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Posts posted by Paj!



    Fuck at the ending. Everyone on their last clicks, everyone having 3 damage. [/reference for Chair/ReZ]


    Two of my faves




    Marnie's resolution was kinda lame but I'm over it.


    Sorry Nan, you absolute a-hole.




    I wish Sookie would just learn how to be a great Fae/Fairy and use her powers well.

  2. This is more of a 'not bad but also not good/not good but also not bad' thing, but I'll put it here.


    Basically I hate that I have no nice clothes*


    *overstatement, but it's like, 10% of my clothes/less are clothes I'd wear 'on a night out' or 'to look nice'. The rest are all just 'I don't care/scruffy', but not even necessarily nice-scruffy, and I'm so sick of it. I have actually lost weight since this time last year (looking at photos of myself then is ugh x12 over cringe) and can wear nice clothes without looking at the 'fat guy in a cardigan' and thinking I look a bit like him. So yeah I need nice clothes. I seemed to have no money last month for some reason (I bought a nice blazer/jacket for £20 and some trousers for £15, some how the rest was taken up with bus fares...), but I'll get more when I'm back in London in a week or so.


    I've sorted my t-shirts into 'no-opinion', 'have something to tell me', and 'my official wardrobe'.


    I need to shrink the majority of my trousers as 36 is too big for me now...if that fails buy new ones.


    But I'm in the mood for customising. I need to tear into my too big jeans and make joke shorts or something. And turn several old shit t-shirts into something great. I'm so in the mood. I need a haircut and dye and then to finally get my piercing/tattoo and just deal with life and image. I feel like Quentin Quire, only with less of an ideal behind all I do.


    But yeah I'm kinda over like...'body issues'/I never had 'body issues' - that's really offensive to people who actually suffer from serious illnesses - I spent yesterday morning in just my pants, covered head to toe in gold body paint in front of mostly strangers, then had to go outside like that (don't ask...). And I realised I'd never actually done something like that before.


    I'm such a art student-fail. But all that will change. I'm fighting the Anti-Life Equation as we speak.

  3. Oh...also the Onslaught 'Epic'/Storyline from the mid-nineties in Marvel. You may have read that though.




    I have a soft spot for the story - first big event I ever read (it started as I started reading at 8 years old), and I didn't have to collect a million issues for it cause I just bought the UK colector's editions which collected stuff all together anyway. I don't think it's bad. Might be blinded by nostalgia...and certainly it's more interesting in the early stages of the story, when you aren't sure who to trust/what's going on.

  4. I'm sure Clannad is a great thing, but the design of that brown-haired girl is still one of the most hideous character designs I've ever seen.


    I remember having a debate/he was needlessly angry with The Villan about that on these boards. Really can't bear those giant eyes - that one character I've seen from Clannad takes it to the extreme.

  5. Can you guys think of any good superhero sacrifice stories? The kind where the hero has to make a big sacrifice to save the planet etc.


    I just really seem to be in the mood for that kind of story at moment but all I can really think of at the moment is The Death of Superman and Hal Jordan in Final Night. I mean i think it's a pretty common comic story so it really shouldn't be this hard to think of some more but I'm drawing a blank.


    All-Star Superman comes to mind, if not a typical sacrifice. Oh, and Final Crisis lol. I know you hate it, don't worry. It does technically still count though. :p


    Thing is the concept of hero sacrifice is used a lot, but often not as the main point of a story...like a lot of heroes end up dying in sacrifice during events and stuff, but it often isn't the main point. Cable sacrifices himself in Second Coming for example.

  6. Who here watched the Wonder Woman Pliot? I did just now.


    I can see why it wasn't picked up as it didn't have that X Factor needed for a TV show/the writing wasn't up to par. The costume was "..." but then it added in context / when you realise why it is the way it is.


    I actually quite like the radical rethinking of the Wonder Woman concept. She was such a dubious hero, like I was on Kelly Brook's side half the time - why should Wondy be allowed to go around beating people up/killing people (I gasped at that bit!)? Yeah she was trying to stop a drug baroness but then does the end justify the means?


    And I think the angle of her running Themiscyra Industries could've been really interesting (though we don't actually know what it produces - we just know the merchandise division funds her superheroics).


    She didn't feel much like Wonder Woman from the comics, but I actually quite liked the personality they gave her. Felt realistic and imperfect, which I guess was the point.


    Basically I think a lot of the concepts are worth merit - I liked her splitting of her life into three, her trying to set up Facebook (I am metaphorical crai at that bit), her "Ugh, just deal with it!" attitude etc. Just wasn't executed that successfully.


