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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. (Yes. Hunchback of Notre Dame. WTF. I love. So powerful. Come on religious persecution. Not even shying away from. I watched a few months ago and it's brilliant. So dark. Hellfire. Yes mm yes.)

  2. I'm screaming. I JUST put on Part of Your World from Little Mermaid after rewatching it yesterday/the fact it is my -childhood- movie, and came to N-E with the intention of making a Disney thread. Or rather Disney music thread, but same thing.


    Little Mermaid is surely one of Disney's musical triumphs. Along with Lion King et al. But few reach the euphoric heights. Every song is orgasmic.


    I could sing along perfectly to Part of your World and Poor Unfortunate Souls. Respect Me.


    The REPRISE. (I even made the wave sounds) Goosebumps. Everything. Life.


    And the little melody she sings as her voice is stolen. So ingrained in my memory.


    One of the few Disney films where the 'sidekicks' weren't annoying. Sebastian and Scuttle made me lol even now. Flounder is the least, but Ariel needs a friend, so you deal.


    I'm listening to the soundtrack on Spotify right now. <3


    I love Disney. Been to Disneyworld in Florida 6 times but am still desperate to go again.

  3. Send me a copy when its all done, id like to burn it


    You can run the letters page, being really rude to everyone who writes in (or nice if they hate it too), and being really harsh about the writing and art each issue. It'll be a team effort.

  4. I'm so dubious about Ant-man as a film concept. I just don't understand why they'd choose that over all the others. He's one of the Avengers who really wouldn't need a film and could just be introduced in an Avengers sequel.

  5. [off-topic] I need to write a comic about a character who exists through/can live through/gains some sort of powers through internet gifs. Or something. They are a living animated gif. It will be called Stunning, naturally. I'll need select issues illustrated by people from here. An arc by Hamishmash. And arc by Eenuh. An arc by ReZ. The most important/final arc by Chair (yes). [/off-topc]

  6. I didn't realise it was a spoiler as I don't know much about super hero comics. I thought plots were announced like weeks in advice like with soaps.


    Nah not really. Vague details of the 'arcs' are announced in the solicitations in advance, but major plot details and intricacies are kept schtum. They might tease 'who will die' or 'someone will die', 'who wil betray' blah blah but that's just hyping rather than laying it all out.


    Though the comic companies are sending anything vaguely controversial to press these days to gain attention from the people who really don't give a shit or shouldn't even comment on the matter (as you've seen with this Spidey thing). Same when Batman 'died', same when Captain America 'died'. Just marketing.

  7. You mean Blu-ray?


    Anyway, it's just referring to a couple of Agent Coleson shorts that will only be on the BluRay version.


    Yeah sorry. Oh ok.


    Well that's fine, they'll be on the net anyway.

  8. 'Available exclusively on Blu-Ray September 13 - THOR'


    Oh my. Is this the end of DVD? I'm so unprepared.


    I really want them to address the point that Cap and Human Torch are weird clones of each other at some point.


    It's fine cause they look slightly different to each other (6 years later, bigger build) and totally different characters. Plus, as jokes as the FF films are, I'd rather they just make a new, definitive one under the Marvel Studios banner. With a real Sue Storm, just based on the first/first 2/3/the second and third (since I'm over Mole Man when Doom and Annihilus are more pressing) arcs of Ultimate Fantastic Four. Done.

  9. Ok. I agree with ReZ though.


    It was on the second page of the Metro this morning. It was unavoidable. It's effectively the same as reading the issue and finding out, the issue is out now/in a few days isn't it? Not quite the same as finding out plot elements of films months and months in advance. Plus it's just a fill-in comic to the next 'relaunch'. Whatevs. Yes it was a spoiler of sorts bleurgh.

  10. In the last canon origin (and the actually pretty good animated movie) it's because she wears the flag of the pilot who crashes on Themyscrya, and then when finally goes on her mission to man's world, it's to America. I can't remember if...it's for any reason or not, though...


    Actually that just might be in the movie. I remember in the 80's redo of her origin, she comes to the US without being able to speak english (makes sense) and in a toga/thing. So I guess she just decided to wear the flag after living in the US for a while.


    But yes, I agree. And I think Frank Millar's Wonder Woman captures a little of that too (if they wanted her to still look superhero-y and not too like she's in 300). Her character is much more defined though, mission-statement wise. As anyone whose read All-Star Batman wil know.


  11. TBF, the very first openly gay superhero, Northstar (from/in Alpha Flight at the time, but a mutant so joined and is in the X-Men) has never had it be a 'defining trait' in the comics. It comes up every now and again, but in positive ways. Same with the other gay characters I can think of.


    And women are represented better than they have been in the past (what a blanket statement...) a little. Obviously it's not the 60's anymore. Virtually all female heroes are portrayed as attractive, but then so are all men. Then there's cases like Hulk, who is obviously such an exaggeration and monsterous version of masculinity it becomes scary/horrific, but then She-Hulk is usually depicted as just a an incredibly sexy female body-builder. She is however often written very well and is considered to be a bit of a statement of owning who she is/female independance/strength as a character...she can transform back to normal appearance but prefers to appear taller and bulkier than most men. That's all fine and dandy, but there's something to be questioned as much as there to be praised in the fact she's a 7ft sex godess, green or not.


