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Posts posted by Paj!

  1. Tackled the getting on/off the A1 for the first time since I failed my driving test almost a year ago. It was scary since I hate the idea of not being able to stop, but then so easy when you're on it. And I did it repeatedly Until We Felt Red, so it was gr8.


    Drove for hours...like 10.30 till 5pm or something. Lunch break in between obvs.

  2. Well Season 1 and 2 are in the household, my mum's watching them all now, and I watched first episode I think. Might sneak them back to uni with me.

  3. Neela Rasgotra was my fave, despite the fact she always seemed vaguely depressed. I remember the Season...12 (I think) finale was the first TV season finale I was screaming/spinning in my seat/gasping. And I remember phoning chair to discuss it. Or talking on MSN or something.

  4. Banter is awful.


    Crimbo is worse, whoever mentioned that the page back. In a single word, the happy atmosphere is completely erased and visions of gurning old smelly men from a generic part of England* are brought to mind.


    *because I'm Scottish with no concept of English geography.

  5. I am now the proud owner of Grant Morrison's entire New X-Men run (in trades). Combined with the Astonishing X-Men full run (in trades) I have, I possess the most definitive/stunning X-Men stores/stories in general of the last decade.


    Chairdriver has however stolen my Astonishing X-Men and seemingly lost it. *fake smile*


    I can't wait to reread it all again. :)

  6. I don't know if anyone here even uses Final Cut Express but yeah...


    I'm editing a film, and am working with several different sequences. I.e one has one camera's footage, another has the other camera, and then one called 'Rough Work' where I am roughly working out the edit itself. I started the project the other day and created the sequences for the camera footage just by choosing new-sequence- as you do, and plonking the footage in there, with the footage being ok as the setting for these sequences had a frame size of 1080 x 1920, fitting the footage itself. But today, whenever I make a sequence, the settings for the frame size are 720 x 576, and there seems to be no discernable way to SET the frame size in a sequence. I have no idea how to sort this or what's going on, but when I import the footage from a certain camera, it's oversized, and even if I manually scale it (with image and wireframe), it doesn't fit properly.


    I just want to know If one can actually make a sequence how one wants...seems like an obvious thing. The only customisable things in the settings for sequences seem to be codecs and stuff, which I admittedly am fairly clueless about. The sequences that are 1080x1920 and are perfect atm all seem to have Apple Intermediate Codec as their 'compressor', but changing the codecs so far hasn't done much and I just don't really get what's going on.


    Here's the item properties for the sequences that are OK:



    Here's the item properties for the sequences that are wrong and I dunno how to change/make like the OK ones...




    I have a feeling no one will be able to help.

  7. It was always on in my household as my mum loved it, so I knew some of the characters, and I'd periodically watch batches of episodes at a time. Then when I was older I watched the last 3/4 or so seasons in full as they aired. Loved it. :) Not an amazing TV show by any means, but I liked the aesthetic and feel, and some of the characters. Not one I'd bother watching much of again though.

  8. I think I'm gonna start. Maybe get a few back issues or something. Or even just *acquire* a whole load. I can never bring myself to buy the first trade in case I hate it.


    I might eBay the Unfinished Business arc (most recent one).

  9. Went to the comic shop today - they didn't have X-Men Legacy! Filth. It's fine. I bought myself Batman Inc 7, Astonishing 39 and Ultimate X 5 (lol). I need to catch up to Batman Inc by other means though.


    Would have bought Ultimate Fallout 3 if they had 2 in stock. :/

  10. Back here again.


    I need Mystique. She is everything. I hate photo-realism in tattoos since I fear shit-looking things, so I've been looking for tattoo-able images already made (though I will likely make my own alterations).


    This is crying my name.



    Lovely image, I'd change aspects were it to become a tattoo...I might like just the figure, but the Art Nouveau feel is because of the background. Not too bitty or detailed, just solid and colourful. Dunno if I'd have her with guns or not.

  11. I'm going to be in town tomorrow (Well I live in town, but I'd have to get a bus to go get comics) right near the comic shops so will pick up some stuff tomorrow I would normally read in *other ways*. :) Yay. Not actually sure what I need. X-Men Legacy, should have waited for the other X-stuff...not reading adjectiveless X-Men atm, not sure where Astonishing is up to, read Invincible etc etc. Spoiled myself. I do need to catch up on Batman Inc.


    Before I went to uni I was reading Hulk/s and Justice League. And Avengers too, but I got lost with them and haven't bothered to catch up. Well I tried with JL but it fucked up. Not bothered bout Hulk/s but maybe Avengers....has Avengers/New Avengers been any good?

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