    Not ATROCIOUS (lol at the wire-work not having been removed though) but not great either - but as a rethink of Wonder Woman it was kinda interesting, and I would've liked to see where they went with it (i.e her actual origins).





    A stunning thing to read/see.

  7. It's just ridiculous - a comic shop owner interpreted Superman's grunt of "GD" in response to being blasted from behind as him saying 'god'/taking the lord's name in vain.


    Despite there being similarly unusual 'grunts' throughout the issue. And it obviously...NOT being anything to do with God. Then Morrison said himself it wasn't and the guy had to try and make himself NOT like an asshole (he called Morrison names and stuff previously) - which failed.

  8. The fact is Chair wouldn't ruin a game by exploiting any info he would have prior to it starting. He's run and been in countless mafia games and really doesn't give a shit about winning or steering any game of mine in any direction that would be unfair. He'd rather see it play out anyway. He was just around mine the night I started planning it and I said it would be a joke for him to do X-Men pictures I'd use as characters for my game.


    If it's scarred you so much I won't do it again.


    Or consider it part of his role that knew the majority of characters that were featured. Whichever. I was tempted for my next game to have a list of every role type in the game at the start, just because. May as well experiment/have a lel.

  9. If chair drew the characters. Wasn't it unfair to have him in the game?


    You deal with it. He drew others I didn't use, he didn't know who was who, or what powers people had. He is an X-men fan, he knows the characters inside out anyway and would have gleaned from the write-ups.

  10. Rachel is obviously with Legacy. Wolverine's team has been advertised as having 'new characters', so I guess that means Toad, Kid Omega and whoever is floating behind.


    I'm kinda over that when Dazzler, Northstar and Pixie are crying out. But I assume this is just the main rosters/teaser, and those three will be assigned a side to continue to cameo in every issue.


    Also yes @ Polaris finally back to have her say. "Fuck alla-y'all".

  11. @Dan Dare, I've been writing something for the blog, but it kinda is more of an extended forum post-meets-essay. It initially had a point, but now is sort of a rant about the quality disparity in NuDC. Is that ok? I'll send you it in a bit. I haven't even reread it yet, it was just an outpouring.

  12. The X-Men

    The Peeps IS Cyclops!



    Optic Blasts [Day Power] – Choose a target. You blast them into unconsciousness, rendering unable to take part in the battle anymore. (You kill them)

    Psychic Rapport [Ability] – You can communicate with your great love, Jean Grey, out with the game thread, via PM.


    Maddog IS Rogue!


    Power Recycle [Night Power] – Choose two targets. You absorb a power from the first target and use it on the second target.


    Chairdriver IS Iceman!


    Freeze [Night Power] – Choose a target. You freeze them solid for the night phase, stopping them from completing any actions they had planned, but also protecting them from being killed.


    Nintendohnut IS Northstar!



    Speedy Intercept [Night Power] – Choose a target. You protect them that night phase from all negative effects other than death.

    Too Fast [Ability] – You cannot be roleblocked.


    Jonnas IS Sage!



    Jumpstart Mutations [Day Power] – Choose a target. That target’s powers will be jumpstarted, meaning they can use their power twice, on two different targets in the coming night phase.



    Rummy IS Rachel Grey!



    Former Hound [Night Power] – Choose a target. You follow them that night, finding out who they target. If the person you follow were to commit a violent act, you stop them from completing the act.

    The Phoenix Force [Ability] – When you are lynched during the day phase, the person who places the hammer vote is incinerated by your psionic-cosmic flame.


    Mr-Paul IS Psylocke!


    Psionic Shock [Night Power]– Choose a target. You fry their brain during the night, misdirecting them to a random target.

    BONUS N.B - Of course as all know now from the start she was the puppet of ReZ...and I deliberately made her costume a rd herring - described as going into her armoured form when actually killing (as seen in the pic I posted when mr-paul died). That was purposely to confuse things for everyone. :P


    Esequiel IS Dani Moonstar!



    Human Skills [Night Power]- Choose a target. You find out who targeted them in the same night phase.


    Jayseven IS Cannonball!



    Blast-Off [Night Power] – Choose a target. You carry them away from any fatal attack, protected within your blast field.





    Possession [Night Power] – Choose a target. You may choose who that player targets this night phase.


    Tales IS Cable!



    Militant [Night Power] – Choose a target. You hold them still with telekinesis while you shoot them with a pulse rifle. They die.


    Ellmeister IS Domino!



    Reliable Source [Night Power] – Choose a target. You find out their alignment.

    Lucky? [Ability] – When you would be killed during the night phase, a random other player dies in your place.