    (( I want to investigate all this PC/feminism/etc stuff because there's so many pluses/negatives on either side of every debate. ))


    (( Forgot Mystique, openly in a lesbian (though not that word used at the time) relationship with another woman, an old woman at that, both 'villainess' - but really just activists with extreme views in some cases - , both raising an adopted daughter. Mystique, a mutant with the power to appear as anyone she wishes, literally to blend in, chooses not to because she shouldn't have to. The best character. This was in the 80's too. ))


    Like, is it sexualising and depowering to have Wonder Woman, a superpowerful female ambassador for peace in underwear, when she looks more commanding and authoritative in trousers? But isn't that just our perception of trousers entailing more authority and pants being underwear? 'Wearing the trousers' and all that. Or is it depowering to put her in trousers - are trousers a symbol of male/patriarchal/societal oppression and force, when she could wear pants and be in full control of her sexuality and body? Women have had to cover up for centuries (and still in many places in the world), or they were seen as harlots, whores etc. Is it not more expowering for her to exert her own control of her body? But then women fought to be ABLE to wear trousers, when they had to wear dresses before, at the 'command' of the patriarchy, and thus they were always sexualised by their dress. Is wearing less showing her vulnerability and being sexually suggestive in a submissive way, or is it showng her absolute confidence and dominance? But as a fictional character, she can, and has been/is drawn and depicted as appealing to the average male's sexual fantasies of a woman.



    What is it was reversed? That looks gay. Or like some feminist propaganda or something, maybe. So really it all does come to the perception of things by the general public/most the reader demographic.


    I don't know what to think/where I stand/what to do.

  12. Update JLA covers





    David Finch variant



    Wonder Woman would be better in a skirt now. :hmm:


    Wow. Can't believe they buckled with that one. The trousers were great, really gave her an authoritative feel (make of that what you will no.2)...the pants just, for me, cast her back as 'sexyfemaleheroine'. Ugh.

  13. Yep, really very few black characters of much 'importance' in the two big companies comics atm. Storm, one of the first major black superheroes but also the first black woman to have any role of any importance in comics is barely registering in X-Men atm. Black Panther is the only other black Marvel character who is supposed to be 'important' in universe but I don't think he's doing much either. And Storm is lumped off with him as well. Make of that what you will.


    Oh Luke Cage too I suppose.


    Cyborg is being put into the Justice League (see Happenstance's sig/av) come September, which I think they even said was to get some minority characters into the spotlight but like...why is that a bad thing? I don't get it. When it comes at the cost of a good story, or ruins stories or something yeah, maybe. But it won't hurt the 99% white comic universes.


    Basically this is a good thing. But also it's such a non-thing to have a crazy reaction about.

  14. ...confusing.


    I might one day read the original story. I liked a lot of the adventures Ben had as Spidey, I was sad to see him go. But I liked a lot of 90s Spidey post-Ben too. Until the AWFUL John Byrne/Howard Machie issues (when MJ was 'dead'). Then JMS took over and it shot up in quality, before becoming kinda mediocre again. Then I stopped reading. [/un-asked for history of my Spidey reading]


    I want to read the Operation Zero Tolerance arc/s of X-Men too, I stopped reading in the 90's/00's for that whole arc, for some reason.

  15. Tempted to start getting the Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga Epic trades. Ive only read some of the Clone Saga but despite everyone moaning about it, its one I would like to own.


    Do they include all the Ben Reilly issues? There were tonnes of them. I never read the actual thrust of the Clone Saga, I came in (into comics actually) when Ben was already Spidey.




    My number one anticipation right now is the Image/Millar/Quitely.


    Good, and obviously I would have loved Quitely to have done Planet X, but I already love Jiminez being the 'one who kills Jean Grey'. :awesome:

  17. Spent £250 in the Ralph Lauren shop in Bicester Village yesterday, followed by £100 in Jack Wills. I'm now surrounded by beautiful clothes which I'm free to wear to work, fucking win. Gonna try and claim some of the ralph stuff back on Uniform too.


    While my anti-'those brand clothes' stance has severly lessened in recent months (I even technically own a Jack Wills hoodie - though it was my sisters, but actually a man's hoodie, and I figured it was better to have than to throw out), I still cringe a little when I see people/adults in Jack Wills.


    But you work at Hollister don't you? Makes sense/I understand the wearing of if you're working there.


    Today I bought a jacket/blazer for £40 from TK Maxx. Some designer caller Feraud. Meant to be £250 apparently. It's nice. I need nice clothes that don't make me look fat because they're too big.

  18. Have something X-Men-related now I've moved onto Batman.


    They're my two essentials in life.




    Reading through New X-Men atm, read it through (except the last arc which I've NEVER read, but it's a future thing so I was dealing, even though it told truths) probs about 4 times in full before. God, Igor Kordey's stuff is shit. Like..not in a "I don't like this" way - it's BAD. SUCH a rush job. His BIG pages of a single thing are ok, he's taken his time (like that opening page of an issue where it's Lilandra's drooling face, and that infamous crotchtastic one of 'Auntie Emma' conselling Scott. But his normal panels look poorly drawn, with the colourist having to sometimes finish off lines in costumes with just colour...ugh. Kordey seems to ink his own stuff too on the series, guess Marvel were saving major money with him...bet a different inker could've tidied it up. UGH. Imagine if Quitely could have done it all *dreams*. ALTHOUGH (you all know I'm a Quitely fanboy so this is a big moment) - I'm not sure how epic Planet X would have seemed under his pen. Jiminez I think is probably the perfect artist for that arc, Quitely might not have been as suited (to convey the same feeling). Love Bachalo's bits too obviously.


    [/New X-Men art rant]

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