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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. Hawk & Dove is fine. No glaringly bad Liefeldisms. Story is nothing to write home about, but entertaining enough. I already hate Hawk, but it's fine.


    The worst art of the issue is actually the cover. Which makes no sense, as it's what you need to use to sell the comic...


    I don't understand Hawk's body, it looks really solid, but rubbery. I can imagine it as a toy, and how it feels.


    I love Dove's friendship with Deadman. Just as a thing. I assume it was dealt with in Brightest Day, but I stopped reading that after 2 issues as it was dull as.

  2. My Bjork ranking is




    Vespertine = Medulla




    Post is technically not as 'good' as Vespertine or Medulla, but I enjoy it/listen to it more often than those two.


    Selmasongs is nice but doesn't feel proper. I don't even own it...which is so strange. I love Bjork and Dancer In The Dark, but I just feel you should watch the film. The lyrics are all different on Selmasongs anyway. And Drawing Restraint 9 shouldn't count. :p





    This feels like a strange dream. I don't understand or know what's going on. Hey Tammy Wynette. I love how fast all her accolades go by, purposely too fast for us to read properly.

  3. Yeah it was like a perfect issue. I'm stunned by the image of Moon Knight gliding over the city. The artwork really emphasised the emptiness.


    Everyone's character SHONE through, it wasn't forced or awkward like in JLI/other team books I've read of late. The plot was there, and we worked it all out over the story, it didn't have to be fully explained in one, and yet we learn the complete fundamental science behind it all! Ellis is life.

  4. Night's ended now




    The woman puts the two pieces of glistening crystal together. At first nothing seems to happen.

    “How incredibly underwhelming.†she laughs, about to toss them aside. However she begins to feel a…vibrating, a rumbling, through her very being, emanating from the shards and up through her arms.

    Suddenly she found herself aflame, unburnt, unhurt and strangely cold. She couldn’t think or breathe and yet a thought seared through her, from in front of her eyes to the back of her head. A cacophony blared across her senses, a song of destruction, joy, freedom and sex.

    The flames suddenly ceased, and she stood stock-still, head slumped, where she was originally.

    She raised her head slowly, cracking her neck. She was wearing a new outfit.

    ‘I am, once more. Hear my song and weep for your knowledge of its inevitable crescendo.’ she intoned, to no one.

    She walked slowly away from the dry husks that remained of the crystal, electronics going haywire around her, inanimate objects seemingly crumpling away from her, as though in fear.




    The woman stealthily creeped around the corner, only to meet a gun face on.




    Esequiel is dead. He was Dani Moonstar, the recently powerless but no less formidable leader of an X-Men team, The New Mutants.






    Scanning...Found (8)




    The Peeps






    Scanning...Unavailable (10)












    Now begins the day.

  5. Everyone read Secret Avengers 16 if they want an example of excellent comic storytelling in a single issue. It's standalone, but the scope feels much bigger. You can imagine a story like it being dragged out over several issues with a few needless details added in. Warren Ellis is a great.

  6. Justice League finally came! It was good/enjoyable. Lee is an undeniably pleasing artist/he's one of The Definitives. People felt not enough happened in this right? I'm glad they're taking time to build up the origin actually - I'm more interested in a new take on the mythos than Justice League fights X for the sake of the world etc. And when that happens, it'll be all the more sweet with the team dynamic and relationships having been established.


    Also..Marvel-Wise - Thunderbolts continues to be awesome. I love how their own 'schism' didn't need to be an event and was just half the team like backing away and leaving while the others weren't looking (effectively). Come on Moonstone. When will people stop trusting her to be anything other than self-serving? She stuns and you can tell she gives good conversation though.


    (I love how it's already in the stars she'll fuck Boomerang)

  7. Failed my second driving test.


    Wasn't like..assuming I'd pass, but I was more positive than I was a week ago.


    Worse part is..it was the EASIEST test ever. The exact route I'd been practicing on, the ONLY manouever/manouver was TURN IN THE ROAD. Like...I was clapping. And nothing arose like obvious fail situations. I just got 2 serious faults - 1 for being too close to parked cars (when? Usually I'm aware of it when I am) and I went left on a roundabout when someone was coming. TBF I saw him, but he wasnt actually ON the roundabout when I got on it, he was still at his junction, edging foward. But yeeeeeah I get that.


    THEN I MESSED UP THE EMERGENCY STOP. The manuva all the others laugh at cause it's shitty. But that was just a minor appaz so you deal.


    Ugh. 5 minors. Loving life as a great driver. 2 seriousz - go straight to hell.


    At least the driving test is a really pleasant experience, like the examiners are always overly nice to you. Makes it less *grips steering wheel/sweats*. UGH and I'm going back to uni before I can do another test probably so once again I have to wait ages before another test. NOT a year this time.


    Blah. I don't even care. I can drive. I just want this annoying weight off my shoulders. I'm so scared of the road and other cars I'm hardly going to endanger anyone. I don't even want to drive, I go to uni in London.