    Cube IS Leech!



    Clingy [Night Power] – Choose a target. You follow that person around for the rest of the game, rendering them powerless [as long as you follow them] due to your own ability to nullify powers around you. When you would be targeted for anything but a kill, the person you’re clinging on to/following would take the hit instead. To change whom you follow, you must choose to stop following them in one night phase, before you can choose someone else the next night phase.

  13. Yeah I wasn't into by half-way through - I had stuff to do in RL, then just let them go on sometimes - sometimes people were late/never sent in actions, so it was always the maximum length at least, and then exceeded by my own lack of interest in the game (as nothing was happening when I felt it could be). It's a shame.


    I'm planning my next one though, learning from what I hated in this one. I.e no info. I'd rather there was too much info and people were actually lynched.

  14. So this is what it takes to win. General indifference, feigned ignorance and inactivity.


    Dying is more fun.


    This game made no sense, the mafia had so many stunning plans ready to set in motion - you had a potentially AMAZING power you barely used (but in complete fairness you never needed to!), but in the end the town just never got it's act together/was tricked/the info found was never from the right people. So you won without having to do much of anyone.


    The mafia were barely targeted early on IIRC.

  15. ..Tide. Turned...


    The group suddenly turned around, and aimed their attacks at the young man, who failed to protect himself in time. Shots to the knees crippled him before energy blasted him viciously through the wall.


    Jayseven has been killed. He was Cannonball, a longstanding member of the X-Men and The New Mutants.










    The pretence had been dropped, and the remaining X-Men were suddenly brought to their senses. The women in front of them who'd just opened fire on a friend (and tricked one of their own to do the same) were none other than the Sisterhood of Mutants, led by the bitter ex-wife of leader Cyclops.


    "Madelyne!" growled Cyclops. "This is unspeakable...what you've done, it's beyond anything in the past...nothing can justify this...whatever you felt about me and-"

    "Oh shut up, you absolute idiot." retorted Madelyne, almost carefree. "Your friends are about as dead as my dear friend Chimera here is the new host of the Phoenix Force."

    Chimera steps foward laughing with a voice that seemed to echo, green and orange flame dancing across her body.

    "..Wait. Your tone suggests that those statements aren't true..." Chimera checks herself.

    "Mm. I though I made this fucking clear. My resurrection/death/resurrection/mystical-Daemonic leanings have unravelled reality around me, turning everything within my sphere of influence absolutely fictional. We're being read, honey. Possibly even played. Who knows?" says Madelyne, chuckling.


    "Ah don' know what the eff you're on about sugah but I don' believe fer a second that this giant tincan is magically going to NOT hit Earth just by wishing on a star!" yelped Rogue, one of the remaining X-Men.


    "Don't question the Red Queen, Rogue!" screeched Lady Mastermind.

    "Oh fuck off, Regan. Do you get off on threatening people who once almost trusted you?"

    "You ne-"

    "SILENCE! None of it matters as your entire history became fictional backstory the moment you arrived on this ship. Slash when I teleported you guys here." Madelyne said, gesturing at the Sisterhood.

    "Oh. I wondered why I had no memory of getting here." mumbled Mastermind II.

    "It's that greasy hair messing with your brainwaves." cackled Lady Mastermind.

    "How is that even...an insult? Shut up." moaned Mastermind II, madonnagiffing.


    Cyclops looked around as the women bickered amongst themselves. He looked to Domino, the third remaining X-Man, and she knew what she had to do. Rushing foward, she knocks the Red Queen Madelyne off her feet, before the Sisterhood descend upon her.


    Cyclops and Rogue hurry to the controls of the ship, only to find they're just...fake. Like toys. The buttons merely being stickers on top of cheap plastic.

    "What do we do, Saklops!?" wailed Rogue, panicked.

    Silent and brooding, he turns to the women fighting behind him, Domino's luck powers causing the Sisterhood to do more damage to each other than her.


    "Maddy!" he boomed, the cockpit going silent, except for the disconcerting rumblings as the ship approached Earth's atmosphere. "What was your..plan? You are aware of your powers, so what's the plan? Will this ship hit Earth or not? You were never insane, Maddy, you always had a plan."


    Dusting herself off, and sweeping back her hair, she replied: "My 'plan', Scott, was to crash this ship into planet Earth to destory the menace that lies on the surface. One that arose since you left. You don't know it yet, but Earth is gone. A young boy met his/was assaulted by and fused with his Mummudrai* and his dormant mutant power to project harmless 3-D versions of his drawings manifested itself too soon and too powerfully. He reshaped reality in a matter of hours. He forgot to believe he was a boy possesed, instead now accepting he was always like this."


