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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. I genuinely lol'd at the last Waters of the World one. Just the last comment about the transport. I feel awful. The rest was average comedy rainbow (i.e I didn't find it funny).


    Why was there no 't' at the end of 'Pas'?

  2. In the middle of every answer you give, stop and tell them about the awesome new single by *insert vaguely popular current artist*. See how they fucking like it.


    "It's called Spotify Premium. "




    "Pay the price or deal with it, sir."

  3. Yeah...while many people on CBR seem to think this era has been shit while praising the Claremont era etc, which I disagree with as I can't stand Claremont's writing/scripting, I understand what they mean from a story/plot standpoint. I look foward to X-Men going back to more 'adventure' based plots. Though they'd argue Astonishing and adjectiveless is that now, but to me they basically just seem like completely irrelevant titles.


    The shrinkening of the mutant race has meant most of the threats have been human or thereabouts. Which is interesting, but I'm over it now. I understand why they didn't want to keep Morrison's mutant boom intact (where there were millions and millions of mutants in the world as opposed to the sortof..estimated <1million there was assumed to be before then), as it actually makes mutant and human coexist, but they could have run with it a b it more before retconning it. However much I love Morrison though, I do understand the retcons/changes to the mutant population and Magneto/Xorn, as good things have come out of it.

  4. Oh I'm stunned. That would make sense. This team feels so evil/rogueish already. Some people are saying it's Magick with her soulsword to the right of Emma, but I see a jacket and it looks like it might be Gambit. But then I see the end of a plait/d too and it might be Moonstar.


    Even so, either are always betraying the X-Men. This team is nasty.

  5. 1312812507.jpg


    Well we knew Emma would lead the new Uncanny X-Men team, but interesting blacked out ones. Magneto (obviously), and what looks to be Juggernaut. Interesting. I haven't been following Fear Itself so I dunno what's gonna happen to him apart from what's going on currently in Uncanny. To the left looks a bit weird. Might be Danger. STRANGE team if so.

  6. Excluding Someone Like You, What's My Name is by far the best No.1 this year.


    Rihanna is brilliant, and doesn't give a shit. There's no false pretences to her. She just is.


    Also it reminds me so much of like...November/December/January last year. Aural pleasure.

  7. Many many songs have the exact same thematic content, but she just can't pull it off. I was going to say 'she can't sell it', but evidently, she (or someone else) can...


    (It's bad in other ways too obvs.)

  8. Yeah, really annoying. Just seems like a massive waste of a character to have built her up (and she has a solid fan/cult following it seems) and then just toss her aside. I guess they REALLY wanted Babs as Batgirl, and with Batwoman and Catwoman getting titles too, a foruth female Bat-character might've seemed too much. :/


    I also liked how it seemed to be in 'Seasons' too. Was it not 'Batgirl Rising', 'The Flood' and 'The Lesson'? I liked that touch.



    The woman walked the hallways. She was struck by the urge to kill, as armour materialised around her.








    The woman received a power boost, and mentally grabs hold of two minds, sending them both to the new target she assigned them. One target remained where they were, however.


    Someone observed from afar. They were touched.




    The armoured woman nimbly crossed the station. She saw the watcher, and had a feeling she was meant to..see her..tonight? Never mind. Her new target was emblazoned across her brain, and she saw her near the weapons room.

    Someone was about to stop her, but once more was prevented from doing so.


    The armoured woman charged at such speed that her target, even with her heightened awareness, wouldn’t have time to react. But…


    ‘Yeeeeeeeehaaaaaa!’ cried the person who just whisked the target out harms way, and safely far, far away.


    The armoured woman screamed with rage, before collapsing and her armour disappearing once more.




    People look out a window on the ship. Earth glows orange.


    Earth is dead. It was a planet bent on tearing itself apart. It deserved to be judged. It--


    --She is here.


    A portion of the ship is ripped off, and everyone begins to fly towards the gaping hole. But it is quickly reassembled telkinetically.

    'Here I Am - It Won't Be Long Now Soon You Will Be Whole Complete And Life Will Begin Again' the creature said with a comforting smile, before flying elsewhere in the ship.

    Two glistening objects appear and speed away also. One lands in the showers, one lands in the canteen.




    Scanning...Found (15)




    The Peeps













    Scanning...Unavailable (3)





    Majority is 8


    Start the fifth day.

  10. Gonna read that in a bit. ^


    I spent the last few days catching up with Bryan Q Miller's Batgirl, finally on the latest issue now. I absolutely love this series - same kinda love I have/had for Ultimate Spidey and stuff, but maybe even more? Written so well, and has made me laugh out loud a tonne of times. I love the dialogue, and general 'yes'-ness. Like in the latest one when you see Harmony's speech bubble going 'Is that ALL you got?!', but then the next panel is her going 'Yeah...I'm done.' and just not bothering to try and fight, since realistically, she'd lose against the greats.


    I'll miss this series. :( I'm looking foward to the new Batgirl, but it's such a shame to lose this character too. She was being so well developed, and it was just a funny little book that really delivered as a comic each issue. The 'modernity' or whatever of the writing was tempered with old-fashioned action, and it was always paced excellently - it makes you wonder how much can actually be crammed into a comic book these day, but isn't, to draw storylines out.


    Her relationship with Damian. :bowdown:


    I love the one where she just has to deal with Klarion taking her to Limbo town. Come on Queen of wearing a bonnet.


    And just generally how she's great, but still quite bad. Remembering she was the terrible Spoiler, but is actually qualified these days.


    Be a massive shame to see it go. :( At least it seems to be 'concluding' purposefully. I wonder what the actual ending to the series will be.



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