  8. Green Arrow was so bland. It was just Batman, but poorly written, and without any darkness or atmosphere. What diffrentiates this comic from anything else? Kinda crap. Unmemorable, uninteresting...Green Arrow was mildly interesting before because he actually had political thoughts and leanings, this was just a Batman rip-off. He has his own Oracle, his own Lucius Fox, runs a company but is always away... blah. Over it. Don't read it.


    Hawk and Dove I actually enjoyed! It's nothing exceptional, but it wasn't bad, at least. Leifeld's art didn't interfere. Not my fave aesthetically, but not offputting this time. Story was pretty standard and the characterisations nothing to write home about, but had me engaged. I'll be back to read more. (Maybe just the first few issues)


    Swamp Thing was stünning. It's just so obvious when things are good throughout this event - this series is taking it's time establishing things, slowly leaking out origin details, etc. It doesn't have to be laid out for the reader, give us some credit to be able to discern things ourselves...if you leave mystery and ambiguity intact, it leaves the audience/readers wanting more. What is there to come back to in Green Arrow? Oh, some shitly designed villains no one knows burst in to free the other shitly designed villains from jail...so what?


    Anyway. Yeah Swamp Thing was really good. With lovely Paquette art.

  9. Justice League International




    As chair said, flat, unimpressive, undynamic...stereotyped and obvious. Batman is shoehorned in out of character, feeble attempts at interesting characterisation and establishing team dynamics come off as jarring and out of place (Rocket Red talking about August General In Iron to Booster felt like they'd skipped a panel out or something, and Godiva's retort to Fire was like '...'). There was no flow. Not one for me. Every team book of 'disparate' heroes coming together should take notes from Uncanny X-Force. The characterisation will come and grow organically if you let it.






    I know very little about the Stormwatch/Wildstorm/those old characters. Never read The Authority either, though I really should. It was like..written exclusively by stunners. Anyway.

    I enjoyed this. You don't need to pander to an audience, even if they haven't met the characters before, as Cornell demonstrates. There's no exposition, we discern what's going on/who everyone is as the story goes on. This first issue only has one character I knew properly (J'onn) and two I'd heard of completely reimagined, yet I'm so drawn in. Tonnes of characters were introduced, as well as multiple plot threads.

    The writing was smart, unpatronising and interesting. Will be back for issue 2.

    Makes JLI look so ridiculous in comparison...

  10. Disposable Heroes are so fucking slow. A week since Justice League came out, I still don't have it. And I'm sure I'll probs be back at uni by the time today's arrive. I might just buy stuff in person to avoid this shiteous delay, no matter the price.


    Detective Comics

    Blah. Was kinda off-put by the 'early years' feel of it all, like he didn't really know the Joker properly. I thought everything in the past was meant to have happened? Maybe it was just weirdly written. The art was potentially good, but usually wonky. Intrigued/grossed out by the last page. Not one to buy though. I hate the stupid lines on Batman's costume attached to his Bat symbol.

  11. I bet it's good.


    On that note I'm rereading Final Crisis for the first time since my first reading. Yesssss. I love so much. It is everything.



    I can't bear to think about the self-assembling hyperstory/infinite book of all books ever - it's too much. Such a great way to encapsulate this paper universe though. And I'm still so stunned by the idea/notion/concept of the Monitors being infected by exposure to narrative structure, gaining emotions/lives/endings/beginnings/motives without previously having any. Come on awareness of fictionality.


    It's so clear Morrison loves DC and all it represents.

  12. Yeah, I had a moment (like an hour) of 'Oh I miss all my friends' when I went to uni. Not quite a breakdown. In fact my face probably remained exactly the same as usual, It was just sad thoughts, which I never ever have. Then I never had them again after than first (second?) night. :D You'll find your way, you just don't know it yet.


    Wait, so you've only read Batman when Morrison has done it?


    God no! I'm a huge Batman fan and have been reading Batman since I was like...8, he's just the only modern (as in last few years) Batman writer I've followed. But then he's been the one shaping the universe for 5 years so it's fine.

  14. Just read the entirety of Morrison's New X-Men run. Stunning. Great.


    The ending was great. As incongruous as Britney's foray into dubstep. So much happening at once, so much to take in. Really felt dystopaic, and the logical conclusion to the themes explored in the previous arc.


    Just so many inspired developments and innovative decisions made on Morrison's part. Really well written too. I cried a bit wee at the riot section. I kinda hated Magneto -- felt really overdramatic, and a bit shit, and a bit like "I genuinely did prefer you when you were hiding".


    Very great. Very worth it.


    Yeah I disliked Magneto, but that was clearly the intention - his brotherhood basically spoke for the audience with their opinions as he grew madder/less reasonable. In Supergods he just says he did what he did on/with a purpose. So I accept it. Just not my favourite characterisation of a good character. I deal.


    I'm getting,




    MEN OF WAR #1



    Excited for all of them. Bar Detective Comics since the preview looked crap. Might pick up a few more. Cannot wait for Stormwatch and I really hope Men of War is good.


    People aren't saying great things about Detective Comics. You would probably be better off with one of the other Batman series. That said I don't read any Batman outwith Morrison's, so couldn't tell you what to pick up from the rest.

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