    "...Um..ok. And you decide to DESTROY EARTH?!" Cyclops barked.


    "I bargained on the boy spotting us before then and lowering us to safety to investigate what our intentions are, who these beings with schemes for his defeat are. As far as I can tell his powers don't extend outwith the planet. I think my own (fictional) sphere of (fictional) influence can counteract his, and maybe reverse all that has happened."


    "How noble. Why the change of heart? You slags just killed the X-men!" growled Domino.


    "Sorry, we were being written and played as typical villains. Technically the players always had the choice to reveal their roles at the start and prevent any bloodshed. How were they to know to do that though? They thought there would be winners and losers and stuff. This was probably meant to be a story. All the reality messing turned it into a mafia game. Anyway, we're realising we have a bigger cause to deal with now. Your friends will come back once the boy is defeated. It's all here in Destiny's Diaries." replied Madelyne.


    "GASP! Where'd they come from! They're my mom's!" cried Rogue.


    "Dunno, but I have them and that's what matters. Scott? What's your plan, leader?" Madelyne said, turning to him, a smug smile on her face.


    "I..I can't think..." he groaned clutching his head in disbelief. "...Mm. Ok, we need to stop this boy...I...guess. He is only a boy with powers he doesn't understand outwith his control. If there's anyone better equipped to deal with such a child than the X-Men, I'd like to meet them. We're a team until this is over, and then we fight on equal terms Madelyne."


    She smiles, and reaches out to shake his hand. Cyclops takes it, at once disgusted and reminded of the woman he once loved, the mother of his first child.


    "I love the fact I never even changed my outfit once I betrayed the X-Men first time round!" laughed Lady Mastermind, pointing at her shiny red X-buckle, and giving Rogue (her former leader) a dirty look.


    "To Earth, my X-Men." grinned Madelyne Pryor, the Red Queen.




    The Sisterhood erased the X-Men that would oppose their takeover of the team. Were this a mafia game, they would have won.They won.


    The turn is over but the game is not yet overit iswell done Sisterhood.


    All drawings are courtesy of Chairdriver.


    ReZourceman IS Madelyne Pryor, Red Queen!



    You are the leader of the Sisterhood of Mutants. Your goal is to destroy the X-Men and be the last affiliation standing. As the Leader, every night phase, you may designate one of the Sisterhood (including yourself) to carry out a night-kill. Whoever performs the night-kill sacrifices the chance to use their night power that phase in favour of carrying out the night-kill.


    Puppet of the Goblyn Queen [Ability] – You have utter control over the X-Man Psylocke, though she doesn’t know this. You may designate her to perform the night-kill during the night phase as though she were affiliated with the Sisterhood.

    Evil Twin [Ability] – You have psychically convinced Cyclops, your former husband, that you are in fact his great love, Jean Grey. You can speak to Cyclops outside the game thread via PM.

    Psychic Ghost [Ability] – You are intangible, and as such cannot be night-killed.


    Dannyboy-The-Dane IS Martinique Jason, Mastermind II!



    Deceptive Illusions [Night Power] – During the night phase you may PM me a paragraph of your own creation that will be inserted into the write-up the next day phase. You may not use bold or italics.

    Rigging the Vote [Day Power] – During the day phase, after at least one vote has been cast (whether it be for a player or simply ‘No Lynch’), you may PM me indicating a vote a player has made, and you may change that vote to a different target. The change will appear in the next vote count, but your target won’t be aware of your meddling.


    Diageo IS Regan Wyngarde, Lady Mastermind!



    Illusion of Trust [Day Power] – Choose a target. For the rest of the game, they will appear as the opposite affiliation if investigated, until you are removed from the game.

    Mental Intrusion [Night Power] – Choose a target. You may choose who that player targets this night phase.


    Marcamillian IS Rita Somethingorother, the deadly Spiral!



    Magiques from Mojoworld [Night Power] – Choose a target. Your magical abilities silence them for the next day phase.

    Speak My Name… [Ability] – Whenever your name is mentioned in the day phase, you learn a power of whoever says it.


    Heroicjanitor IS Chimera (and now the new host of the all-consuming cosmic entity, The Phoenix Force!)


    Ectoplasmic Dragons [Night Power] – Choose a target. Your shimmering emerald energy dragons viciously attack the target, preventing them from doing anything during the night phase.

    BONUS PHOENIX POWER! During the day you may post 'I burn through lies, X' in bold at any time, with X being the name of a player. PM me a post by that player and I'll tell you who they are and their power. Once per day. If you are to die, your killer becomes host to the Phoenix Force.

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