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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. l_19854_0069762_0f796510.jpg


    It was just there and I remembered my fave film theory tutor showed us a bit from it yonks ago, like shots of her running about as she narrated her deluded fantasies/something I recall being stunned by at the time. And I need to see more Terrance Malick films.

  2. Saw One Day.


    Was what you expect. I like Anne Hathaway as an actress and she was good. So was Jim Sturgess, who I'd never heard of. Quite sad, like I was 2 tiers below tears by the end.


    I love Edinburgh as a setting. And my favourite thing was probably just seeing them go through the years, seeing the fashions and styles change.

  3. @ReZourceman,


    Heroclix is everything. Chair and I have recently been trying out our new rules, and have started an epic JLA-based saga of linked battles with consequences. Hal Jordan just died, and Catwoman, Penguin and Brainiac/Lex Luthor duo just robbed his grave for his power ring. FUCK what will be the outcome?! [/child at heart]

  4. I'm watching Batman Brave and the Bold again (random episodes that have characters I like in) and it's so stunning.


    I love how absolutely knowing and self-aware it is. Genuinely laugh out loud moments too. Just watched The Mask of Matches Malone, so great. When the BoP do that stunning musical number featuring barely veiled mockery of various DC heroes dick size. HOW did that get through?! Amazing.

    "Green Lantern has his magic ring, so much power that little thing"

    "Flash's foes always finish last, too bad sometimes he's just too fast!"

    "Green Arrow has heroic traits, that is when he's shooting straight..."

    "Aquaman is so courageous, his little fish - less outrageous."


    There's even a finger wagging at that bit lol.


    I loved when Catwoman just left the conversation. 'You two are useless.' *jumps off roof*

    'Yeah well..you're...useless!' - Black Canary, pointing dramatically after her.

    *Huntress madonnagifs in the background*


    And I love the needless but ESSENTIAL teasers before each episode. I love Batman callying Poison Ivy a 'herbacious hussy'. This is the best series.

  5. Justin Timberlake is an ok actor, he was good in Social Network and I read he's good in FWB.


    I watched No Strings Attached the other day, really dull/exactly what you expect. I get the impression FWB is the same story but done better.

  6. Hey sluts.


    I want a graphic tablet of some sort, so I can draw things/sketch directly into photoshop/my Mac, and then mess about with stuff on there.


    I think it's hindering my desire to draw not being able to work with my sketches easily digitally.


    HOWEVER I know NOTHING about the tablets. I know no brands, average prices, etc etc. I'm sure there are ones appropriate for studenty types like me who want it for personal reasons, and there must be products for like CAD design peeps, which'd obviously be innapropriate for me.


    I know lots of people here are illustrators, like @Hamishmash and @Eenuh, but others too do design-y...stuff. Any help or recommendations?




    There's something about this. Haunting isn't the right word, but something kinda ethereal. I like her diction/use of words in it. Nothing particularly new, but I like it.


    Also I LOVE that the producer of the backing track is credited as a featured artist...in the current climate of aping/sampling/stealing known-to-be-popular backing tracks to get a fleeting hit, at least Avicii is mentioned. I wasn't aware of the original song ('Penguins'), but now maybe more people will be. Well done, Leona. :)

  8. An update of what what Queen Minaj has been up to since this thread was last updated.


    She had her biggest hit so far with the summery Super Bass, originally not even on the album! It was a bonus track that she obviously thought had single potential so quickly shoved it onto later pressings of the album.


    She had a guest verse on Where Them Girls At with Guetta and Flo Rida:


    She's currently touring with Britney Spears but I hate that idea so I never think about it. She did however contribute to the vastly superior remix of Britney's song Till The World Ends (with Ke$ha).


    And her new single is Fly featuring Rihanna. Not my fave of hers, but possibly hit material.


    She also has a song to herself on David Guetta's new album which is v. catchy, and is mostly sung rather than rapped.


    Here ends the update on her life and times.


    If anyone cares.

  9. Next in my seires of acclaimed threads regarding forgotten forgotten R'n'B femmes of the 00's...


    Â¥∆∆≈ CASSIE ≈∆∆Â¥


    Best known for her hit song, Me & U.


    It makes me depressed to hear after I watched the film Fish Tank, though.


    It was recently brought to my attention that she in fact had another hit, Long Way 2 Go, which I forgot existed, yet somehow knew all the words. My fayv song.


    I love the 'erotic' use of her lapop, juxtaposed with the dog on the sofa. Iconic video. What is 1.18? I don't know what that face is meant to suggest. I love. I want a posse too.


    I don't think she's technically singing in either song, it's just a joke voice to hear speak vaguely rîthmically.


    Of her only two notable songs I prefer LW2G to Me & U.


    She is a stunning woman too.





  10. night's over




    ‘Die you country bumpkin!’ shouts the woman, firing countless rounds from her gun. However they just fizzle out upon impact, and her target shoots away.


    The leather-clad woman spies her target, through a really pointless illusion.


    day's now




    Scanning...Found (10)




    The Peeps









    Scanning...Unavailable (8)









  11. I've decided to actually read Wonder Woman. I am a fan of the character but have read like...4 actual issues of her series in my life. I'm gonna read the first issues from the Perez post-Crisis Reboot (i.e her origin for the last 25 years) and then Phil Jimenez's run since he stuns and I feel like I can skip the 90's.


    Daft if you want a real sense of the Wonder Woman I'd suggest starting here too. Her Flashpoint incarnation is just nothing.

  12. Uncanny X-Force 14


    Oh my god.


    This is possibly my fave issue of the year, of any comic. It's just perfect.


    UM HOW will they recover from this? I'm shocked.

    I mean, he and Genocide (a joke, hey Holocaust's son!) just destroyed a small town, killing hundreds. Fuck. Is there a reason Warren hasn't been on post-Schism previews so far? Will he become a full-fledged villain?



    The characterisations are so good and uncliched. Archangel's ascendance is being handled so well, and non-apocalypse-y.


    Psylocke, you're fucking brilliant.

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