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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I didn't like it. It was very good as a film though.


    I just wasn't engaged with it, kept missing bits unintentionally, as it kept layering on information without explanation (fair enough), but for some reason I just wasn't picking it up.


    Not the film's fault though, it was a completely solid *thing*. Just me at the time/my preference.


    It didn't pander to the audience as the majority of 'similar' films end up doing to some extent, but I wonder if it was almost too obtuse? Though I got the *point*, I still felt like I was being rushed along the story, only picking up bits and bobs as it speeds by. Despite being a very slow-paced film.


    It was good though, of course. I just didn't enjoy it.

  2. Supergirl had nice art, though not much happened. Not bad though, and I'm interested (sorta) to see what happens next/it's obvious.


    It's just a shame they keep having to reinvent Supergirl every 5-10 years. But yeah, good.


    Red Hood & The Outlaws was fine, nothing really. Not sure how I feel about Starfire. Not really bothered about this one.


    Nightwing was enjoyable.


    I have Batman, Birds of Prey (dunno why I bought it, but was in the mood. Should have got Catwoman instead probably.) and Wonder Woman on the way in the post. It's from FP though, and I haven't got a shipping e-mail so I'm sure it'll be years before I see them. :/

  3. I would have bought it but the cheesecake cover put me off.


    I enjoyed it, wasn't bad at all. The art is technically GORGEOUS, certainly one of the best looking new 52 books. Sure it flashes boobs ALL THE TIME but it's done tastefully/their bodies are in proportion/there's a range of female body-types represented. It's worth a read.

  4. Schism is great! Proper dramatic issue this time - he' got both of their voices nailed.


    Holy extended foreplay/sex scene in Catwoman 1! Has there ever been such an 'explicit' sex scene involving Batman? Is the last page meant to be them actually having sex? It could be/makes sense with the captions and their poses.

  5. The only experience I have with the topic personally is second hand. My mum (and aunt) went to visit one just cause/they were somewhere and seemed like fun, when I was about 3-4 or something. My mum consciously went in without her wedding ring on, all like "Alright bitch, let's see what you come up with."


    The woman told her I had gromits in my ears (which I did, and my mum was like "How'd she know that...?"), and that one had fallen out. My mum said "Eh, no. Anyway". Then the woman said the image of a car parked under a street light was prominent. My dad always parked under the same streetlamp, but obviously thats not very specific. Then she informed my mum the lost car key was under a cushion on the sofa. She didn't think the key had been lost, but when she got home my dad had lost it and it was under the cushion.


    The psychic said I'd "be at the bar" referring to law, but that has never happened or been an interest of mine really.


    She told my aunt that she "saw red dust all around her", and my aunt had in fact just come back from Africa, and as a person is very ingrained in Africa (her son is half Afrikaans/South African). When I talked to my aunt about what else they talked about, she just went a bit quiet and said she was really accurate about relationships in her life or something.


    So assuming my mum/aunt aren't lying, I wonder/am intrigued. Maybe knowing about that experience all my life never made me as disgusted by the sortof....less preachy psychics. The ones like that Popoff guy are sick, but this woman just had her little business in Edinburgh, minding her own. I dunno what to think. Doesn't make me BELIEVE in her POWERS, but I'm left clueless.

  6. As 'annoying' as it may/will inevitably be to people being mentioned, I think it should be allowed to be mentioned (i.e @'d) whenever your name comes up in the thread. It would jarr people/me back into action. Possibly.


    I'm a notoriously bad mafia player though when I'm not instantly hooked or vaguely busy (in this case). I don't know why people even ask me to be in their games. :p


    (this sounds like a I'm shifting the blame onto people for not doing so - I'm not - rather trying to think of suitable ways for getting me and others more active in the future. )


    P.S I don't think Chair has internet or something.

  7. Cinema/film is also an artform. I don't see games as one (yet).


    There're pretty games, interesting visually and how they tell a story, but it's only ever really relative to other games, surely? I fail to see how a game could replicate the experience and artistry of, say, Blue Valentine. Because it doesn't translate into a game. It's meant to reflect back at us, and we're left with a mix of emotions/feelings, maybe thinking about our own lives. It's passive for a reason.


    You're probably talking money though/industry terms.

  8. People who criticise Sucker Punch don't deserve to have seen it.


    It's not very good.


    If it had more of a sense of knowing about it, or was just more camp or just fun, then we could talk.


    I'm all for stylised/glossy rubbish, mediocre or bad films that have a style that makes them stunning in that respect. Like, Batman and Robin is an amazing film when you start to accept the world it's set in and everything that happens. It's hilare./stunn'.


    It's just like...don't make a bad film that takes itself seriously, plz.


    God I hope Man of Steel is good. I have a feeling it will be (not on Nolan's Batman level though).

  9. My favourite.


    I just love Lisa Williams. And the 'break' referred to at the start is when she randomly goes to a card shop and stops someone to dredge up really sad memories and ruin their day.


    I forgot how stunned I am by her hair too.


    "I thought I was going to fall on the floor." *expressionless*

  10. I've always been fascinated by it/the concept. I think it can be disgusting (that Popoff guy) or fairly inoffensive (as the article notes near the end).


    Last summer was ALL about Lisa Williams. I love her show (just for the jokes. Her body shape. The fact she's british in California. Her hat/s.). She was 'good' too, at being 'psychic'.

  11. Nice work people.


    Paj, you should draw Angstrom Levy because I'd like to see that.[/The Joker]


    He's kinda uninteresting to draw, when I think about the idea. :hmm:


    Some characters I love to draw, some I cannae be aersed.


    I love drawing Wonder Woman. I always end up drawing Catwoman, or Power Girl, or Supergirl if I'm just doodling.

  12. Thank You all for the messages of great support! I really appreciated them.


    I haven't been around N-E as often as I used to be. So I haven't really been keeping things updated. You know, blabbering on about shit. Things have, of course, been terrific. After that message I wrote here I had an hour phone call with my sister. My soul felt light and I went downstairs to the enigmatic housemates, for the laugh. Had another 'movie-moment'. I arrive into a room...coffee mug in hand, I look around and don't recognize a soul. Everyone's talking and chatting together (enjoying life.) while I stand, awkwardly. Suddenly someone calls my name -- it's a woman I'd introduced myself to previously. I sigh with relief and begin to talk to everyone. That scene'll be recreated with Julia Robberts playing me.


    Since then -- basically just getting to know everyone. I've encountered people from 4 corners of the globe. My favorite Canadian who exchanges whiskey with me, my favorite Chinese who is terribly shy but obviously a superwoman, my favorite French -- We drink and blabber in French with tobacco smoke encircling us. Just happened to bump into @EddieColeslaw and @heroicjanitor on my travels. Which was a blast. I still get to return home at weekends so I can see all the besties at home.



    I plan on visiting some museums etc. in the city this week.

    College life is enticing me.


    You went to win, to fight, to conquer, to fly.



  13. Here's one I started for the same forum thing, but then found out someone has already done the same character. Done more than these two, but this is my fave. Mainly cause it still has the pencil in there, and isn't coloured (badly).



    Man-Bat from Batman.



    My 2 favourite things in life are 'goat/devil legs' and 'dinosaur' feet. Bats as far as I know have no connection to these sorts of legs, but I'm stunned by them and they felt fitting.

  14. Laura Marling is the best young artist in the UK.


    Fuck Adele when talking about young artists who seems wise beyond their years. Adele's done. Done in. Seriously. So bored of Adele. And like...Ed Sheeran. Go away. Not interested in you or your shitty drugangel song. /I'll listen to your album to give you a fair chance. But grudgingly.

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