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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I'd rather she just went all phoenix-y, and then mutants started to (re)gain their powers, or even...like...just that the 'x-gene' was reinstated, but the X-Men didn't have to deal with it until people's powers emerged. There's previous generations of New X-Men currently being ignored, there's no need to focus on yet another. New Mutants have their series which is a good thing (but I don't read it, but plan to I guess), but Gen X are nowhere - Jubilee is a vampire after years of obscurity, Chamber got his..chamber back in Age of X and Husk had one mission a few years ago in Carey's series (he's good about using unused characters). Think the rest are all dead. Then all the student X-Men, who of them all only Pixie is ever used properly.


    Just seems silly. Also the tendency to use the same cast in all the satellite books liek Astonishing and Adjectiveless. I'm not gonna read them anymore don't think.


    And what abotu Armour? Whedon built her up well and she was used decently by Ellis after him but everyone else seems to forget she exists. Pixie is the new Armour.

  2. I haven't been reading Generation Hope at all, but the 5 lights feels like a bit of fizzled story, potential wise. And they just seem to be cluttering the X-Men universe in which established characters aren't getting enough page time as it is.

  3. I have a few bits of epic insider DC info! I will post as not "obvious" such as below, as the person who bought/brought me this information signed a NDA. :p


    J S A January by Ge off Jo hns. :p Is a boring piece.


    Steph Brown is it>? That Batgirl. Ma rch ish. Big plans.


    Ba tmanINC will continue in a series of one shots in the new year.




    I had to sign an NDA the other day too. It was cool. I felt important.


    Gail Simone told me on twitter in a vague/obvious way that Steph would be involved in some way.


    I think we already knew about Batman Inc..?


    Read Ultimate Fallout #5 earlier, made me think of Ultimates 3 which is never a good thing


    What part? The

    'incest' bit? I loved that. Pietro/Wanda are such lulz.



    I'm quite looking foward to this new Ultimate relaunch...not sold on the need for a new Spidey, but why not?

  4. I love Glozell so much!



    "GET ON THE FLO', GET ON THE FLO'. You don't tell me what to do but she's like GET ON THE FLO', GET ON THE FLO'!" haha.


    She's my favourite.


    "And then it went to some...hymn."


    "And her clothes don't fit. I'm gonna need you to get some clothes that fit."

  5. Never heard it before. *listens*


    It's alright. Very 00's cool and atonal.


    Nothing special, though. Sounds like they're messing about with sounds over the existing track.


    Radiohead covering Unravel is nice, actually. Heard Bon Iver cover Who Is It too recently, not in HQ though, so hard to judge.

  6. todays X-Men teaser, this time Wolverine's team



    Seems like Hope is the obvious on the top left, and that Shadowcat is emerging from the ground on the right. People are guessing Anole as the kind lumpy guy...but would he really be in the promo art for this team? I guess if turns out Danger is on Emma's team, anything is possible...

  7. I like the fact they've actually managed to pull of Avengers (as a thing, might be a bad film). The individual films are entertaining, and not BAD, but yes, kinda "...". And I'm a comics fan.


    At least they're of a much higher standard than they were earlier in the decade, generally. Green Lantern was a bit crap but you deal.


    The Batman films are the only ones that feel like 'Films', not 'Superhero Film no.x'. X-Men as a series kinda comes after that, they try/ied to be more sophisticated I suppose.

  8. Oooh I first heard that song as Diana Vickers covered it on her album.


    Have you heard her version?! I know she's a bit Marmite and you may hate her for covering it but would love to know what you think of her version!!



    I think it's an atrocity. None of the soul or life or...anything the original conveys, but it's also not a cover that takes a song in a different direction. Her vocal quirks/idiosyncrasies are out in force here, and really don't work with the song. I keep imagining a comedian making fun of someone her like her by singing in that voice.


    It makes me think she probably has good taste in music to choose to cover it, though.


    The original. Song of life.


    I don't remember hearing a particularly good Bjork cover, ever. Hunter by 30 Seconds to Mars is...ok...but does nothing with the song, and is way worse than the original.

  9. A blast ripped through the room unexpectedly. People screamed in fright.


    When the dust cleared, all that was left was the bruised and battered remains of a fragile girl with power beyond her imagining.


    Rummy is dead. He was Rachel Grey (or Summers, or Phoenix, or Hound, or Marvel Girl etc..). An X-Man.



    The object she found lies in her lifeless palm.





    The day phase should be over by now anyway.





  10. ^Yeah that's good prices. £2.05 = $2.99 and £2.50 = $3.99 is a decent conversion in comic pricing terms. Free delivery...I'm seriously tempted. This might be my new comic shop...(sorry poor local comic shop business trying to survive)

  11. I only haz cassette player in my car.


    It's fine. It makes me feel more indie/hipster.


    I currently have cassette albums of Fly by Dixie Chicks, Introspective by Pet Shop Boys, All Saints by All Saints and Raindancing by Alison Moyet.


    Retro. Uncoolisthenewcool. Etceterah. *has sunglasses on indoors*

  12. Just cause Greg Land traces a porn actor for Cyclops (and everyone else for that matter) shouldn't mean that's what the character 'looks like'. ;)


    And yeah, it's interpretations. I liked it in that respect.



    I don't have the interior art to hand, but he looks fine there. The wavy-haired Abercrombie model with stubble really isn't in line with the character right now, who has been portrayed increasingly as a military-style leader, forced to make tough decisions and stuff. He's about control. It's a look that fits, for me.

    [/my view]

  13. I thought that the alien was shown too late. And before that it just got annoying seeing things happening over and over again without knowing what the beast looked like or why it rampaged through the city. When you found out the movie was practically over.


    The point was the suspense. We've seen it all before really, haven't we? We've seen everything now with the fantastic cgi available. The alien wasn't particularly scary or original, so showing it would really have been a moot point. May as well have the suspense the townspeople have, be put in their place etc. There would have been no reason to show the alien.

  14. I don't listen to the radio. I used to have Forth 1 (a popular Scottish/Edinburgh one up here) on in the mornings before school about 3 years ago, and actually got so angry at the lack of songs they had to choose from (they played enough songs, just the same ones. If I heard I Don't Feel Like Dancin' or Torn by Natalie Imbruglia - which came out about 100 years ago I might add- one more time I would have ended my life) I phoned them and complained. And sent an e-mail. Don't listen anymore.


    I can see the appeal of radio if just driving around though. If/when I pass my test I can see myself returning to radio. Maybe not for long, I've been stocking up on cassettes to play. :D

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