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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. You're trying to look for meaning into something which is just rubbish. It wasn't a brilliant move, because no one liked it. It didn't shock people because it was good, or broke new ground or achieved something, it shocked everyone because it was crap.


    You're obviously one of her uber fans that see nothing wrong in anything she does. The whole album was a bit of a miss compared to her earlier material as it felt highly derivative of what she had done before and somewhat of an uninspired retread of previous material rather than a genuine musical evolution and furtherment of her 'brand'.


    EDIT: It doesn't actually look anything like any metal/rock album covr I've ever seen, and I've got a lot of metal/rock albums.


    The whole theme of that album cover is based around the name 'Born this Way'. The artwork itself is based around the bike, a classic American icon of freedom and rebellion - see films like Easy Rider for inspiration on that one. The merging of her image with that of the bike is to suggest she is the trying to associate herself with a classic image of freedom, independance and rebellion whilst at the same time modernising it and associating it with the theme of being 'born this way', in essence that she was born a rebel and born a free spirit and now she too is a symbol of freedom and independance for young people as once was that type of bike to the rebels of years ago.


    The problem is, it looks crap and comes off as cheesy and cheap rather than inspired or inspirational. Rather than a piece of timeless art and clever design it just looks like a bad photoshop effort - which is essentially what it is.


    I actually backspaced a disclaimer in my original post saying I hate defending her when I can't be bothered and because I'm not one of her uber fans.


    Ok, yeah, when I said it was a satire of rock albums, I was just spouting a form of what I've read/know/blah america/americana/shit you mentioned is more accurate, but whatever. That was bad description on my part.


    The image was chosen on purpose. It's aesthetically a bit shit in term of being attractive art, but then the lulz behind it is more of a thing to have anyway. She can get away with anything visually. she can have the virgin mary giving birth to a cow on an album cover because she's Lady Gaga, but it's more of a joke having a really iffy transformer of yourself. Her image is everything - sure her pop songs are good and she is talented, but it's the image that's garnered more attention. She knew what she was doing by having a cheesy, cheap-looking album cover - it's not trying to look good, either. It's not like those fail album covers that try and make the star look attractive or thoughtful but just look cringe-worthy. This one is SO cringe-worthy it's hilarious/'amazing'. It comes full-circle.


    I don't think it's meant to be timeless in any case.


    As for your critique of the album as a 'miss' (!!!?) compared to her past music (Money Honey, Beautiful Dirty Rich, Eh Eh... vs. Judas, Scheiße, Heavy Metal Lover...my lord!), as it's clearly just a personal preference.


    I think I came across as more of an uberfan than I intended.


    It's just like...*shrug*. The album speaks for itself as being really good compared to her first album, so why not have a lolocycle on the front? Because 'everyone' READS INTO everything she does as high art or groundbreaking, having this really random/bad image suddenly makes everyone need to read into it. I'm doing it now. :p


    You can just tell she's lolling to herself that her best/most important album that has been bought by millions has THAT as the cover. She can have a joke, so why not? She didn't need to have her tits out or to even try and look like...anything and the shit would sell. Lolling all the way to the bank.

  2. Er, I don't think it's a joke, it's just bad artwork. People don't make their album art a 'joke'. They sometimes to try to be clever, artistic or even controversial, but I don't think Gaga's album art is her 'having a laugh at shitty metal album covers', it's just bad.


    Eeyyyeaaaaah no it is a joke/satire. It's Lady GaGa, there's no one more aware of what she's doing/using/reappropriating visually in the industry at the moment. It's a brilliant move on her part as doing something that actually 'shocked' people - people who have seen everything before. Make it a big lol/not aesthetically pleasing, rather than aiming for any high art meaning or to look more beautiful or more grotesque blah blah. It's her photoshopped into half a motorbike.


    I don't like the image aesthetically either, but it is what it is.

  3. We Found Love from her upcoming 6th album (!), Talk the Talk, is out/about to be out.


    I enjoy. It's very much a 'here's a dance beat with some words on top', but nice enough. I love how it feels like she's singing through a tunnel or something. Sounds strange.


    I hope the whole album isn't just like this though.


    No YT links, but it's on Spotify now.

  4. It's such a joke thing though. Actually doing something visual that is different to the rest. I used to hate it, now I accept/appreciate it. It's clearly a joke at the expense of shitty metal/rock album cover, or the imagery and cliches associated with them.


    I still use the deluxe edition album artwork on itunes though.


    That seems like a bad art student trying to hammer a metaphor into my fragile brain.


    You can tell she's actually quite a bad visual artist.

  5. Nudie_jean_jacket-thumb-430x336-86002.jpg


    Not that one ^ but a denim jacket from H&M - £23. Got a random free £5 voucher too, loved life.


    Fruitless eye test - £12.50





    And spent like 20 minutes in Topman thinking/considering things before leaving with nothing. I don't understand catering to XXS but not to M. Like...get out of my life skinny bitches. Open a Children's Topman or something. / it may have just been that garment.

