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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I actually think she did a great job with her album...at first I enjoyed it but was sad there weren't more crazy moments, but then I realised that an album of her crazy moments would be shit. And the whole album has such a nice aural aesthetic, the 80's sample and stuff. Songs like Moment 4 Life (with Drake) took a while to enjoy, but I really do now. :)

  2. Is it one that suddenly screams at you?


    EDIT: Read it with sound on...not that there was any.


    *shrug* Read like a nondescript/dull story the likes of which were sent in chain e-mails and on Bebo/MySpace back in the day.


    I don't get it.

  3. Superman with a beard is a new thing. I wonder what the aesthetic/feel of the film will be like...hopefully more Watchmen than Sucker Punch. Though colour and set-decoration-wise it could be interesting to see a fully Snyder-ised Superman film. I hope it's all brown and yellow. Just cause you never associate Superman with those colours. Blah blah.

  4. I had their second album I think, the one where they had their faces reflected on the other side of the band name. Dunno which one that is. One of my first albums actually.


    I was more of an S Club 7 fan though, few years between each starting I know but they had my allegiance. I only remember liking a few Steps songs. I still hear 5, 6, 7, 8 at clubs sometimes!


    ALSO: For everyone I imagine who would decry them as awful/cheesy/too camp whatever by today's pop music 'standards'...the beat in Deeper Shade of Blue is basically the current trendy dance beat...

  5. Trailer was ok/entertaining but not mind-blowing. Made it seem quite small-scale, as though it will all take place in the same area or something. But then they obviously don't want to give anything away. Obviously excited for the outcome. And glad Black Widow is being considered a full member - I was scared she'd be a second-stringer.

  6. A big issue is that Hayden Christensen cannot act and then Natalie Portman decided to try and out un-act him.




    Gif of life.


    This is true.


    Ewan MacGregor I just don't how to react to. I mean the script is diabolical obviously, but was that really him trying his best? It was so wooden. In a forest of wooden-ness, it was still distinctly woody.

  7. That's ok.




    Now let's celebrate the fierce Jedi women who were completely SHAFTED in the films. One dies in one of the worst death scenes ever, and one dies in a DELETED SCENE. NO ONE EVEN KNEW SHE DIED!!


    Shaak Ti, you were great.



    Aayla Secura, I've had your name stuck in my head for years.

  8. I think it's pretty well acted too.


    No. No scene of the original trilogy was well-acted. Whether that's the actor or the script's fault is up for debate (both). The only one who seemed to try was whoever played Palpatine.

  9. I'd like there to be a Star War discussion thread, as I'm in the mood.



    As some of you may of noticed, I'm currently watching the series in canon-chronological order for the first time. But I've only seen most of the films once each, when they came out, and I never watched the originals as a child, so I don't have the nostalgic memories of them that millions seem to have. I have, however, always liked the universe/fact it exists.


    So yeah, Phantom Menace was disgusting, truly an aweful film. Attack of the Clones was marginally better cause of more action (sortof), and Revenge of the Sith was the clear best of the trilogy, despite still actually being bad.


    I don't understand how some people (I know) can say things like Daredevil are shit and then not want to kill themselves when Phantom Menace is mentioned.


    I love General Greivous' concept, but which he wasn't done shitly. (this could be applied to every character in the prequels though tbf)


    ANYWAY. It's not meant to be a purely negative thread - I'm looking foward to seeing the original trilogy again shortly!



  10. I have no nostalgia for Star Wars (either trilogy) - The Phantom Menace is just a cinematic abortion.


    At least Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (which I'm watching now, and remember preferring anyway) have interesting/entertaning things happening action-wise to counter the "written-in-a-day script" and what must surely be an ensemble cast of the world's worst acting.

  11. My heart can't function while this song is on. I can't think straight. I wince. My face contorts. I can breathe, but I become so aware of my breathing.


    Brain-melting. UGH @ people thinking charty dubstep stuff is good compared to this. UGH. My life. Oh life. [/desree]. TURN THE BASS UP YOU CUNTS



    I finally *heard* it properly for the first time just now, and as it ended I genuinely said "Fuck me" with a cracked voice, clutching my metaphorical pearls in shock and fear. She has too many clicks of quake. [/Chair/Rez reference]


    I'm drunk, but it feels like this is the sound of the attack of the clones, the rise of gaia's armies.



    hey cunts hey!

  12. everyone in.



    everyone out.


    Björk's new album is finally out. Come on over 4 years since her last. I remember being in Sainsbury's and getting it. I was not yet the mega-fan I'd become. So many mems. Ugh.


    I'm ready. Come on Thunderbolt.

  13. At DJ Society (hey gurl hey I'm'a learn to spin yo) tonight my ear piercing started bleeding. Kept spotting/bleeding lightly for about an hour after that, and so i just kinda lightly held tissue to it until it stopped. Just been cleaning it as I would normally (with extra effort), and had to pick off the congealed blood, but it's left a black sheen of dried blood on the silver stud. I feel shitty. Apparently new piercings bleed all the time? I'm not worried or anything, it just looks manky. And I HATE how much I've HAD to touch it despite being told not to.

  14. I just watched first half hour of The Phantom Menace. Haven't seen it since 1999, when it came out and I don't remember my opinion as an 8-year old.


    This is absolute SHIT. One of the worst things I've ever seen. My LORD. There is not one redeeming feature so far, and I roughly know the rest. I'm gonna read a synopsis and skip to Attack of the Clones.


    But my god, this is SRSLY awful, a crime against cinema. I finally turned it off at the scene where the children tease/talk to Anakin about his pod. The EDITING/SOUND EFFECTS. THE ACTING. THE DIALOGUE.


    I want to burn.

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