pretend I'm Mrs. Potts. Sometimes I pretend I'm Beast. Sometimes I'm Belle.), CIRCLE OF LIFE (all of Lion King obviously. But I make noises that vaguely resemble the opeing chants fairly well), all of Pocahontas, Tarzan etc.


    I had the Disney Sing-a-long videos which covered all their films, including the overlooked live-action ones. A favourite:


    I used to refer to Mary Poppins only as The Snap Lady, apparently.




    I love the final scene/battle in Aladdin, but in general the entire design and aesthetic of the film is gorgeous, and incredibly tactile. I want to touch everything. The buildings are grand. The costumes are all fantastic too. I want to feel the sand on my face. All the jewels in the cave. I loved Jasmine in the hourglass. I want to stroke Cobra Jafar, he's so shiny. I want to lie on the magic carpet. [/weird raving]

  12. Eh..Mulan can suck a dick, she can suck a ballsack.


    I hadn't seen it since the cinema and was quite excited to finally see it again, ten years since I had first, and I was just really "..." about it. The best bit is the rain/horse/cutting hair off scene. It didn't feel that memorable (IMO).

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