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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. Yeah, need to get round to All-Star Superman. I dunno, after reading Supergods I can't escape the vibe that he talks a lot of shit, but every now and again he comes up with a gem.


    You should probably read some of the work that best reflects what he's talking about in Supergods (I'm reading it atm too, 3/4 through).


    By that I'd be talking about Animal Man, Doom Patrol, (Invisibles), his extended Batman run (though that's not my favourite thing he's ever done, it's unique), New X-Men...


    Just read one of his long storylines. Or just read Flex Mentallo actually. 4 issues. Done. The most *stunned* Ive ever been by a comic. Bestfavourite writer, bestfavourite artist. Yes. I died.


    ANYWAY. Please continue.

  2. I don't understand when comics dont have 'previously' pages. So so stupid. Like...why not? Marvel makes the most effort with this, and often has little bios/team rosters on the same page. Like in X-Men.


    Things like Invincible, which are great but don't have the iconic status that keeps things like Spidey/X-Men/Batman afloat, should really have previously pages/a little summary thing. So stupid.

  3. Yeah but that's where internet communities of people come in, to tell you what to read, and what to avoid. :) It's easy.


    I asked the very question, and read the main series and the Batman one (which is inessential to the main storyline), finding them fine/good, and the Wonder Woman one, which was crap. Done.

  4. Not much.


    Arkham Asylum. Awesome.

    The Invisibles. Dull.

    Batman Inc. Some good, some bad.


    Read more.


    Read All-Star Superman. You have no excuse. It's 12 issues entirely self-contained.


    Then...I don't know. Any other runs of his. Not The Filth, if you found Invisibles dull. Animal Man. Just dü it. I don't believe you've reached your Morrison capacity yet.


    And his Batman and Robin is > Batman Inc.

  5. I wish that was official.


    It was just some weird Superman storyline that was a tie in to Final Crisis. I dont think its particularly well thought of but that'd be because its associated with the mess that was Final Crisis.



    I feel like...you have no time for things like it. Or actually just that if you know what the Plan that runs through all his work, you deal with Final Crisis. There's references and characters/events from his Animal Man run in there for example.


    He talked about it very well when I went to see him the other day. It's about the unravelling of fiction blah etc I'm over it.

  6. Oh. I read the first issue of that then never went back. It had at-first-seemingly interesting art, but I was unswayed. That entire storyline/event was pointless except for the iconic Storm & Gambit one-shot (drawn by Chris Bachalo) where they just *deal* with life so well.


    The only ramifications of the entire story is that Jubilee is now back and is a vampire.

  7. You should read Uncanny X-Force when the time arises, it's so much more. Since X-23, Warpath et all are such chaff when it comes to it. Fantomex, Psylocke and Deadpool are infinite.



    Fuck everyone.

    (I love Psylocke's hair)

  8. So read Flashpoint 1-4, and all of the Batman and WW tie-ins. The WW series was purely functional, and really a complete non-event art-wise and writing-wise. It was nothing.


    The Batman one was excellent. I didn't realise it was by Azzarello and Risso, whose collaborative work on Batman I've enjoyed before. Well written, and a genuine shock/horror moment, which is usually a sign of something being effective.


    @Daft, if you liked this, check out the Broken City story the two did on Batman in the early 2000's.


    Andy Kubert is always a pleasure to see doing art. Flashpoint is enjoyable if not particularly mind-blowing. They've condensed a lot into a small timeframe, but decently. I love Element Woman and am glad it looks like she's coming back for more in the nuDC. Though there was already an Element Woman in DC before. Possibly a Vertigo character? Think she was a depressive and killed herself.




    Yeah. She was the female version of Metamorpho that was so forgotten about she only made one appearance after the 60's in Neil Gaiman's Sandman, where Death comes for her or something. I should really read Sandman.





    The woman is slashed across the face by green energy, produced by another. She’s roughly shoved to the floor and knocked unconscious by another energy blow. She wouldn’t be doing anything tonight. The attacker smugly click-clacked away.




    The leather-clad woman sees what she thinks is her target down the hallway. After assessing the situation she slinks away. The person she was looking at sees the reflection of the woman behind her in the computer screen, but too late for her to make a counterattack. Punched square in the face she falls to the ground.


    She looks up, only to meet a face full of gunfire.




    Jonnas is dead. He was Sage, the power-boosting, computer-minded X-Woman.







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    The Peeps









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    DAY 8 please

  10. I've been looking for this remix for probs a year. It was on some random video I cam across on youtube of like a fashion show or something, and could never find out which mix they used in the background. Ripped it off the yt vid as a last resort, only to stumble upon this last night completely by chance. FINALLY. It's so good.


    I dun wanna be alown whur us muh maaaahhnn.

  11. Yeah I'd rather see modern stuff.


    Falcon could be cool. From what I know of their relationship (having never actually read comics about it) it was an attempt to pair two heroes together to havep political/social commentary-tinged adventures, in the vein of DC's Green Lantern/Green Arrow series. Like Cap having to look at a different side of America in Harlem blah. That kinda idea could be brought into modern times I think, but would take a lot of careful writing and planning.

  12. My family are very close, I was raised with several aunts and uncles being a huge part of my life, and same with my (2) cousins.


    Maybe cause my family relatively small it's easier to all stay familial and havegood relationships.


    I have a very close relationship with my mum and sister too.


    Don't really have family gatherings as a *thing* since we just have dinner/meet-up as a when. Less now as people have moved for work and stuff, but ya.

  13. Got a few trades out the library.


    Reading Wolverine: First Class, a combination of rewritten/repenciled stories and the original Chris Claremont late 70s Uncanny X-Men after Jean died (which I assume was compiled to go alongside the Wolverine movie). I kinda love. It's been solid/good/fine/jokes so far -- I love Siryn's and Shadowcat's feud thing over Colossus. Hey 13 years old. Hey Soviet Super Soldiers. Hey Darkstar.

    And the original comics are surprisingly engaging. Of course, totally different style with a complete lack of subtlety, but I actually enjoy more than a shit modern day comic (see Green Lantern).


    Also got Green Arrow & Black Canary, Namor and X-Force to read. And of course Maus, but that's more of a commitment, so I'll get round to that eventually.


    Though Chris Claremont's writing is crap now and doesn't work nowadays (the medium has moved on to just plain BETTER writing), his classic X-Men is very good, plot-wise and is just solid without having chaff. After too many issues in quick succession you get sick of the constant exposition and characters explaining to themselves and/or others how their powers work for the milionth time, though.

  14. Sorry for long day phase, I'm looking after people and haven't had much time on the computer. Night phase may be longer too!


    A blast ripped through the room, slamming into the woman and knocking her fatally into the wall. Her crumpled body lay motionless.


    mr-paul has been killed. He was Psylocke, the telepathic ninja X-Woman.






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    The Peeps










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  15. I can't help but feel like the quite substantial period of time he was a 'hero' on the X-Men has been sortof brushed over - his characterisation in Thinderbolts - while obviously not EVIL - doesn't feel like the same character. I can't remember how his X-Men tenure ended...was he sucked into Xorn's head? What happened after that?

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