  6. Photoon2011-10-07at17132.jpg


    Got 'mself piers'd. For the first time.


    Loved the feeling. I feel great. I love how it took like a minute between entering the shop and it being done. Come on quick. The woman was a joke too, like telling me her abridged life story (to, I assume, keep my mind of the ordeal, not that there was one. She may have been playing it safe and someone had just fainted after having a piercing (non-ear) as we arrived).

  7. Seen that image before. Weird how RED the bat family is this time. Not sure I like it, but I'm over it. Nightwing just feels like he may as well be blue to balance out the colours more.


    (Technically the Birds of Prey and Catwoman could be included too, if we were basing things on what titles fall under what umbrella. However loose the connection.)


    Read Detective Comics 2. Eh.


    Invincible was good, obviously. Bit slow.


    Schism 5 was good/ended things well.

  8. YAY I WON!



    OBVIOUSLY not really, as I admit I didn't play. People shouldn't invite me to play, I rarely do (and especially this time when I was just starting uni again). I can't be trusted!


    Well done Jonnas for actually being my role.

  9. Everything just becomes too draggy and 'not emo but you know what I mean' with them. It's fine, I used to love the feeling/idea of thumbholes, so I talk from experience.


    Baggy things have to be offset otherwise one's presence is one big bag of drag. IMO.


    Baggy + Sharp is fine. There needs to be the two mixed in there somewhere or else it's all.


    [ /morefashiontips.don'tyoudareaskifI'mqualifiedtogivethemout ]

  10. Saw it.


    Was stunned.


    Makes Antichrist (the film previous in this latest 'stylistic trilogy' of von Trier's) seem really superficial and just out for shocks, in comparison. This had so much bubbling underneath. Felt like a dream. I felt empty at the end, as with most of his films.


    Charlotte Gainsbourg <3


    Kirsten Dunst <3


    I love how she just didn't give a shit.

  11. Yeah, it varies from origin to origin and artist to artist, but they try and tie the S shield in to his own history. I think at one point they even said it was connected to the Kent family too, like a symbol with a surved snake (that looks like the S shield) was the mark of some outlaw in the Kent family history.


    I'm happy with having his costume be pure armour and not a 'superhero' outfit.

  12. I try and look stunning, but rarely do. I realised that I don't have enough normal clothes - everything is unique and carries it's own weight, which is really annoying. Like a yellow hoodie adds sometimes, but when you have pink hair all you want in life is a grey hoodie.


    It's fine now I'm not fat (relatively) anymore though, since I can finally embrace looking nice without trying to hard.


    Also, shitty trend brands adopted by teenagers and people who care too much can bern. Like Superdry and whatever the next one after that will be.

  13. Ugh. Seeing it tomorrow, finally. I've waited MONTHS. Staring at me this very moment is the advert for it ripped from the latest total film.


    So ready. Making a journey into central london to see it too, as Kingston is disgusting. / They do show some joke films, but only old joke films.

  14. Oh well 'wordy' to me brings to mind tonnes of awful yellow boxes and needless thought bubbles. Sorry. Not just things that have slightly more words than the current average. :)


    Fair enough. I didn't have an opinion of him as a person while reading the book, he is who he is, I didn't find myself looking up to him or anything, nor being bothered. He's probably right in a lot of the 'it stemmed from my ideas' to a certain degree. He is one of the most important and influential comic book writer of the last 2 decades. I'm over it if he's lying/taking too much credit. *shrug*


    You should read one of his acclaimed runs though. (this will be a disclaimer on any post I make to anyone who hasn't from now on :D) Other than B+R.


    [i still don't understand the opinion that AC was lame after one issue released, amongst a heap of absolute shit that came out the same month under the same umbrella, but it's fine. I wasn't stunned by it.]

  15. I still feel you should actually read his prolonged comic runs though. Since that's like...his best work...everyone knows...reading Supergods before his own work is a bit random.


    ALSO Comics being wordy is often a sign of shiteness. Like Chris Claremont. An outdated writing style. However old George Perez is, he wasn't shit in Superman, which was nice. I assumed I'd be dealing with old-fashioned shit exposition, but I didn't. I actually like all I've read from him. He's relatively succinct for an old writer.


    Superman #1 - Excellent. Felt like a pretty full story for a single issue, too. Great stuff. Better than the super clumsy Action Comics.


    Wait like 3 more issues and see how both series are then. :awesome:


    I enjoyed Superman as I felt like I was getting so much at once, but it was really incredibly standard.

  17. The idea of being underground is less fun. Chair and I spoke about this the other day...the stuffiness and heat and urghness is a horrible thought.


    Obviously they would try to make it habitable with aircon systems and stuff but I'm in no mood.


    It is however, a good idea. Sort of.


    What if there's an earthquake?

  18. yeah i just have to do this for a while, this might actually be the last one I'm required to do, I can't be bothered checking as I'm really comfortable in the position I'm in (IRL) / or rather it would be uncomfortble to move to check my PM's now.


    Listening to Iggy Pop and loving life. Yes.



    Nothing else to say. Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.Nothing else to say.

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